Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hartmann v Klobuchar

Swaggering Imposters Ruling Airwaves foil Prospect of Democracy

Narrow-minded, Prejudicial Broadcast Talkers

I am neither partisan nor tribal but I became interested in Klobuchar because of something I heard during a brief tune-in to the Thom Hartmann radio performance.

Hartmann is like many other on-air talkers. His product is content impaired, ill-prepared, ill informed, arrogant, and inept. Hartmann is far out of his field, and should find a way of quickly returning to his field. However that’s a topic for another time.

What got my attention one day during the Hartmann performance was a caller’s question and Hartmann’s answer. The caller asked why he disliked Amy Klobuchar and given his purported “liberalism” his answer surprised me. Given his observable arrogance, I should not have been surprised.

First, Hartmann gave a long spiel about Elizabeth Warren and Michelle Obama (as a Biden running mate), whom he seem to favor or he just wanted the caller to consider these women. In my view, the former is terminally challenged ethically; and the other hasn’t a scintilla of qualification for public executive office of any kind.

Hartmann then dismissed Klobuchar as, in his word, a “neoliberal.” He did not explain his one-word answer to the caller and cut her off before she could attempt a follow-up question. I have noticed that many radio hosts, or shock jocks, as they used to be called, simply cut people off, if they managed to get through screeners, who attempt a disagreement, or proffer an independent thought.


ost Hartmann’s Credentials - Zip
Thomas Carl Hartmann is a school dropout (expelled) spawned of the US conservative Midwest with studies in engineering and degrees in herbology and homeopathic medicine, and experience in a variety of enterprises (none in broadcasting) operating in Germany and the United States.

Among his enterprises are, or were, these:
  • Woodley Herber Company selling “herbal products, potpourris and teas”
  • New England Salem Children’s Village, a child-care company modeled after a Salem International company in Germany where he also worked after immigrating to Germany.
  • Atlanta advertising agency Chandler, MacDonald, Stout, Schneiderman & Poe, Inc., a domestic profit corporation, incorporated in the US state of Georgia October 2, 1987; dissolved September 20, 2010 (Source Georgia Register: https://www.georgia-register.com/J722495-chandler-macdonald-stout-schneiderman-poe)
Thomas Hartmann (2020 estimated net worth “$1 Million - $5 Million”) is also reportedly an ordained Minister with “Coptic Fellowship International” who goes around the country giving speeches at Coptic Conferences.

According to its website, “the Coptic Fellowship International is a group of individuals who learn, practice, apply, and teach the fundamental principles of right living as embodied in the philosophy of its founder, Master Hamid Bey.”

Background material on Yogi Hamid Bey says he was born in Cairo, Egypt, at the end of the nineteenth century to a family belonging to the Coptic Christian Church, an organization “that had a number of secret mystic practices and temples in Egypt at that time.”

When he was five years old, Hamid Bey was attracted to a stranger “who turned out to be a ‘Master’ from a secret Coptic Temple.” And with parental approval, Hamid entered “the mystical training of the Coptics” and “learned many strange skills” including “the ability to produce the state of trance, which later allowed him to be buried alive.”

In the 1920s, he was scheduled to visit the United States to challenge magician and escapologist Harry Houdini’s “reputation for exposing fraudulent spiritualists and occultists by reproducing any “supernatural phenomenon by natural means.” In Hamid Bey’s case, the buried alive claim; but Houdini died before Bey reached the United States.

Later in his world travels, Hamid Bey, first, “signed a contract to perform his feats as part of a stage act;” then “became a close acquaintance of Swami Yogananda” [Indian monk, yogi and guru, Paramahansa Yogananda], with whom he traveled and lectured; and in 1936 he “returned to Egypt for further training and tests in the Coptic tradition” before coming again to the United States and establishing “The Coptic Fellowship in Los Angeles, California.”

Yogi Hamid Bey died July 16, 1976. The surviving fellowship reportedly has “three Orders: the Light Ministry (teachers who disseminate the order’s teachings), the World Service Order, and the Devotional Order (an inner Esoteric Order).”

According to the Coptic Fellowship International website, its “teachings center on harmonious living;” and among its beliefs, that “joy and happiness and health are the natural state of those who have achieved a harmonious ‘God-Nature-Human’ relationship.” [Emphasis added where it occurs]


020 Contenders: Choice that isn’t

One wing fields: A dangerously incompetent and unprincipled narcissist swinging schizophrenically between low self-esteem and grandiosity displaying a grandmother fixation, a woman problem, and a persecution complex.

