Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Counting, Discounting “The Vote”: US Apathy at home, Aggression Abroad

Meddling in Others’ Affairs Abandons Home

Leaders, influential agents, people holding inordinate power should mend their own matters before meddling in the affairs of others.

The Vote

Voting for elective officials is a freedom afforded citizens of many (but not all) countries around the world. Some abuse the vote. Some take it for granted. Holding “public elections” does not in self “guarantee” free” and “fair” elections.

Voter turnout in the United States of America consistently lags behind that of the “developed” nations around the world. Average voter turnout of OECD countries is 69 percent.

Voter Turnout in the United States of America

  • 2016 estimate: 55.72 percent of eligible voters
  • 2020 estimate: 66.5 percent of eligible voters



actors found to be Contributive to Low Voter Turnout

  • Apathy and ignorance (particularly among young people who are otherwise eligible to vote)
  • Unawareness of voting process
  • Perceived corruption and dysfunction causing disenchantment and disaffection

Large and small election scandals

  • accusations of ballot box stuffing or improper counting procedures; 
  • unreasonable voting requirements; 
  • limiting, excluding or effectively outlawing (multi-) political party or (independent) candidate participation; 
  • gerrymandering of voting districts giving one party an unnatural advantage and delivering results contrary to the desires of the people as a whole. 
  • Limiting or prohibiting open, authentic debates

Highest Voter Turnout (%)

Top 10 Countries 2017-2022 (“parliamentary” applies to any election in which members are elected to a legislative body, whether or not the elective body is called a “parliament”)

1.      Rwanda (Central Africa) 2017 Presidential 98.15

2.      Laos (Southeast Asia) 2021 Parliamentary 98.02

3.      Turkmenistan (Central Asia) 2022 Presidential 97.17

4.      Singapore (Southeast Asia) 2020 Parliamentary 95.81

5.      Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Southeast Asia) 2021 Parliamentary 95.60


6.      Nauru (Island in Central Pacific) 2019 Parliamentary 95.13

7.      Ethiopia (East (Horn of) Africa) 2021 Parliamentary 93.64

8.      Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa-West) 2016 Presidential 92.70

9.      Togo (West Africa) 2020 Presidential 92.28

10.  Antigua and Barbuda (Island in Atlantic) 2014 Parliamentary 90.27


World Population Review https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/voter-turnout-by-country

Highest Voter Turnout (Top 10) among Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Member Countries 

  1. Belgium        87.2
  2. Sweden        82.6
  3. South Korea    77.9
  4. Denmark        80.3
  5. Australia        79
  6. Norway        78
  7. Netherlands    77.3
  8. Iceland        76.8
  9. Israel        76.1
  10. New Zealand    73.2

Latest published data 2015, WorldAtlas https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-highest-voter-turnout.html

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Member Countries


1.      Australia

2.      Austria

3.      Belgium

4.      Canada

5.      Chile

6.      Colombia

7.      Costa Rica

8.      Czech Republic

9.      Denmark

10.  Estonia

11.  Finland

12.  France

13.  Germany

14.  Greece

15.  Hungary

16.  Iceland

17.  Ireland (Republic of)

18.  Israel

19.  Italy

20.  Japan

21.  Korea (South Korea/ROC)

22.  Latvia


23.  Lithuania


24.  Luxembourg


25.  Mexico


26.  Netherlands


27.  New Zealand


28.  Norway


29.  Poland


30.  Portugal


31.  Slovak Republic


32.  Slovenia


33.  Spain


34.  Sweden


35.  Switzerland


36.  Türkiye


37.  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

38.  United States of America





rompted by Current reporting from the East laying bare US officials’ lead of Collective West in a relentless, aggressive interference and obstruction of elective processes abroad

September 24, 2022 Reporting

US President Joseph Biden, ahead of the actual voting in the Donbass Region (and never having set foot on the ground in that region),

Declares the process and outcome a “sham”;

Vows “never recognize” the decisions of voters; and

Threatens collective strangling of Russians and people of the Russian Federation with “severe economic costs”

Locking step with the US president’s threats, the Group of Seven (comprised of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan) labels the people’s votes “‘illegitimate’ and undemocratic, and vows ‘never (to) recognize’" the voters' decision.

