Saturday, July 30, 2022

Far removed from Chamber of Echoes

For the Record
Fabrication, Violent Aggression: an Unchecked Pattern 


estern leaders (US-led) persist in manufacturing crises. They persist in worsening international and regional situations and relations. Refusing to engage in talking diplomacy (for as long as it takes); yet all the while, they engage in (directly, by order or legislative act) transporting and trafficking in, funding and exporting lethal (offensive) weaponry against peoples and nations—in this context, onto the border of the Russian Federation.

Five countries sitting on Russia’s border hold membership in the tool of America: the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO). These countries and their year date of entry are Norway (1949), Poland (1999), Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (all three in 2004).

The Washington Treaty commonly known as the North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, DC, on April 4, 1949. The treaty’s legal grounding and executing agent is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (net worth estimate 2022: $1.036 trillion).

The founding pretext of NATO, a relic of the post-World War II (Cold War March 12, 1947-December 26, 1991) era, was to contain expansion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The USSR collapsed in 1991. However, NATO (USA: Washington) has kept up and increased its belligerence against the Russian Federation, and against countries closely allied with Russia.


kraine is not a member of NATO but is intimately (culturally, historically, politically) connected with Russia, and shares a 1,925.80-kilometer (1,196.636642-mile) border with Russia. The US “imperialist” adventure manifested in a pattern of global (reckless) interference, exploitation and destabilization has targeted this geographical area and regional relationships with the Russian Federation.

Therefore, it is understandable that “Russia feels threatened,” Richard Medhurst wrote back in February of this year. Given the US media’s complicity in aggression, Medhurst says, “I can’t help but draw parallels with Iraq because we need to understand what’s happening here.” [USA v Iraq is USA v Ukraine (i.e., Russia).]

In the anti-Iraq era Washington and press partners manufactured stories (later dispelled) that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein was sending anthrax letters to members of the US Congress; that the president (though heading a Baathist secular government) had “links to al-Qaeda,” a group of “right-wing religious extremists”; and bombshell of all bombshell fabrications, the Iraqi president was “building his own weapons of mass destruction.” All of these fabrications disputed—AFTER the fabricators had carried out repeated bombings and utter decimation of Iraq’s culture and institutions, and overseen the public execution of its head of state.

The same sinister people and entities who, for their own purposes, manufactured yarns against Iraq and against Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Georgia, Belarus and others have, in actuality, manufactured chronic yarns against China and Russia. On the road of their malevolence, they have exploited people and places like Ukraine and Ukrainians.

There is always a “supposed ‘imminent threat’ … justifying their claims” and prompting their ordered (legislated, droned, direct, mass acquiescence to) acts of violence—“attack on people or countries” to head off this fabled “attack on us.” Medhurst reported, “If you go on twitter” and peruse the account of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, “every six hours, like clockwork, he (Blinken) makes statements like ‘Russia needs to de-escalate’ (presentation of pretext) and ‘we express our unwavering support (call to war) for Ukraine.’ It is 24/7 propaganda,” a mantra accusing Russia of invading Ukraine—a claim that is neither checked nor challenged by articles or video reports produced and disseminated by major media outlets.

Enabling manufacture and malice is a collective media that fails to do due diligence of scrutinizing press releases, statements or claims. “People in media are basically mouthpieces for the government,” Medhurst writes; “by definition,” they are “state media” repeating made-up assertions as if they were confirmed fact. Added to major media’s fabrications are “some of the most insane things” (Medhurst’s words) conjured up on social media by “pundits or commentators.”


Richard Medhurst’s full article and interview appeared on February 20, 2022: Media Hyping War Interview “No Russian Invasion! Media Look like Fools Hyping War,”


ichard Thomas Medhurst is a journalist who did exclusive reporting on the Iran nuclear talks; and was one of the few independent journalists who covered the Julian Assange extradition hearing at the Old Bailey in London. Medhurst has lived in many countries (his parents, Syrian and British, worked with the United Nations) and speaks “four languages fluently: English and Arabic (mother tongue), French from secondary education and German, having lived in Austria.” His areas of coverage include “US politics, international relations and the Middle East;” his activism is “rooted in anti-imperialism.” His presence is in traditional and contemporary broadcast and print media.

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