Friday, May 8, 2020

Loose Language Hurts and Hampers Human Relations

Proper and Improper Charges of “Treason” and “Terrorist”  

ind your Manners and your Tongue
Americans, especially public figures and holders of public office, should take more care in their use and misuse of language.
Words like “terrorist” and “traitor” deepen division, crudely disparage, and incite violence among and between people and nations. Careless use of language renders language contradictory, confusing, contradictory, even libelous.

Misuse and overuse often robs meaning, reduces terms, words, concepts to meaninglessness. Slanderous language is often used as pretext for other actions, often aggression, sanctions, warfare, and assassination.

For a long time US leaders and other influential public officials and media personalities have used language slanderously against other people foreign and national. Such egregious breach of expected social, public, and professional standards is grievously irresponsible. This kind of vulgarity and incivility, carelessness in character and conduct models bad behavior for the young and impressionable. It sends the wrong message to world nations. It does serious injury to the integrity of the offender; and more broadly, to the standing and credibility of United States of America in the world.

What is unacceptable should be recognized as unacceptable; not glossed over, acquiesced to, or treated as boys-being-boys Jane being Jane or Joe being Joe — acceptable.

If a crime is alleged, the allegation should be reported to the proper authorities and by them investigated, prosecuted, and adjudicated strictly and impartially, independently, within the appropriate institution of justice. 

The language of treason and terrorism should be held in check; when used, used appropriately. 

ild Charges of Treason

US President Donald Trump charges
“Rep. Adam Schiff illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement, pretended it to be mine as the most important part of my call to the Ukrainian President, and read it aloud to Congress and the American people. It bore NO relationship to what I said on the call. Arrest for Treason?”
President Trump reportedly charges former advisor with treason
“John Bolton is ‘a traitor’ and his book should not be published before the election in November
The president is directly quoted
I give the guy a break
I give him a job. And then he turns on me.
He's just making things up.
“President Donald Trump tells his staff he will work to block former national security advisor John Bolton’s tell-all memoir,” which had been set for release. The Washington Post reportedly cites two sources.
“In these exchanges, Trump called Bolton ‘a traitor’ and said that all the conversations they had were classified.
2020 (May)
US president from the White House declares
“The Obama administration Justice Department was a disgrace….
It’s treason. It’s treason.”
ild Charges of Treason against President Trump

Former CIA operations officer, 2016 presidential candidate, David Evan McMullin declares
“I’ve always been fascinated by traitors. They consider themselves highly intelligent, yet fail to understand how likely they are to be caught. When they are, they become men without a home, having betrayed their countrymen and been used by an enemy. So it will be with this one.”
William Joseph “Joe” Walsh, Candidate for 2016 US presidency speaking on CNN Sunday program
“This is a strong term I’m going to use, but I’m going to say it on purpose: Donald Trump is a traitor.”
The president “betrayed our country again this week” by calling on China and Ukraine to investigate one of his chief political rivals in the 2020 presidential race.”
“This president deserves to be impeached.”
The Constitution of the United States: Article II The Executive Branch Note, Section 4 Disqualification: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Candidate former Rep. Mark Sanford responds to Walsh’s charge
“[T]o jump to conclusions and say … what he’s done is treasonous is to say we’re not going through the very process that the Founding Fathers laid out.”
Financier, political consultant, former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci charges
It’s just his personality and style and traitorous nature because you have to call him for what he is.”
“The American president is a traitor to the United States. He is literally the most un-American president that we’ve had, probably since Andrew Johnson.”
onstitution of the United States Article 3 (Judicial Branch) Section 3 Treason
“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Treason Clause Common Interpretation
Paul T. Crane, US Department of Justice criminal division appellate section
Deborah Pearlstein, professor of law, co director Yeshiva University Cardozo Law School  Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy
The Constitution specifically identifies what constitutes treason against the United States and, importantly, limits the offense of treason to only two types of conduct:
(1) ‘levying war’ against the United States; or
(2) ‘adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.’
“Although there have not been many treason prosecutions in American history—indeed, only one person has been indicted for treason since 1954—the Supreme Court has had occasion to further define what each type of treason entails.
“To further guard against the prospect that the government could use false or passion-driven accusations of treason to undermine political opponents, the Treason Clause provides that the offense may only be proven by ‘open confession in court,’ or on ‘the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act.’
“The ‘overt act’ requirement was designed both to limit the kind of substantive behavior treason could punish—only conduct, not mere expression—and to ensure that the conduct itself demonstrated a defendant’s intention to betray the United States.
“Believing that no witness could meaningfully testify to a defendant’s internal state of mind, the Cramer Court made clear that the defendant’s disloyal intent must be evident from the witnessed acts themselves; the government would have to prove that each overt act alleged ‘actually gave aid and comfort to the enemy.’
“The two-witness requirement was likewise geared to raising the bar to prosecution, applying ‘at least to all acts of the defendant which are used to draw incriminating inferences that aid and comfort have been given.’
“While there was no dispute in Cramer’s case that he had met with a man who turned out to be a German soldier in the United States, the Court concluded that these facts alone failed to establish Cramer had actually given that enemy soldier aid and comfort. The Court accordingly reversed Cramer’s treason conviction.”
Cramer v. United States, 325 U.S. 1 (1945)