One wing fields: An entrenched corrupt unprincipled public official with an inflated since of entitlement and a record of questionable abuses of power in both foreign and domestic affairs, the latter reportedly includes lewd acts against women in work places, professional and other environments.

Author Paul Street highlights Donald Trump-Joe Biden similarities
Tribal pandering and neoliberal tendencies  
Sees no democratic choice, of which there are many

The Democratic Party, Street writes, is “determined to run Joe Biden, a presidential candidate who embodies many of the evils for which they condemn Donald Trump.”
  • Biden “Strongly backed the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, permitting reemergence “of investment and commercial banking by repealing the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act”
  • As vice presidential candidate and as vice president, Biden backed a policy that “helped create the 2007-2008 financial crisis and subsequent recession, that led to a massive taxpayer bailout of the rich combined with little for the rest of the population.”
  • As US senator, “Joe Biden (‘lunch bucket Joe’) … supported the globalist investor rights North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that cost the jobs of millions of US manufacturing workers.”
White people, Black people, Old people  
  • “On the campaign trail in Iowa, an unhinged Biden said this to an older white male Elizabeth Warren supporter who dared to ask about the corruption involved in Hunter Biden’s lucrative presence on the board of a gas company in Ukraine: ‘You’re a damn liar….Look, fat…you’re too old to vote for me.’
Were the issues “black” and “old” or corruption and nepotism among entrenched public officials?
  • “Last February, at a campaign event in South Carolina,” Street continued, “Biden tried to win Black votes by falsely claiming to have been arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in jail during the apartheid era in South Africa.”
Street capitalizes a color, strange enough. But what is the issue? Politicians lie. And whether someone was or was not arrested at this or that event is a nonstarter compared with the egregious wrongs they commit in unconscionable acts against people, nations and leaders across the world.  Somehow pointing out what Street points out, a lie, black or white, just seems silly.
  • “FOX News looks the other way when it comes to Trump’s mental illness and difficulties,” Street writes, and “the liberal mainstream media is shockingly silent on Biden’s clearly fading cognitive health.”
  • On the campaign trail in 2020, “Biden has forgotten what state he’s in, confused his wife with his sister, and claimed that he would have ‘beaten the hell out of Trump’ in high school.”
  • “Last September, he [Biden] tried to woo Black voters with a bizarre and rambling story about an alleged past adolescent swimming pool confrontation with a young Black tough named ‘Corn Pop.’
The Street headline at RT blares
“Old white male plutocrat: Dems & media have no shame backing Joe Biden, who personifies exactly what they bash Trump for”

Hartmann and Street devote considerable ink and air to Biden (and Trump). Their critiques range from narrow to nonsense— based only in race, sex, looks, and other irrelevancies, superficialities, and distractions; never a discussion of substantive qualifications for office, or thought beyond the terrible twos. In their commentary, they rule out any offering or discussion of genuine choice.


his obsessive American distraction is one of my pet peeves
The blinding, crippling, brain numbing mantra of race, and color

The superficiality of race, creed, or color is a deep-seated distraction used by public figures in various sectors and in broadcast and print writing and images. But this is only a superficially, a distraction and an exploitation of and by an intellectually and otherwise lazy people. It reveals a psychological impairment, an arrested development.

This laziness, childishness, and backwardness manifests also in Americans’ tendency to preserve and protect personalities, their favorite people or political parties (like teddy bears).
Never pushing public officials to do better
Never pushing out the old-timers
Never actively working to field other contenders— new blood, nonpartisans, separate and distinct from and replacements of the incestuous Washington-K Street, New York City-Berkeley-Chicago gang, the Wharton School and Wall Streeter, the Harvard-Yale-Stanford-Princeton Ivy League entrenched elite.
Race, creed, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, longevity, alma mater, in and of themselves, do not constitute substantive qualifications for public service any more than, for example, a painter in oils is qualified to do plumbing work simply because he or she of a certain color or sex?

Americans need to improve the pool of public servants by conducting serious searches, rigorous scrutinizing, and supporting people who demonstrate proper ability, temperament, character and willingness to improve and extend the legacy left to us by America’s founders.

