Saturday, October 10, 2020

Do Post-Revolutionary War Americans need armed Militias?

Does a Man or Woman need Cannon at a Picnic?

The problem with frenzied actions (jerk or kneejerk) in crisis is that all the years of action (inaction, neglect, indifference, distractedness, interminable pandering and vote getting or campaigning to hold office or position) leading to out-and-loud crisis—created and compounded the crisis into multiple crises. Sickness!

An example is the immediately preceding US administration. This president acted as if America’s human relations problems and gross economic and general well-being, even basic plumbing, living disparities in the United States were—to paraphrase the eloquent and questionable Nobel laureate Barack Obama—well, just how it is in the United States (which is not so).

The forty-fourth U.S. president’s criminal neglect and indifference— “that’s how it is” and “I can do nothing about it” (also false) concerning Americans’ welfare (like his callously criminal bombing of Pakistan and Afghanistan and Libya and Somalia and other African and Western Asian peoples) —displayed the attitude of an individual existing on another planet.



he Forty-fifth President assumed and increased the detached character of his immediate predecessor.

Instead of using clever words, slick (remember “Slick Willie” Forty-two?) dissembling, and other camouflage, the Trumpster struts his incompetence, and callously celebrates criminal carelessness. Not bombing people is not indicative of man’s weakness. Incompetence and unfitness of purpose are not only indicative of weakness. These conditions are weakening. They render a person vulnerable (in the character of a “leader,” a nation vulnerable) to wherever, and whatever winds.     

Barack Hussein Obama and Donald John Trump possessed that common character and, mindlessly, they locked step with their predecessors.


They took orders from shadowy entities, and served the aims of brand-name masters such as Boeing and Lockheed, GlaxoSmithKline and Purdue Pharma, the Sackler, Gates and Walton families, BIG media-oil-tobacco Inc, BIG Ivy Georgetown Harvard-Stanford-Yale Inc, BIG pocketed long tentacles Adelson, Buffett, Goldman Sachs, Soros.


They pandered to, paid for, and played to malleable (easily hoodwinked) crowds.


In their policies, executive orders, and one after another disgraceful act, these U.S. presidents accelerated (Donald Trump continues to accelerate) a psychosis of neglect, blame distraction, and violence—with the predictable consequence of piled-on crises in social and economic, health and welfare sectors at home and abroad.



merica stands before the world in indisputable crisis—compounding, multilayered crises. 


In the midst of this self-made disaster, one of the institutions of entrenched Washington, Georgetown Law, joins the frenzy. Purports to instruct when a president and a people are oblivious to reason, and far beyond the stage of listening.

Nevertheless, in light of the televised and social media’rized rise and spread of variously named street militia and the reported attempt by at least one of these groups to kidnap Michigan’s governor and lay seize to the state capital, the Georgetown Law Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection’s set of “Facts on Unlawful Militias” has pertinence.

Part of their teaching 

All 50 states prohibit private, unauthorized groups from engaging in activities reserved for the state militia, including law enforcement activities.


The Constitution of the United States and the laws of individual U.S. States use the term ‘militia’ to refer to all able-bodied residents between certain ages who may be called forth by the government when there is a specific need;

but private individuals have no legal authority to activate themselves for militia duty outside the authority of the federal or state government. 



he Second Amendment, like much of the U.S. Constitution and other major documents (outside government, religions texts), has been misused, conveniently interpreted or deliberately misinterpreted to serve individually personal or ideological purposes; or, by politicians, to pander to narrow interests.

When politicians and media are in the pockets of vested interests, lobbyists of various kinds and connections; when there are no substantive and objective checks by responsible and knowledgeable government officials who stand firm in their devotion to upholding the meaning, derivation, historic setting of 200-plus year-old constitutional expressions, abuse and ramifications in further deepening social and human relations problems are the consequences.  Crisis upon Crisis!

Amendment Two

Patriots of Thirteen American Colonies defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783). In the post-Revolutionary War era, colonists were skeptical of tactics that had been used by the British at the start of this war. One of those tactics was the confiscation of colonists’ firearms. The text of Second Amendment (1791) was intended to protect colonists and colonies from threats by the Crown.

The Revolutionary War ended 237 years ago. The documentation of America’s Declaration of Independence from Britain is 244 years old. In these years, there has been no British threat against colonies, colonists, or Americans more generally.

