Wednesday, October 14, 2020

America’s Body Politic Stuck on Superficiality

Surrenders Duty, Accepts the Unacceptable


mericans’ complicity in America’s decline

In America, a slick or posh talking vulgar and unprincipled man, a man of inferior intelligence and questionable moral character, wearing his crudity slyly or out and proud, can dress up in pinstripes or a tux, slap a flag pin to his lapel—and win elections; effectively, get away with murder.

The American people will assent to his ascent.

Not so with a woman.

A vulgar, inept, self-styled entitled “victim,” a woman of inferior intelligence and questionable moral character, such as Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris, cannot pull it off. 

The American people will not assent to the ascent of such as woman.



he Democratic Party in 2016 fielded a failed candidacy. In 2020, they repeated their error, or intention, by fielding another failed candidacy. 

Their fielding of unfit women candidates (in the first or second position) is indicative of the low esteem in which party operatives, paymasters (PACs, Super PACs, and other sinister entities), mass media, and hangers-on hold women. Across the American political (Democratic-Republican) one party system is the same characteristically low valuing of women.

Even women hold women in low esteem. This is evident in women’s penchant for demeaning substantive excellence in women, and celebrating superficiality in other women.


Essential Body Politic


ell-funded propaganda leads Americans to believe — and distracted Americans succumb to believing — 

  • that a singular offering (promoter of unending wars, one idea, one policy preference or ideology, one caliber of candidate) constitutes choice
  • that if the powers that be allow a community a voting precinct or ballot box, such “charity” is tantamount democracy.

None of this is true.

Yet Americans err over and over again—

  • fearing the future
  • looking for a “savior” 
  • having lost all sense of or willingness to search for, or even ability to recognize better or best
  • falling for the worst
  • choosing superficiality (gender, race, creed, color, personality, showmanship, pseudo-identity) over substance.

The eager stupidity of what should be a responsible body politic in a truly representative, constitutional democracy shuns its duty. 

The horde insists on disestablishing the pillars, thwarting realization of a truly great nation. 

They conspire in accelerating regression, enabling the decline of a great nation’s promise and potential.

Unacceptable is unacceptable 


anifestations of vulgarity, criminality, ineptitude, laziness, intellectual inferiority, questionable moral character, self-styled entitlement (even entrenchment) and victimhood in persons — regardless to their caste or connections, socioeconomic position, wealth or lack of wealth, creed, color, sex, sexuality, gender—are unacceptable characteristics. Such characteristics should disqualify (bar, preclude, prohibit) accession to public office.


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