The Supreme Court of the United States reviewed the conviction of Anthony Cramer, a German-born naturalized citizen, for treason.

In a 5-4 decision the court overturned the jury verdict. Justice Robert H. Jackson, for the majority, wrote “the constitution is clear in its definition of treason, limited to the waging of war, or giving material assistance to an enemy.
“The prosecution and its witnesses could demonstrate only an association and not that Cramer had given ‘Aid and Comfort,’ as defined in Article Three [of the US Constitution]. … [T]he jury had been given no evidence that Cramer had ‘even paid for their drinks.’”

In its reversal of the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court’s “majority opinion held [that] the associations were insufficient to convict Cramer for treason.”
The German-born mechanic, Anthony Cramer, had associated with two Germans, Werner Thiel and Edward Kerling, one of whom Cramer had had prior business dealings. Werner Thiel and Edward Kerling were later found to be in the United States for the purpose of committing sabotage. Cramer was drag netted, arrested and convicted at trial, for association.
ild and not so Wild charges of Terrorism

April 9, 2019
US Department of State claims
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), “regularly threatens freedom of navigation in the Persian Gulf (sic) while its Aerospace Force directs the country’s ballistic missile program in defiance of Security Council resolutions (sic).”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo anounces
“… our intent to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including its Qods Force (sic), as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO). This designation will take effect one week from today.”
“This is the first time that the United States has designated a part of another government as an FTO.”
“The Quds Force is a unit in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) specializing in unconventional warfare and military intelligence operations.”
The US CIA operates black sites where “unacknowledged black operations or black projects are conducted.” Such sites “are controlled by the CIA and used by the US government in its War on Terror to detain alleged ‘unlawful enemy combatants.”
The Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) discovered that in the period before and during the “War on Terror,” the CIA engaged in extensive torture, “various forms of enhanced interrogation techniques” of human beings; and destroyed videos of these crimes.  The findings were released at the end of 2012.

Michael Richard Pompeo is a military industry businessman and former CIA director. As a businessman, Pompeo with three buddies started an aerospace company funded by Koch industries and whose client pool included military industrialists Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon Aircraft; Pompeo was also president of Sentry International, an oilfield equipment manufacturer that also partnered with Koch Industries. When Pompeo became US CIA chief in 2017, he brought along his business partner Brian Bulatao, as the CIA’s chief operating officer.

hicago-based author and radio host Stephen Lendman illustrates “terrorism” 

“Fact: Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries, threatening none now. The US wages permanent war on humanity, raping and destroying one country after another, notably since the 1950s, especially post-9/11.”
“The Pentagon, White House, Congress, CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, NED, USAID, and other US agencies are terrorist organizations – aiming for world conquest and domination, wanting all nations worldwide bending to Washington’s will – brute force and other terrorist tactics used to enforce it.
“The Trump regime is waging war on Iran by other means, similar to its actions against Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries, wanting their governments toppled, their nations transformed into US vassal states.”
January 5, 2020
The President’s Rose Garden news conference January 5, 2020 charges South of the Border “Terrorists”
“We have terrorists coming through the southern border because they find that’s probably the easiest place to come through. They drive right in and they make a left.”
Associated Press fact checks the president:

‘The only known terrorists who crossed illegally from Mexico in those decades were three ethnic Albanians from Macedonia who came as children with their parents in 1984; and, in their 20s, were arrested in the foiled plot to attack the Fort Dix, New Jersey, Army base in 2007, the CATO study found. They were not from a special-interest country.”
Further, “If they’re driving in through border crossings, no wall would stop them.” As to the president’s “broader point, US officials have not cited evidence of a terrorist influx from Mexico.”
Todd Bensman led homeland security intelligence efforts for nine years for the state government in Texas. “At the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors less immigration and stronger defenses against terrorist infiltration, analyst Todd Bensman said the Trump administration is losing credibility by exaggerating the threat from Mexico. 