I speak as an American who cares and has always cared deeply for my country. Tribal politics neither sees nor solves underlying, endemic, or chronic problems.

The United States has serious problems begging for solutions. The repetitive sounding of superficialities, the battle of or against one or another festers those problems.


ince the illiberal masked as “liberal” Hartmann labeled Amy Klobuchar “neoliberal,” a characterization I had not heard before his charge; and since he dismissed her outright, I decided to take a closer look for myself, which is what all citizens would be wise to do—instead of taking the word of yogis and other narrow-minded individuals in possession of a telecommunications device.

Amy Jean Klobuchar
Hardworking US senator
Author of considerable legislation
Seems to work and communicate well with her colleagues
Respected in her profession, in her state, and among colleagues


ubstantive Qualifications (Credentials)

Professional Experience (lawyer): Former Partner, Dorsey & Whitney; Former Partner, Gray, Plant, and Mooty; Former Chief Prosecutor, Hennepin County; County Attorney, Hennepin County, 1998-2006; Member, President's Export Council, present; Former President, Minnesota County Attorneys Association

Political Science, Yale University: BA
University of Chicago Law School: Juris Doctor

Applauded Work Record
  • Late 2016, ending the 114th Congress, Klobuchar had passed more legislation than any other senator (GovTrack)
  • As of December 16, 2018, Klobuchar had sponsored or co-sponsored 111 pieces of legislation that became law (Congress.gov)
  • Klobuchar “scored ‘above expectations’” in her success “at moving significant legislation in the 115th Congress (2017–2018),” according to the Center for Effective Lawmaking
  • Throughout 2017 Klobuchar maintained high approval ratings, with an April 2017 Star Tribune poll placing her approval rating at 72 percent.
  • In October 2017 Morning Consult listed Klobuchar among the 10 senators with the highest approval ratings.
  • November 2017 KSTP-TV poll put her approval rating at 56 percent.
  • April 2019 Morning Consult poll found Klobuchar to be the third-most popular sitting senator ( a 58 percent approval, 26 percent disapproval ratings (behind only Bernard Sanders, 6-term US congressman/3-term US senator, and Patrick Joseph Leahy, 7-term US senator, both of Vermont and both with other public service experience).
  • 2001 “Attorney of the Year” (Minnesota Lawyer award)
  • 2008 “Best in Congress” for efforts on behalf of working families; and “Woman to Watch” (American Prospect citation)
  • 2012: Sheldon Coleman Great Outdoors Award (American Recreation Coalition); and “Legislator of the Year Award” (Agricultural Retailers Association)
  • 2013: leadership in the fight to prevent sexual assault in the military (Service Women’s Action Network); and Friend of Child and Adult Care Food Program, leadership in passing the Healthy Hunger Free Kids act and efforts to set new nutrition standards for all meals served in the CACFP (National CACFP Sponsors Association
  • 2014: Friends of Farm Bureau Award (Minnesota branch of the American Farm Bureau Federation)
  • 2015: for efforts to protect vulnerable populations from violence, exploitation, and assault and to eliminate discrimination in the workplace (American Bar Association’s Congressional Justice Award); and for work “on regulation to strengthen consumer product safety legislation, on ensuring a fair and competitive marketplace, and increasing accessibility to communications, specifically in the wireless space” (National Consumers League’s Trumpeter Award)
  • 2016: commitment to the nonprofit sector and leading the Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Act (Goodwill Policymaker Award from Goodwill Industries)
  • 2017: Arabella Babb Mansfield Award (National Association of Women Lawyers); and chosen for the Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics for the Carrie Chapman Catt Center at Iowa State University
Political Experience:
  • Senator, United States Senate, Minnesota, 2006-present; Chair of Steering Committee, Democratic Leadership, United States Senate, present; Candidate, President of the United States, 2020; Candidate, United States Senate, Minnesota, 2018;
  • Current Legislative Committees: Member, Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, Member, Commerce, Science and Transportation, Member, Joint Committee on Printing, Member, Joint Committee on the Library, Member, Joint Economic Committee, Member, Judiciary, Ranking Member, Rules and Administration,
  • Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, Member, Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration, Member, Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation and the Internet, Member, Subcommittee on Conservation, Forestry, and Natural Resources, Member, Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, Member, Subcommittee on Livestock, Marketing, and Agriculture Security, Member, Subcommittee on Manufacturing, Trade, and Consumer Protection, Member, Subcommittee on Nutrition, Agricultural Research, and Specialty Crops, Member, Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts, Member, Subcommittee on Rural Development and Energy, Member, Subcommittee on Security, Member, Subcommittee on Transportation and Safety
  • Former Committees/Caucuses: Former Co-Chair, Medical Device Caucus, United States Senate, Former Member, Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security, United States Senate, Former Member, Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security, United States Senate, Former Member, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security, United States Senate
Vote Smart’s “Political Courage Test”
Issues and Answers - Amy Klobuchar

