Friday, March 13, 2020

We didn’t get here Overnight

Today has historic causation

LONG YEARS of U.S. officials’ piling up debt, dissembling, disestablishing public service, borrowing and printing greenbacks, bribing peoples and nations, diverting the public treasury to aggression on at least four continents (Africa, Asia, Europe and South America) and to makers of war material (Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and ilk)


ONG YEARS of public officials’ shadowy partnering and rabid partisanship foreclosing any chance of cooperative work on behalf of the United States and its people (and more generally on behalf of world health)

LONG YEARS of public officials’ failure to diligently and continuously assess public health and welfare problems and potential problems, and plan ahead in and for a changing world

U.S. leadership (men and women of all kind, kin and affiliation) — instead of seeing, attending to and solving problems and resolving issues — have created and exacerbated global and national problems …


hat we are seeing today is cause and consequence of actions, decisions, priorities taken by a long-entrenched cabal, a criminal plutocracy, a kleptocracy, a presumed aristocracy or elite — in a sense, a disease loosed on the world — who have historically served themselves, pandered to narrow interests, and year in and  year out sent the nation reeling from Crisis to Crisis — as they gave a surround-sound 24/7 made-for-bad-television / theater / film performance of
  • Distraction
  • Divide
  • Blame
By whatever name
  • Remain Tyrannically The Same.
States Scrambling Amidst Crisis



Who: People facing eviction
  • What (at issue): Daily operations of eviction courts in urban counties creating “the kinds of mass gatherings that can spread contagious diseases”
  • When: Wednesday March 12, 2020 “in a hallway with nearly 100 tenants and landlords during the court’s conference day”
  • Where: Alameda County State Superior (Eviction) Court: a mandated mass court room gathering of renters and landlords trying “to settle eviction lawsuits instead of taking them trial.”

    Hayward is the sixth largest city in the Bay Area, the third largest in Alameda County and includes “the San Francisco–Oakland–Fremont Metropolitan Statistical Area” (U.S. Census); its economy in first half and second half of 20th century (until start of 1980s) “was dominated by the now-defunct food canning and salt production industries.”
Held Hostage
Bay Area Legal Aid Attorney Hilda Chan
“Sometimes my clients have to bring their kids to court.”
“Folks are in there with walkers and oxygen tanks.
We’re not given a choice but to show up to a dangerous crowded atmosphere.
It’s dangerous for the court staff and jurors as well.
“The court requires attendance.”
East Bay Community Law Center (nonprofit legal aid group, Oakland)
Housing Director Meghan Gordon
“We are already in a housing crisis. Now we have a housing crisis colliding with a public health crisis.”

Kentucky Supreme Court Chief Justice John D. Minton Jr. signs order postponing civil proceedings and rescheduling of criminal proceedings.

New York
“The New York State court system has halted New York City housing court evictions for at least a week and has instructed those courts not to issue eviction notices when someone fails to appear for a hearing as part of new measures that escalate the system’s response to the coronavirus.”

ew York City March 13, 2020
“Deputy Mayor Vicki Been announced that the New York City Housing Authority had ceased most evictions” and city officials are “‘in discussions with the court system about what we could do’ for tenants with private landlords.”
“Legal intern who worked in Manhattan Family Court was diagnosed with the coronavirus” (state officials); court officials are “reaching out to all lawyers who may have come in contact with the unidentified woman (Family Court Judge Karen Lupuloff to lawyers).
Housing Justice Leader
“People say, well, the best thing you can do is wash your hands. But we don’t have hot water in our public housing.” 
“If you’re immune-compromised” (and) “you’re living in unsafe housing …, it’s really hard for your body … to adequately fight disease.”

ennsylvania March 12, 2020
“Tenants, landlords, and lawyers,” about a dozen people, in an eviction court on Chestnut Street wrangled “over whether people would keep their homes.

Part of the Madison, Wisconsin, Metropolitan Statistical Area, Dane County Small Claims Court cases have been suspended for a month.

f researchers canvassed the 50 U.S. states (not to mention the colonies) — and some work has been done in this regard though ignored by public officials — they would uncover many layers of crises caused by chronic neglect.
U.S. officials have squandered public wealth and threatened societal health while distracting with nonsensical talk of “socialism” and “anti-socialism”, pro- and anti-“abortion” and the “unborn”, and nebulous and ever changing “enemies” while neglecting the pressing basics for all: clean air and water, indoor plumbing, housing, work, livable wages, and workable workplaces.
And, strangely enough, the body politic continues to return to office an ilk of morons who are clearly vested only in themselves and status quo.


Hayward, California,_California

This Week’s News

The Appeal “To Stop the Spread of Coronavirus, California Officials and Attorneys Call for Eviction Bans: Experts say evictions cause a ‘downward spiral’ of health problems for renters, and that housing security is necessary to slow the spread of the pandemic” Darwin Bond Graham March 13, 2020

WFPL “It Was Business As Usual At Louisville’s Courthouse, But Not For Long” Jacob Ryan March 12, 2020

Bloomberg Law “New York City Courts Delay Evictions Because of Outbreak” March 13, 2020,

The City “Courts Offer Chance to Delay Eviction and Other Cases Over Illness” Ese Olumhense and Rachel Holliday Smith, additional reporting Reuven Blau

Inquirer “Amid coronavirus fears, Philadelphia City Council considers pressuring for an end to evictions, foreclosures, utility shutoffs” Jason Laughlin March 12, 2020

Forward Lookout “Dane County Suspends Evictions (Cases) for a Month!” Brenda Konkel - March 12, 2020

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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