One would think, Americans are not (or should not be) a threat to one another; nor, therefore, would Americans have reason to arm against one another. In either case of the British or fellow Americans, the Second Amendment lacks relevance to or ability to help resolve America’s internal conflicts, or solve America’s underlying and preexisting domestic problems.

Arming can only worsen conflict and add problems. Grease poured on flames causes a raging, all consuming fire. Crisis piled upon Crisis creates impenetrable Crises!   


Key Questions neither government officials or academics are asking:

  • Why?
  • Why do Americans feel the need to form militias?
  • Why armed militias?
  • Why do Americans feel the need, individually, to arm themselves?
  • Why does one need a “militia” in post-Revolutionary / post-Civil War eras?



urrent Documented Militias in the United States with date of origin

Militia groups in the United States “are private organizations that include paramilitary or similar elements”; who many call themselves “militia,” “unorganized militia,” or “constitutional militia



Missouri Militia: “private, non-profit civilian defense organization”



Ohio Defense Force (ODF): “organized, led, and staffed by private citizens”


Michigan Militia: paramilitary “formed in response to perceived encroachments by the federal government on the rights of citizens”


Militia of Montana (MOM): paramilitary “formed from remnants of 1992 United Citizens for Justice, … in response to the standoff during the siege in Ruby Ridge, Idaho; … largely disbanded after the Y2K threat turned out to be minor.”


Idaho Light Foot Militia (ILFM): unorganized militia privately organized by private citizens, self-described “as part of the Patriot movement”


Oath Keepers: “far-right anti-government militia organization” that “encourages its members to not obey orders which they believe would violate the United States Constitution”



Missouri Citizens Militia (MCM): private militia composed of military veterans, sheriff’s deputies, police, firefighters, and private citizens.”



Arizona Border Recon (AZBR): paramilitary militia “composed of former military, law enforcement and private security contractors”


New York Light Foot Militia (NYLFM): privately organized “Constitutional Militia” who “train together in several areas of civilian preparedness such as but not limited to: Land navigation, Basic HAM Radio use, Bug-out bag preparedness and use, Gun safety, Community emergency response team, Incident Command System, First aid, Paramilitary training, Survival skills and basic Survivalism”


Not F------ Around Coalition (NFAC): paramilitary organization “black liberation” and “separatism”


One does not bring a cannon to a picnic.



merica’s problem is about more than law or law and order—though I believe firmly in law and order and in self discipline. All people should be subject to law, order, rule of law, and self discipline.

America needs public officials who are devoted, blindly, without exclusivity or prejudice, to law and order, the rule of law; and to understanding the nature and application of law and order.

America needs men and women who set good examples. 

America needs public officials who are equally devoted, selflessly (not selfishly as the current pattern) to informing oneself, listening and learning with an open mind, and conveying to others the nature of underlying, preexisting conditions (not color, kin, kind superficialities and distractions).

America needs courageous, honest public officials cooperating with colleagues and people outside their circles, communicating respectfully—working, continuously, off-camera, and off social media— in solving America’s problems.


either lethal arms nor armed militia, neither lawyers nor legal briefs are means toward forming “a more perfect Union.” 

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Remember 1787.




Sources and news pegs

WSWS “Thirteen arrested in far-advanced pro-Trump conspiracy to murder Michigan’s governor and overthrow the state government” October 9, 2020

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Michigan State Police have arrested more than a dozen men across the state in connection with well-developed plans to kidnap and kill Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, seize power in Lansing and install a pro-Trump regime.”  


CounterSpin “Mary McCord on Unlawful Militias, Chip Gibbons on Assange Extradition October 9, 2020

This week on CounterSpin: In a conversation recorded just before we got word of the arrest of six members of the Michigan militia group calling itself the “Wolverine Watchmen” for conspiring to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, as part of a broader agenda of violent government overthrow, we talked with Mary McCord, a law professor at Georgetown University and legal director at the school’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection—and an expert on unlawful militias that manage to be part of the political landscape while somehow escaping rigorous media scrutiny.

“Fact Sheets on Unlawful Militias for All 50 States Now Available from Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection” Georgetown Law Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection

The Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection is based at Georgetown University Law Center,


The Constitution of the United States Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms Ratified 12/15/1791:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”



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