Saturday, September 24, 2022

Missed Headlines

NEVER to be FORGOTTEN Stories 

Headline September 13, 2022

“Jewel of the Caucasus: Why Armenia and Azerbaijan continue to fight over Nagorno-Karabakh” FEATURE: “A ceasefire was declared in the disputed territory 21 months ago, but is there any chance of a genuine peace?”


Headline September 14, 2022

“From Brezhnev to Khrushchev: Ukraine had a huge influence on the Soviet Union, something Kiev now prefers to downplay” FEATURE: “It’s not commonly understood in the West, today, that Ukrainians played a major role in the USSR”

Headline September 16, 2022

“15 years after US Blackwater mercenaries massacred civilians in Baghdad, has anything changed for private military contractors?” FEATURE: “The Nisour Square massacre was a notorious incident some years after the illegal US invasion of Iraq”

Headline September 17, 2022

“Leaked documents expose Ukrainian attempts to destabilize Russia and draw NATO into a full-scale war with Moscow” FEATURE: “Plans concocted by the special services reveal Kiev’s aggressive strategy over many years”

Headline September 18, 2022

“Bait and switch: How Russia handed Moscow to Napoleon 210 years ago, but went on to win the war” FEATURE: “The Western cliché is that ‘General Winter’ defeated the French leader, but the truth is far more complex”


Headline September 19, 2022

“NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia: How the illegal US-led attack on the Balkan state changed the course of European history” FEATURE: “An intervention intended to crown the US imperial project ended up ‘losing’ Russia instead”

Headline September 20, 2022

“Bombshell court filing suggests the FBI knew ‘Russiagate’ was a fraud in January of 2017, but it kept up its pressure on (former US President Donald) Trump” FEATURE: “Igor Danchenko’s confession appears to reveal the bureau’s true intentions”

Layered dubious Sources ♦

Christopher Steele is a native of South Arabia (now Yemen) who holds UK citizenship and owns a London-based private intelligence company. Mr. Steele apparently hired Igor Yurievich Danchenko, a native of the Soviet Union living in the US state of Virginia, to investigate US citizens. Danchenko (a/k/a Iggy Danchenko) becomes one of Steele’s primary sources for information alleging “collusion” between the “2016 presidential campaign” of US businessman Donald John Trump “and the Russian government.” In compiling his information, Mr. Danchenko reportedly used his “friends” as sources.

Iggy Danchenko mark in history is that he was “Primary sub-source for Christopher Steele’s ‘Steele dossier’”
Neon Nettle

“FEC Fines Hillary Clinton for Lying about Steele Dossier Funding Clinton team and DNC hit with fines over anti-Trump hoax” by Jay Greenberg, March 31, 2022,  Neon Nettle International House12 Constance Street, London, United Kingdom

“Besides revelations that its contents were fabricated, the scandalous document was heavily scrutinized for its questionable sources — which ultimately turned out to be Hillary Clinton’s campaign and her counterparts in the DNC.”


Headline September 21, 2022

“Another Afghanistan in the making? How a fully-fledged war between two ex-Soviet states could threaten stability in Central Asia” FEATURE: “What has happened on the border of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and where will it lead?”


Headline September 24, 2022

“US Psy-Ops exposed: Washington isn’t concerned about morals; it’s worried about getting caught” FEATURE: “Pentagon orders urgent review of after its global scheme is compromised”

International News Sources
Encyclopedic Sources


World and National Sources
Collage composed of individual Internet images
Composition, Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images

Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett


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