Saturday, May 9, 2020

Bible belt Boys Brandish Old Justice—“Kill Thy Neighbor”

Vigilante Incident in Georgia

“Vigilantism” found in Christian’s holy book of “Genesis”

Americans today Stage Usual Hands Wringing Fest
  • ·       Candidate Biden, Pandering to a tribe, sees “lynched before our very eyes.”
  • ·       Candidate Trump, Pandering to a tribe, declares “a very sad thing… will be given full report ….”
  • ·       “Conversation” never converses.
  • ·       “Lessons [never] learned.”

Circa Fifth or Fifteenth through Twenty-first Centuries

Exacting “perceived justice, summarily, without legal authority” is vigilantism and vigilante ethos, which predates introduction of the word vigilante into the English language; and, conceptually and psychologically, extends from the “Dark Age and medieval aristocratic custom of private war or vendetta” to “modern vigilante philosophy.”

Vigilantism was “extremely powerful in Westphalian Germany [Westphalia is a region of northwestern Germany] during the 15th century, during medieval times; exercised by secret societies and used to punish felons.”

Vigilantism in the United States of America (a people descended from Germany and from many other lands colonized by “Christian” Western powers) dates to America’s founding (circa 1776) when citizen arrest “became known as a procedure based in common law and protected by the Constitution of the United States.” A civilian arrests a person whom the arresting citizen “has seen or suspects of doing something wrong.”

020 Posse or old-time Vigilante hunt for blood

The Christian Science Monitor’s linguistically and historically selective headline “A modern posse shot Ahmaud Arbery. Has stand your ground gone too far?” Convenes a Conversation of sorts

Law and Civilian Society

 “… [T]he right of citizens to arrest fellow citizens focuses on the need to actually witness the crime. The legal principle is rooted in English common law dating back to 1285, which empowers anyone witnessing a crime to make a ‘hue and cry’ against the criminal.”

However, as police officers took over the arrest function for the state and as the desire for accuracy increased, “the role of citizens in law enforcement declined.”

Modern-day Legitimate Law Enforcing Agency

American University Washington College of Law professor Ira Robbins (2016)
“Unlike citizens, ‘peace officers [are] given greater leeway to investigate and arrest for criminal conduct that they did not personally witness, the presumption being that those responsible for enforcing the law [are] presumptively more reliable than the average private citizen.”

University of California at Los Angeles School of Law professor Adam Winkler
When a high-profiled weapons organization teaches people “that they are the ones responsible for standing up to criminals and tyrants, and that [they] can’t trust the government” to protect them, this group is urging people to heavily arm themselves for combat, “…take the law into their own hands …, and to act out of … their [paranoia and prejudice].”

Self defense

Duke University School of Law professor Joseph Blocher
“There’s a study that shows people honestly believing that they’re engaging in self-defense, but actually engaging in assaults or brandishing or murder, which ties together a lot of what we’re seeing with open carry that looks like intimidation rather than what is protected by law.”
 “In other words, once the fight starts, the self-defense argument is available to everybody.”

“Self- defense” in the Ahmaud Arbery, Gregory and Travis McMichael case in Georgia
  • ·       “There’s no indication that either one of the McMichaels were threatened or about to be threatened or that … anything dangerous was going to happen to them ….” [Brunswick Defense attorney James Yancey]
  • ·       The assailant “was protected by the state’s ‘stand your ground’ law, which allows citizens to use lethal force when they deem a situation to be life-threatening.
We are “left to say, ‘There’s this thing called a phone, and this number called 911,’” Brunswick Defense attorney James Yancey said.

911 Calls Preceding Shooting
  • Call one: a male caller reports “another man was in a house that was ‘under construction.’” The “dispatcher asked if the man was ‘breaking into it right now?’ The caller replied: ‘No … it’s all open.’ After the caller said the man was now ‘running down the street,’ the dispatcher said police would respond. The dispatcher then asked at 1:08 pm: ‘I just need to know what he was doing wrong. Was he just on the premises and not supposed to be?’ The caller replied in a garbled manner: ‘And he’s been caught on camera a bunch at night. It’s kind of an ongoing thing.’ The caller identified the man as a ‘black guy, white T-shirt.’”
  • Call two begins at 1:14 pm: a male caller reports “‘I’m out here at Satilla Shores …. There’s a black male running down the street.’”  The 911 dispatcher asks: “‘Where at Satilla Shores?’ The caller replies ‘I don’t know what street we’re on.’ The caller was then heard shouting: ‘Stop! … Watch that. Stop, damn it! Stop!’ The dispatcher tries to speak to the caller but does not receive a reply for several minutes. The caller later hung up.”
  • ·       February 23, 2020, an unarmed man is either jogging or running along a road in Satilla Shores, a community in unincorporated Glynn County near Brunswick, Georgia.
  • ·       Two armed vigilantes in a pickup truck confront the unarmed man.
  • ·       One of the armed men shoots the runner or jogger dead.
  • ·       An individual in a second vehicle videotapes the incident.
  • ·       May 2020, after the videotape is released to the public, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrests and charges the two armed vigilantes “with murder and aggravated assault.”


Christian Science Monitor “A modern posse shot Ahmaud Arbery. Has stand your ground gone too far?” Patrik Jonsson Staff writer May 8, 2020


Shooting of Ahmaud Arbery

Star Tribune. “Georgia father son charged with murder in shooting death of black runner.”Russ Bynum and Ben Nadler Associated Press May 8, 2020.

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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