Friday, July 29, 2022

DISABLED (weakened) by the DIN

I am sick to death of the tiresome anti-Communism (or anti-Communist), anti-China, anti-Russia (generally anti-Oriental, anti Global South) shtick played ad nauseam by various US mass distracters—from self-righteous audio and video talk show performers; to self-serving panderers in upper echelons of government; to hordes of lackeys in concentrated industries of the press (traditional and virtual-space media), sports, and “entertainment.”

The only good public figures and media personalities can do for America—if indeed their intent is to do good for America, not merely attack the other fellow, and carry on an incessant blame fest targeting some distant (or close to home impaired) person or entity—is to compare present conditions, performance, results to objective principles. 

Compare America with America; not America with some irrelevant entity (If people want to be Communist, that’s their business; not the business of an American, and to use “Communist” as a slur is just another aspect of cheap distraction). Other nations and peoples; their form of government, choice of society or cultural traditions are irrelevant to arguments about US conditions. Moreover, United States public figures and the masses are deliberately, pathetically, recklessly ignorant of the former. US leaders have a penchant for manufacturing a specter that creates distraction (from their own failings), and spreads paranoia and perpetual hostility among the masses.


onsider indisputable truths.

 Russia and China trace their history in the hundreds of thousands, even millions of years (Africa too traces hundreds of thousands of years). History of the USA is barely past two centuries, and the people are seriously unhealthy. 

While US contemporary leaders (and their partners) spend time lecturing and disparaging other peoples and nations—they cannot (or do not bother to) instill, model or enforce standards of competence and incorruptibility in the United States of America. 

They cannot employ America’s jobless or shelter its homeless. They cannot run trains and planes on time or keep them in the air or on tracks, or vehicles safely on the roads. They cannot repair falling bridges or flawed roads, or keep debris off public surfaces. They can fill casinos and bars, and waste trillions in aggression foreign and domestic. But they cannot build, staff, equip and source good schools; educate the masses; instill discipline in the young or in the general citizenry. 

America is on a drug-addled rush toward self annihilation—aided and abetted by (left-right-center, anachronistic, anarchistic, nihilistic extremist) distracters with technological gadgets, microphones, Teleprompters, and a choir of minders and yawpers and yammers.

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