Tuesday, March 3, 2020

U.S. Wars on … Drugs … Terror… Health…People

Violence Permeates Criminally Unprincipled Pressure and Policies


rug market: Legal

As U.S. public officials  take campaign money and lobbying influences from big pharmaceutical (drug) makers and sellers and sustain entities revolving in and out of government and pharmaceutical companies—and as they have deliberately neglected public health and welfare, disease prevention and sustained research and discovery conducted by the nation’s public servants and services (falsely labeling public service “socialism”) — they effectively create crises, promote the use of such these companies’ products, thus sustaining preeminence of Wall Street members’ drug market.


rug Market: Illegal

As U.S. public officials use poppy growing and street (addictive, killer) drugs to fund their foreign wars (payment for Lockheed, Boeing & ilk campaign contributions) as they execute an unending “war on drugs” (making the poor interminably poor), variation on a “war on terror” scheme (in some places spaying killer chemicals into the air to be taken into the lungs of local populations as U.S. war industry weaponry massacres civilians all over the world) — all the these officials create crises of crime, addiction, homelessness, disease (the discard of humankind) for having neglected and failed to support (as sustained, principled national policy), impartial information systems, preventive and curative services (falsely labeling public service “socialism”) for addicted, vulnerable and all people.


alking, Not Talking to “terrorists”

One faction in Washington proclaims “we don’t talk to ‘terrorists’” (people or factions they had at one time or another conveniently labeled “terrorists”, “dictators”, “jihadists,” “rebels,” “insurgents,” “combatants”, and/ or “freedom fighters”) — as they simultaneously use and / or support “their” “terrorists,” arming them; ordering contractors, NGOs and ordinary soldiers to  “fight” side by side with them in slaughtering millions, manufacturing and planting criminal “evidence” against others, overthrowing or otherwise creating chaos against some person, place or thing.

Another faction in Washington (equally partnered in crimes of war and crimes against humankind) engages openly in killing and boasting about killing and about selling (Lockheed / Boeing & ilk) arms to foreign nationals — and, simultaneously, claims to be talking with “their” “terrorists” who are no longer labeled “terrorists,” “dictators”, “jihadists,” “rebels,” “insurgents,” “combatants”, and/ or “freedom fighters”; but killers replacing U.S. killers of “some bad people.”

In the U.S. private corporate / public office corruptible (anti “socialist”) heath care system, Americans (those who can afford it) are charged and spend more for less. In the area of illness and disease prevention, Americans get nothing. In overall health services, they get an inferior profit-taking model which is definition inferior—by design, it creates and sustains sickness.

Compared with “advanced” world nations, people in the United States spend more money for “worse health outcomes.” (David Squires, president of the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation based in New York that carries out independent research on healthcare issues to LA Times).

“In 2013, more people died in the United States from preventable diseases or complications than those in 12 other high-income countries (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, a health policy organization with offices around Europe). “For every 100,000 people who died in the United States before age 75, 112 people died from complications or conditions that could have been avoided with timely and effective care.”


ar on … Land … People … Environment … Human Health whatever


The Trump government threatened to decertify Colombia as cooperator in the U.S. “war on drugs” because Colombia’s president, Juan Manuel Santos, “openly rejected the US-led war on drugs” and its chemical spraying; and “for years had called for an international debate on international drug trafficking.”

The “War on drugs”, Santos believed, was “‘perhaps more harmful than all the wars in the world combined.’” Colombia’s government under Santos also joined a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s “counter-narcotics strategy that involves crop substitution” instead of the U.S. promoted “aerial spraying.” The South American government chose “a peace process with the country’s largest and longest-running Marxist guerrilla group, the FARC (instead of) … coca cultivation to end more than a half century of war.”
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón GColIH GCB (The Order of Prince Henry, Portuguese Order of Knighthood; The Most Honorable Order of the Bath, British Order of Chivalry), recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016, was President of Colombia from 2010 to 2018.
Santos’s successor, Iván Duque Márquez (August 7, 2018 - ), was four-senator who ran a political campaign opposing “the peace treaty with the guerilla group, the FARC.”
2018- 2019

The U.S. has one of the worse health systems among advanced (or “rich”) nations and, as it lacks proper preventive and educational services for all, it is also the world’s largest and most sustained consumption market” for the illicit drug cocaine.  And in Iván Duque Márquez’s brief tenure, Colombia’s production and export set an all-time record. (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime data)

With a new president in place in Colombia, U.S. President Donald Trump certified Colombia as a cooperator with Washington’s war on drugs and pushed the country’s government to resume an “‘aerial eradication program’
…that is widely considered ineffective and a hazard to both public health and the environment.”
Killer Chemical Pharmaceuticals

The agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation, Monsanto Company (2015 Revenue billions: $15,000,000,000) (acquired in 2018 by German multinational pharmaceutical Bayer AG, total assets 2018 €126.285 billion ($141.13)), is the discoverer and developer of glyphosate and Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide; and major producer of genetically engineered crops.