September 27, 2022 Reporting

Following the election, the Collective West’s interference refused to let up. The “sham” charge continued as did the vow of non-recognition and increased punishment.

A spokesman for the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell is reported declaring that

“The EU will slap sanctions on anyone involved in referendums on joining Russia in the Donbass republics, as well as in Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.”

Another loudspeaker connected with the European Union’s foreign policy division issued a public threat against individuals …“‘obviously linked’ to the referendums,” promising that they “‘would be targeted in the next sanctions package.’”


ET, despite all the verbal threats of heavy hitters and all their lethal weaponry poured on Russia’s borders and into a reckless comedian’s Ukraine—courageous people in numbers reaching toward one hundred percent (far exceeding vote counts of any US election) showed up and voted their desire to join (to embrace and be embraced by) the Russian Federation.

“The polls were conducted in the republics, as well as in the Moscow-controlled parts of Ukraine’s Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions between September 23 and 27, 2022.” Both republics—that had broken away from Kiev in the aftermath of the 2014 Maidan coup and the ensuing conflict in Ukraine’s east—have shown a turnout exceeding 80 percent for the referendums.

  • More than 98 percent of voters in Lugansk “have supported the idea to join Russia” (official figures)
  • Similar results are shown in the Donetsk vote after “a count of more than half the ballots
  • Zaporozhye and Kherson regions’ ballot counts show “93 percent and 87 percent of voters, respectively,” have backed “the split from Ukraine and reunification with Russia”
  • “Despite Kiev’s (and others) attempts to disrupt it…, the referendum” (according to local elections officials) stands; it “is considered valid.”

International observers of the elections came from Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Serbia, Mozambique, France, and the Central African Republic. All reported the “enthusiasm of voters” and that there were “no violations” in the elections process. They did note, however, the continuing “threats and shelling from Ukraine.”



RT news September 24, 2022 “Biden pledges ‘response’ to referendums: The US will target Russia’s economy over the votes in Donbass and two Moscow-controlled regions, the president says” https://www.rt.com/news/563446-biden-pledges-response-referendums-russia/

RT news September 25, 2022,  “Early turnout numbers for referendums on joining Russia revealed: Preliminary results on the third of five voting days shows the threshold having been reached in Donbass and Zaporozhye and almost met in Kherson,” https://www.rt.com/russia/563509-donbass-referendums-turnout-figures/

TASS news September 27, 2022 “Voting on accession to Russia,” https://tass.com/politics/1514213

RT news September 27, 2022 “EU threatens foreign observers over Donbass referendums:The sanctions, if agreed, may also affect those monitoring votes on joining Russia in Zaporozhye and Kherson regions” https://www.rt.com/russia/563612-eu-referendum-donbass-sanctions/

Contents of full news reports RT News - September 27 2022 (20:00 MSK):

  • Final referendum results in the Kherson Region with 96 percent saying yes to join Russia; that’s as preliminary data in the Donbass republics and the Zaporozhye Region shows over 90 percent in favor. Our correspondents report on location.
  • Video evidence emerges showing what’s been described as unprecedented damage to the Nord Stream pipeline system with German media claiming possible sabotage.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin says the West broke its promises for Ukrainian grain to go to countries in need, as only a small fraction of the supplies went to Africa. https://www.rt.com/shows/news/563537-rtnews-september-27-20msk/

RT news September 27, 2022, “Donbass republic estimates timing of referendum results Polling stations are set to close in the coming hours as the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) votes on joining Russia,” https://www.rt.com/russia/563585-lugansk-referendum-results-tuesday/


World and National Sources
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Composition, Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images

Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett


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