Monday, September 26, 2022

East-West School Shootings

East-West Condolences

USA 2000-2022
Incidents of 10 or more casualties excerpted

Some variation in source totals


ikipedia data

March 21, 2005

Red Lake Senior High School

Red Lake, Minnesota

Deaths 10 Wounded 7


April 16, 2007

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

Blacksburg, Virginia  

Deaths 33 Wounded 23


February 14, 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Parkland, Florida

Deaths 17 Wounded 17         


May 24, 2022

Robb Elementary School

Uvalde, Texas

Deaths 22 Wounded 18


“School shootings in the United States (2000–present),” Wikipedia, latest update September 8, 2022,



ecurity dot org Blog data

April 2007

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

Blacksburg, VA

Deaths 32 Wounded 26


December 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Newtown, CT

Deaths 26 Wounded 0


February 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Parkland, FL

Deaths 17 Wounded 17




May 2018

Santa Fe High School

Santa Fe, TX

Deaths 10 Wounded 13


May 2022

Robb Elementary School

Uvalde, TX

Deaths 21 Wounded 17



Russian Federation Ural Mountains Today 


zhevsk, capital of the Russian Republic of Udmurtia west of the Ural mountains diving Europe and Asia.

September 26, 2022
Shooting at School Number 88

Deaths 17 Wounded 24

Casualties in this developing news report have included children, teachers, and security guards.

“Death toll climbs in Russian school shooting: More victims of the school shooting rampage in the Udmurt Republic have died in the hospital, bringing the tally to 17,” September 26, 2022, RT news


It is of some interest, at least to me, that the Izhevsk shooter was wearing Nazi insignia on his clothing and US officials are reportedly backing Nazi individuals in Eastern Europe. Moreover, history has documented that this far from the first time US officials have supported Nazis and other terrorist operatives. This is a sad day for many reasons.  


Izhevsk, situated along the Izh River west of the Ural Mountains in Eastern Europe, is said to date back to the mid-eighteenth century. During 1984-1987, the city was called “Ustinov,” after the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic’s late Minister of Defense, Dmitry Ustinov. Today, Izhevsk answers to the titles “Armory Capital of Russia” and “City of Labor Glory.”  It is lauded as the Volga Region’s “major hub of industry, commerce, politics, culture and education;” and is particularly known “for its defense, engineering and metallurgy industries.” Its total population is roughly 648,213. Izhevsk, Wikipedia,


World Population Data


ountries with Most School Shootings (reported) 2009-2018


United States  288


Mexico            8


South Africa   6


Pakistan           4


Nigeria                        4


World Population Review Data



World and National Sources
Collage composed of individual Internet images
Composition, Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images

Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett



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