Saturday, September 24, 2022

Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett announces the release of ‘Epitaph’

Latest book asks Americans a deadly serious question. Which shall the American inscription read—continued breach or bridge? Continued extremism or a More Perfect Union?


Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett announces the release of ‘Epitaph’

Latest book asks Americans a deadly serious question. Which shall the American inscription read—continued breach or bridge? Continued extremism or a More Perfect Union?


ROCHESTER, N.Y. – In this moment of compounding crises and destructive tendencies among incestuously entrenched public officials and their partners (compounded by a contagion of tribalism), it is essential to pause and reconsider the voices of America’s founders and framers of government.


 “Epitaph: Extremism (Anachronism, Anarchism, Infantilism, Nihilism) Or A More Perfect Union (Breach or Bridge Message to America)” (published by Xlibris) returns to the framers of the American Union; and with critical evidence gathered from distant headlines and global thinkers far removed from the Washington Beltway, it lays out the nature and annihilative consequences of present-day American extremism.


In nonpartisan and nontribal commentary and reporting, Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett exposes polarization without being polarizing. She explains American extremism without contributing to it. Instead of copying the cowardly course of casting blame wrapped in American exceptionalism, Bennett presents observable fact and historical context intent on offering choices and solutions. The ultimate questions are: Will Americans continue their extremism? Or will they come together, mend their brokenness, and, with mutual respect for one another’s gifts and abilities, work to form and further a more perfect Union?


Epitaph: Extremism (Anachronism, Anarchism, Infantilism, Nihilism) Or A More Perfect Union 
(Breach or Bridge Message to America)”
By Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 252 pages | ISBN 9781669824954
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 252 pages | ISBN 9781669824961
E-Book | 252 pages | ISBN 9781669824978
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author   

Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett is a prolific Southern-born American writer and author of several books concentrating on U.S. politics, public affairs, and international relations. Her university credentials are in education (PhD), journalism, and public affairs (M.A.). Bennett has worked in several U.S. states and the District of Columbia as a university professor and as an employee with the U.S. government. She began her career as a secondary-school teacher with the U.S. Peace Corps assigned to Freetown, Sierra Leone (West Africa). In addition to her lifelong labor of love (writing), Bennett enjoys good music and capturing wildlife and cloudscapes on camera; chasing a full moon, winter retreats at Niagara Falls; neighborliness, civil debate, and engaging conversation anywhere. Her travel journal and camera files have recorded three continents (in North America from Campobello Island to San Francisco Bay, Lake Itasca to the Mississippi River Delta).

Previously published book titles:  
America’s Human Connection (University Editions Inc)
Mary McLeod Bethune: An Annotated Bibliography (Edwin Mellen Press)
Talking Back to Today’s News (PublishAmerica)
Women’s Work and Words Altering World Order (Iuniverse Inc)

Missing News and Views in Paranoid Times
Same Ole or Something New
No Land an Island No People Apart
Pondering Alphabetic Solutions
Solutions 2
Betrayal: Public Welfare Abandoned for Private Wealth

Copyright © 2022 · All Rights Reserved · Dr. Carolyn LaDelle Bennett


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