Women’s reproductive rights (Pro-choice): 
“Senator Klobuchar has fought for and will continue to support legislation that protects a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.
Vote Smart (VS) Question: In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
Amy Klobuchar’s (AK) Answer: Yes                       

VS: Do you support expanding federal funding to support entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare?
AK: Yes
“Senator Klobuchar supports raising income tax rates on the wealthiest Americans who make over $200,000 a year. She supports expanding support for programs like Social Security and Medicare and believes that these programs must remain solvent for generations to come.”
Campaign Finance
VS: Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
AK: Yes
“Senator Klobuchar believes it is time to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and get dark money out of our politics, as well as establish a campaign finance system that increases the power of small donors through a matching system for small donations.”

VS: Do you support increasing defense spending?
AK: No
“Senator Klobuchar will focus on making the right investments in our nation's defense and she will make sure we are responding to the threats our country actually faces today, including cyber-attacks.”
VS: Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
AK: Yes
VS: Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
AK: No
“Senator Klobuchar supports investing in our nation's infrastructure. To pay for this infrastructure investment, she supports repealing the regressive portions of the 2017 Republican tax bill.”

VS: Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
AK: Yes
“Senator Klobuchar supported and advocated for the Every Student Succeeds Act, which corrected some of the shortcomings of No Child Left Behind by giving states and local school districts more flexibility to make decisions about how best to meet students' needs. She supported restoring responsibility to the states to determine how best to use federally required tests for accountability purposes.”

Energy and Environment
VS: Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geo-thermal)?
AK: Yes
VS: Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
AK: Yes
“On day one of Senator Klobuchar's presidency she will get us back into the International Climate Change Agreement. On day two and day three, she will bring back the clean power rules and gas mileage standards that the Obama Administration put into place. And she will put forward sweeping legislation that includes carbon pricing, provides a landmark investment in clean-energy jobs and infrastructure, provides incentives for tougher building codes, promotes rural renewable energy and development, and promotes buy clean policies.”

VS: Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
 AK: Yes
“Senator Klobuchar believes that gun violence prevention policies are long overdue. She supports a package of gun violence policies including instituting universal background checks by closing the gun show loophole and banning bump stocks, high capacity ammunition feeding devices and assault weapons. She is also the author of a proposal that would close what is commonly referred to as the boyfriend loophole by preventing people who have abused dating partners from buying or owning firearms.”

Health Care
VS: Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
AK: No
“Senator Klobuchar supports universal health care for all Americans and she believes the quickest way to get there is through a public option that expands Medicare or Medicaid. She supports changes to the Affordable Care Act to help bring down costs to consumers, including providing cost-sharing reductions, making it easier for states to put reinsurance in place, and continuing to implement delivery system reform. And she's been fighting her whole life to bring down the cost of prescription drugs.”

VS: Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
AK: No
VS: Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
AK: No
“Senator Klobuchar supports comprehensive immigration reform that includes the DREAM Act, border security and a path to earned citizenship.”

National Security
VS: Should the United States use military force to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a weapon of mass destruction (for example: nuclear, biological, chemical)?
AK: Yes
VS: Do you support reducing military intervention in Middle East conflicts?
AK: Yes
“Senator Klobuchar believes that the military option should always remain on the table. She supports reducing the troop presence in Afghanistan.”

VS: Do you generally support removing barriers to international trade (for example: tariffs, quotas, etc.)?
AK: Yes
“Senator Klobuchar supports fair trade agreements that include strong labor and environmental standards and she will continue her work to strengthen trade enforcement.”

Administrative Priorities
“Senator Klobuchar's top priorities are ensuring shared economic prosperity, which includes reducing health care costs, bringing down prescription drug prices, and making a major infrastructure investment paid for by corporate tax reform and changes to the international tax code. She is also committed to passing comprehensive immigration reform, which is crucial to moving our economy and our country forward. And Senator Klobuchar will take immediate action to tackle the climate crisis, because climate change isn't happening in 100 years, it is happening now.”

