Their Color Scares: Red, Black, Red, Yellow
eople wishing to hide, even from themselves, their feelings of
inadequacy, their intellectual laziness and character imperfections and who
pass these weaknesses and paranoia on to
populations over generations are likely to demonize and ingrain
demonization and irrational fear of others (of difference) on basis of
Yellow Scare
The “‘Yellow Peril’ combines racist terror of alien cultures, sexual
anxieties, and the belief that the West will be overpowered and enveloped by
the irresistible, dark, occult forces of the East” [academic Gina Marchetti
referencing “psycho-cultural fears of East Asians ‘rooted in medieval fears of
Genghis Khan and the Mongol invasions of Europe (1236–1291)].
facing “Japanese imperial militarism,” added Japanese people to their “Yellow
Peril” portrait. In the late-19th and early-20th centuries, “literary” and
political worlds took up the disparaging mantra.
- French Orientalist and historian Ernest Renan [1870 meaning “the Russian Empire (1721–1917), a country and nation whom the West perceived as more Asiatic than European] warns “Europeans of ‘Eastern’ danger to the Western world.”
- Russian sociologist Jacques Novikow coins the term “The Yellow Peril” (“Le Péril Jaune,” 1897);
- German Emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II (r. 1888–1918) uses “‘Yellow Peril’ racism to encourage the European empires to invade, conquer, and colonize China” and… misrepresents ‘the Asian victory in the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) as a racialist threat to the white citizens of Western Europe and (misrepresents) China and Japan in alliance to conquer, subjugate, and enslave the Western world.”
romulgating Cultural Hegemony, Hanging on for dear life
Germany’s Kaiser uses Hermann Knackfuss’ “allegorical lithograph
‘Peoples of Europe,’ ‘Guard Your Most Sacred Possessions’ (1895) to reinforce
his delusion of an “imminent race war that would decide global hegemony in the
20th century”; and to communicate this delusion to other European monarchs.
Instead of hand of friendship, Demonizing
Yellow Peril (19th century-originating) “racist and cultural
stereotypes” present (though not exclusively) in environments in which Chinese
workers (people of different skin-color, physiognomy, language and culture) had
immigrated legally into Australia, Canada, United States of America, and New
Zealand displaying a “work ethic” (e.g., “agreeing to work for lower wages than
did local white populations”) that “…inadvertently provoked a racist backlash
against” the Chinese workers.
Rhine to the Pacific
Following the German Kaiser, U.S. popular press adopts “Yellow Peril”
“… to refer not only to the military threat of Japan,” but also to “the growing
tide of immigrants from Asia.”
- California (1870s): “native white working-class demand that the U.S government cease the immigration of ‘filthy yellow hordes’ of Chinese people who took jobs from native-born white-Americans, especially during an economic depression.
- New-York Tribune newspaper editor Horace Greeley: “‘The Chinese are uncivilized, unclean, and filthy beyond all conception, without any of the higher domestic or social relations; lustful and sensual in their dispositions; every female is a prostitute of the basest order.’”
- Los Angeles (California 1871) “Yellow Peril” racism provokes “‘Chinese Massacre”: 500 white men’s lynching of 20 Chinese men in a neighborhood of Chinatown.
- Ireland-native Denis Kearney “Yellow Peril” demagogic leader of California’s Workingmen’s Party (1870s-1880s) declares repeatedly “whatever happens, the Chinese must go!”
Chinese in the United States were blamed for everything from opium
trafficking and Americans’ addiction to subverting America’s “republicanism
from within.”
Crowning the 1800s’ rage in irrationality was “the Chinese Exclusion
Act,” a federal immigration law that remained in force for more than 60 years
Fear of Orient’s “non-white ‘other’”
A manufactured distraction, the
“Yellow Peril” or “Yellow Terror” or “Yellow Spectre” presents “a
color-metaphor that the peoples of East Asia are an existential danger to the
Western world.”
More racial than national, this fear is said to derive “not
from concern with a specific source of danger or from any one country or
people” but rather “from a vaguely ominous, existential fear of the faceless,
nameless horde of yellow people opposite the Western world.”
wentieth in Twenty-first
In his sixtieth film “The Coming War with China,” John Pilger documents
…a “‘century of humiliation’” in which the Chinese people were “depicted as the ‘yellow peril’ in the West” with these racial-stereotypes as the staple of the U.S. film industry;
…an era in which opium trade and colonization were perpetrated by the British and other imperial powers; and
…the U.S. industrial revolution was “funded by huge pools of illegal drug money … from in the biggest market in the world, China.’”