Glyphosate was brought to market by the Missouri-headquartered Monsanto in 1974 “for agricultural use” under the “trade name Roundup.” Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant (substance used to induce or sustain dryness, commonly in foods to retain crispness, industrially used to control the level of water in gas streams). In 2007, glyphosate was the most used herbicide in the United States’ agricultural sector and the second-most used (after 2, 4-D) in home and garden, government and industry, and commercial applications.” It is has been widely reported (and disputed) to cause cancer.

Washington supports Monsanto’s (Bayer’s) crop drug Others reject

  • September 2013: Legislative Assembly of El Salvador approves legislation to ban 53 agrochemicals, including glyphosate; the ban on glyphosate was set to begin in 2015.
  • April 2014: Netherlands’ legislature passes legislation prohibiting sale of glyphosate to individuals (not commercial sales) for use at home
  • March 2015: International Agency for Research on Cancer monograph summary “based on epidemiological studies, animal studies, and in vitro studies” classified glyphosate as ‘probably carcinogenic in humans’ (category 2A)” IARC is an intergovernmental agency forming part of the World Health Organization of the United Nations
  • March 2015: California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announces “plans to have glyphosate listed as a known carcinogen based on the IARC assessment”
  • May 2015: President of Sri Lanka bans use and import of glyphosate, effective immediately; but backtracks three years later, re-authorizing its use “in the plantation sector”
  • May 2015: Bermuda blocks importation on all new orders of glyphosate-based herbicides for a temporary suspension awaiting more research findings
  • May 2015” Colombia announces cessation of glyphosate use by October 2015 in the destruction of illegal plantations of coca, the raw ingredient for cocaine. Farmers had complained that the aerial fumigation destroyed entire fields of coffee and other legal produce.
  • 2017: Glyphosate is “listed as ‘known to the State of California to cause cancer’”
  • March 15, 2017 European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announces “their recommendations maintaining … classification of glyphosate as a substance causing serious eye damage and as a substance toxic to aquatic life”
  • February 2018: court injunction prohibits California from enforcing carcinogenicity labeling requirements for glyphosate until a suit brought by Monsanto is resolved
  • March 2019: European Court of Justice (ECJ) orders European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to release all carcinogenicity and toxicity pesticide industry studies on glyphosate to the general public
  • March 2019: Austrian state of Carinthia (having long prohibited glyphosate use by public authorities and road maintenance crews) outlaws private use of glyphosate in residential areas but leaves permissible farmers’ commercial applications.
  • April 2019: Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development bans use of glyphosate throughout the country.
  • June 2019: Deutsche Bahn and Swiss Federal Railways announce phase out (by 2025) of glyphosate and other commonly used herbicides for weed eradication along railway tracks; “while more environmentally sound methods for vegetation control are implemented”
  • July 2019: Austrian parliament votes to forbid glyphosate in Austria
  • August 2019: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency statement says the agency “no longer allows labels claiming glyphosate is a carcinogen, as those claims would ‘not meet the labeling requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act’ and (would) misinform the public.”
  • September 2019: German Environment Ministry announces the use of glyphosate-based herbicides to be reduced beginning in 2020 and banned beginning in 2023
  • October 2019: Thailand’s National Hazardous Substances Committee bans and a month later rescinds decision to ban glyphosate use.


here is a persistent multi-layered pattern of force (violence) in U.S. character that is manifest in the policies, practices, priorities and relations of public officials (together with their convenient allies and partners) permeating every sector of government, institution, enterprise, life and society.


LA Times “The U.S. spends more on healthcare than any other country — but not with better health outcomes” Melissa Etehad, Kyle Kim July 18, 2017 ttps://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-healthcare-comparison-20170715-htmlstory.html



Colombia Reports “Trump threatens to decertify Colombia as partner in war on drugs”
Adriaan Alsema September 14, 2017 https://colombiareports.com/trump-threatens-decertify-colombia-partner-war-drugs/
Colombia Reports “Trump urges aerial fumigation as he certifies Colombia as cooperative in war on drugs” by Adriaan Alsema August 9, 2019 https://colombiareports.com/trump-urges-aerial-fumigation-as-he-certifies-colombia-as-cooperative-in-war-on-drugs/

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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