Bensman estimated “perhaps 20 a year,” and has declared “I can say definitively that the number of terrorist suspects arriving at the southern border or en route never came anywhere close to 3,000, let alone 4,000 in any single year of my state government intelligence service.”

March 30, 2020
Iranian Foreign Minister  Mohammad Javad Zarif (Twitter)
The United States “has gone from sabotage & assassinations to waging an economic war & #EconomicTerrorism on Iranians—to #MedicalTerror amidst #covid19iran.”

“The illegal blockade of Iran’s financial resources by the sweeping US sanctions makes access to drugs and medical equipment impossible…
“This is leading to a humanitarian catastrophe.”

April 19, 2020

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (Twitter) urging UN Security Council to prolong the arms embargo on Iran, set to expire in October
“The arms embargo on Iran – the world’s leading state sponsor of terror – expires six months from today. The UN Security Council (UNSC) must extend the embargo before Iran’s violence escalates and they start a new arms race in the Middle East. The clock is ticking.”
UN Envoy Majid Takht-Ravanchi responds on Twitter that Pompeo’s action is
“Yet another attempt by US to distract from its continued #EconomicTerrorism on the Iranian people: this time, the US is calling on #UNSC to violate its very resolution 2231, and continue arms restrictions on Iran. But US will not succeed in wooing others to violate int’l law.”
anguage and its proper use matter. Accurate study and reading of history matter. A nation and people who are unafraid of looking unblinkingly at US relations at home and abroad matters are a nation and people made better for seeing clearly. Perhaps their courage will allow them also to correct the actual wrongs committed by their leaders and other influential entities.


PBS “Trump suggests Democrats are committing treason. Here’s what the Constitution says” September 30, 2019

Business Insider “Trump reportedly wants to block ‘traitor’ John Bolton’s new tell-all book” Sarah Al-Arshani February 22, 2020

Newsweek “Former CIA Agent Accuses Trump of Being a ‘Traitor’ Who ‘Betrayed’ America after New York Times Report” Christina Zhao January 12, 2019

Politico “Joe Walsh says ‘traitor’ Trump ‘deserves to be impeached’” Connor O’Brien October 6, 2019

Free Republic “Anthony Scaramucci: Trump is ‘a traitor to the United States’ Fox News Joseph A. Wulfsohn, October 4, 2019

AP NEWS “AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s mythical terrorist tide from Mexico” Calvin Woodward Tuesday January 8, 2019

The Independent UK “Trump accuses Obama’s DOJ of ‘treason’ in wild rant against department and FBI over Michael Flynn” John Bennett May 7, 2020

US Constitution

Constitution Center Treason Clause Common Interpretation
Common Interpretation

Wikipedia Cramer v. United States

Lendman, Stephen, “US military: An unparalleled terrorist organization.” Press TV April 9, 2019
“18 US Code § 2331 defines a terrorist organization as follows: The term refers to ‘activities that involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life…(that)  intimidate or coerce a civilian population…influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion…(and engage in) mass destruction.”
“The US Army Operational Concept for Terrorism (TRADOC Pamphlet No. 525-37, 1984) called terrorism ‘the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature…through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear.’”
“‘(W)ar on terrorism (is) war of terrorism.’ Historian Howard Zinn said ‘(h)ow can you make war on terrorism, if war is terrorism…Governments are terrorists on an enormously large scale.’”
“Scholar/activist Eqbal Ahmad called terrorism ‘coercive violence…that is used illegally (and) extra-constitutionally’ – whether by governments, groups or individuals, state terrorism most destructive of all, namely wars of aggression and other hostile actions by one nation against others.”
“Separately, Ahmad asked: ‘Who will define the parameters of terrorism, or decide where terrorists lurk? Why, none other than the United States, which can from the rooftops of the world set out its claim to be sheriff, judge and hangman, all at one and the same time.’”
“…Clearly and indisputably, the US, its government and agencies, especially its military, is an unparalleled terrorist organization ….”

Press TV “Iran FM: US ‘medical terrorism’ leading to ‘humanitarian catastrophe’” March 30, 2020

Press TV “Iran: US seeks to hide ‘economic terrorism’ with arms embargo call” April 19, 2020.

Insight Beyond Today’s News, CLB - © All Rights Reserved

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