Pilger describes the “Pivot to Asia”
“When the United States, the world’s biggest military power, decided that China, the second largest economic power, was a threat to its imperial dominance,” U.S. officials transferred “two-thirds of U.S. naval forces to Asia and the Pacific.
The People’s Republic of China had raised more than 500 million of its people out of poverty; and, suddenly, China was the “new enemy” of the United States of America. U.S. President Barack Obama in 2011 announced the United States’ “‘pivot to Asia.’”
Late in Obama’s tenure, “the U.S. Navy and its regional allies, including Australia, rehearsed a blockade that would cut China’s lifelines of oil, trade and raw materials.”
Obama’s successor, U.S. President Donald Trump cast the PRC a “bad guy”, blames the country for the U.S. trade deficit, and launched a “a trade war against China (home to major U.S. tech companies such as Apple).
Repeating Horrid History
Demonize, Blame, Distract
News 2020
In his campaign speeches U.S. President Trump has raised the idea “that
immigrants ‘steal’ the jobs of Americans” and ‘illegal immigration hurts
American workers’ causing fewer jobs and lower wages. But what is observed in
Michigan factories is not ‘wall-to-wall immigrants’ but ‘wall-to-wall robots
and machines.’
“Immigrants” are being scapegoated,” says one of the 2020 U.S.
presidency hopefuls, “for issues they have nothing to do with in our economy.”
Andrew Yang, a former Silicon Valley executive, said “the real ‘enemies’ of
jobs are machines; not immigrants.”
Catch and Contain
December 16, 2019 - January 2020 Palm Beach, Florida, a Chinese immigrant is arrested “for loitering and prowling after she trespassed onto (U.S. President Donald Trump’s castle away from the White House) Mar-a-Lago grounds and refused to leave.”
March 30, 2019- January 2020, A Chinese immigrant “a Chinese immigrant was handed an 8-month jail sentence and is being held at the Glades County Detention Center awaiting deportation “for lying her way into Mar-a-Lago” (U.S. President Donald Trump’s castle away from the White House) on March 30, 2019.
The Moore Haven, FL, Glades County Detention Center (a medium-security adult
detention center) of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is
operated under the local authority of the Glades County Sheriff.
Alternative framing of news unacceptable to U.S. leadership
The Trump government announces “Chinese media outlets based in the
United States will no longer be treated as press outlets” but as “foreign
entities operating as propagandists for China’s communist party.” The
government later imposed further “restrictions’ on press originating in the
People’s Republic of China.
Ban voices with whom you disagree. Welcome to the world of the
delusional who believe they are the world’s leader in upholding universal and
domestic basic rights and freedoms. I guess that means the U.S. “Voice of
America” (and all those foreign bureaus of U.S. MSM) propaganda machines will
also be outlawed around the world.
nly the dangerously deluded believe everybody else (every other person, place or thing) is the
problem, the cause and consequence of theirs and the world’s ills. Only the
seriously deranged believe others are going to stand idly by as the dangerously
deluded demonize, slander and plunder, threaten, and commit unspeakable acts of
Only the dangerously deluded expect everybody else to believe and accept
the ravings of the unselfconscious, unrepentant yet certifiably demented,
divorced from reality.
Did someone say “lock them up?”
Yellow Peril
John Pilger “The Coming War on China” (video)
Univision “China, immigrants or robots: who is ‘stealing’ jobs in the
US?” “President Trump says immigrants ‘steal’ jobs from Americans. But the data
suggests robots are a bigger threat.” Mariana Rambaldi
The Hill “Trump administration announces new restrictions on Chinese
journalists” Justine Coleman March 2, 2020
Townhall “Trump Administration to China: We’re Limiting the Number of
Chinese Propagandists You Can Employ” Katie Pavlich March 2, 2020
ABC “Asian immigrants detained after coming ashore on Palm Beach ahead
of Trump visit, police say” WPTV Staff January 17, 2020
Glades County Detention Center-ICE
Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights
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