Amy Jean Klobuchar

Birth Place: Plymouth, Minnesota

Home City: Minneapolis, Minnesota


here are women who are eminently qualified to be president or vice president of the United States. 
They are qualified to contend and to serve. They have earned their achievements, not had them given to them or taken because they felt entitled

Hillary Clinton was unqualified for both the US Senate and the US presidency, but she felt herself entitled. Many voters acquiesced, as they did with the unqualified, unfit for purpose Donald Trump. In the Clinton case, perhaps her voters wanted a woman, as Barack Obama’s voters likely wanted a colored man. In the Trump case, they felt themselves drowning or falling off a cliff, and thought he might send them a lifeline, or be their lifeline, which he is incapable of being

America is stuck with the consequences of having cast ill considered ballots.

Some people with equally irrational motivations are in 2020 pushing for a Michelle Obama vice presidency. This is equally foolish, as this woman also is unqualified for US public executive office, either in the secondary of principal position. 

A person, any person, should feel it an insult, an act of contempt, to be chosen merely because one was born female or male, or into one or another category of race or color, or ethnic origin.


ualified women, just as qualified men, are so not because they are men or women or variously colored; but, rather, because they have “earned their stripes,” as the saying goes. One has only to look at the professional and work reports of other countries’ women leaders, such as Germany’s Angela Dorothea Merkel, and former Chilean president Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria. Look at Iran’s leaders, such as Hassan Rouhani. 

Americans, especially public figures with microphones, like to say, rather foolishly, that America is “the best” this or that. The truth is America is not the best. America is very weak, defensive, blusteringly and even laughingly arrogant, paranoid and cowardly, lacking is courage and intellectual strength, weak in moral, psychological, and introspective health. This is true, in large part, because of the United States’ inferior quality, its low caliber of leaders and public officials, and those with whom they surround themselves.

It is true because US citizens—too busy being distracted, too busy trying get a bit of nothing for themselves, individually—refuse to band together and demand better. Find those qualified choices (regardless of difference or kind) and support them.

Ban the money buckets, the $millions and the $billions purchasing elected officials, and deciding electoral outcomes.

Ban the PACs and Super PACs.

Ban the Big Pharma, Big Buffett, Gates, Bezos, Soros, Adelson(s), and ilk.

Demand an incorruptible, truly democratic non-gerrymandered system that allows new blood to contend. Once and for all, give America’s body politic real, substantive choices of who will serve them, and for how long they will serve.       


Wikipedia Thom Hartmann (page last edited April 30, 2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thom_Hartmann

Networthspedia https://networthspedia.com/networth/thom-hartmann/

Voy Forums, “Yogi Hamid Bey Brief Biography” August 10, 2002, posting http://www.voy.com/27671/2/2910.html
A yogi is a person “who practices yoga and has achieved a high level of spiritual insight”
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramahansa_Yogananda

Street, Paul. “Old white male plutocrat: Dems & media have no shame backing Joe Biden, who personifies exactly what they bash Trump for” RT May 10, 2020

Amy J. Klobuchar notes

Wikipedia Amy Klobuchar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Klobuchar
Women in the United States Senate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_the_United_States_Senate

Ballotpedia https://ballotpedia.org/Amy_Klobuchar

Vote Smart https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/biography/65092/amy-klobuchar#





Just Facts Vote Smart “Klobuchar” https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/political-courage-test/65092/amy-klobuchar

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
KLOBUCHAR, Amy (1960- )
KLOBUCHAR, AMY, a Senator from Minnesota; born in Plymouth, Minn., May 25, 1960; attended the public schools in Plymouth; graduated magna cum laude Yale University 1982; J.D., University of Chicago 1985; practiced law in Minnesota, becoming partner at the law firms of Dorsey & Whitney and Gray Plant Mooty; Hennepin County attorney 1999-2006; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 2006 for the term commencing January 3, 2007; reelected in 2012, and again in 2018 for the term ending January 3, 2025.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
LEAHY, Patrick Joseph (1940- )
SANDERS, Bernard (1941- ) https://bioguideretro.congress.gov/Home/MemberDetails?memIndex=S000033

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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