Friday, October 21, 2022

Through the Prism of Commanders in chief, Congress, the Mercenary class—LIFE IS CHEAP

Potomac River to the Gulf of Aden
Black Sea to the Caribbean 


News missing from USA Main Stream 


CASHING IN ‘…Cause enough is NEVER Enough

As hundreds of thousands of US citizens languish in homelessness (their numbers rising at least over the past forty years) and US foreign aggression forces millions of people from their homelands—the US mercenary class are transforming themselves into multimillionaires. CASE:
“Retired” US military “officers” are permitted to receive “six- or seven-figure salaries overseas while earning lucrative taxpayer-funded pensions back home.” One example is “a four-star general with over 40-years of service in the military… drawing down an annual retirement salary exceeding “$230,000” “plus health care benefits.”
Retired Marine General James L. Jones, former Obama administration national security adviser reportedly signed on with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (working with MbS) in 2017. In service to the KSA, Jones reportedly “enlisted the help of ‘about a dozen ​​former senior Pentagon officials including former Clinton administration defense secretary, William S. Cohen.’….” Fifteen former US military “generals and admirals have worked directly for Saudi Crown Prince and Saudi Defense Minister Mohamed Bin Salman.”
October 18, 2022, in Responsible Statecraft, an online magazine of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, Connor Echols reported on recent investigations showing that “Retired US military brass are cashing in with work for Gulf autocrats: … Some officials even arranging plans to advise foreign governments WHILE ON ACTIVE DUTY ….”


Part of the larger push to exploit the (US-aided crisis) in Ukraine and “jack up Pentagon spending for things that have nothing to do with defending Ukraine, or any likely future scenario”— United States “lawmakers and defense contractors” are exploiting Ukraine to fill “their weapons wish list.”

Militarist Mercenary Buddies in locked step and linked arms with revolving door lobbyists, financiers of political campaigns, and seated government officials will ensure sales, indiscriminately, sales of any kind of death-dealing implement or technology to any entity. 
The US Army expresses a desire “to double the production of HIMARS and triple production of certain types of artillery ‘in response to the war in Ukraine’ …” Lockheed Martin then announces “plans to expand production (by more than 50 percent) of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System: HIMARS.”
Connor Echols writing October 18, 2022, at Responsible Statecraft: “Defense contractors eye long-term profits from Ukraine war: A new proposal would slash protections against price gouging and ratchet up weapons production well past Kyiv’s needs.”


Despite the unspeakable KSA savagery in Yemen resulting in relentless humanitarian crises and “nearly 400,000” deaths “through direct and indirect means”—including thousands of civilian deaths caused by “Saudi airstrikes carried out with U.S.-supplied equipment and logistical support,” the administration in Washington (after over a brief tiff over oil) has returned to the United States’ usual business of selling war weaponry to the despotic kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. 
In addition to the US Saudi sales of death are US war-weaponry sales to “repressive regimes in Egypt, Nigeria, and the Philippines,” all with reckless disregard for the interminable consequences in human suffering
October 20, 2022, William Hartung writes “Bombs & guns: Biden’s ‘business as usual’ approach to US arms sales: A new report shows the White House is still ‘checking its values at the door’ when it comes to arms transfers abroad.”


Over a long period (in recent times to the Cold War era also part of a centuries’ old pattern of U.S. tyranny), US officials and other foreign meddlers and aggressors have interfered in the affairs of Haiti, and always made matters worse.
The current crisis in Haiti “is itself the product” of US government interference, which backed a businessman turned politician (assassinated in 2021), President Jovenel Moïse; and now is attempting to keep in power an acting prime minister, Ariel Henry, who lacks “democratic legitimacy” and is being strenuously opposed by a “broad coalition of Haitians.”
Contemptuous of the Haitian citizenry, the United Nations—supported by the Biden administration—is being pushed to deploy a “peacekeeping” force (an element of aggression) in Haiti. It is a well-documented fact that UN peacekeeping personnel stationed in Haiti have committed “extensive human rights abuses” not the least of which being the “sexual assault of young women and girls, and the spread of cholera.” Abusers of human rights cannot be trusted to protect or preserve human rights. 
October 21, 2022, Daniel Larison writes “The last thing Haiti needs is a foreign military intervention: As conditions spiral out of control there, the UN wants to send ‘peacekeepers.’ But as we’ve seen in the past, this could be a disaster.”

Responsible Statecraft is the online magazine of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft that publishes outside contributors and reporters as well as staff analysis, opinion, and news “to promote a positive, non-partisan vision of U.S. foreign policy and critique the ideologies and interests that have mired the United States in counterproductive and endless wars and made the world less secure.” Its website

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Relentless Razing of Nations: Creators of Crises Create Crises continually

Some Step down, Some Don’t

Confronted with their incompetence, their unfitness for purpose, injury to entities and institutions, some leaders have the courage—or sense of shame—to step aside. Other leaders selfishly and self-centeredly hunker down and hang on, continuing the carnage, the wrecking of the ship of state, and the drowning of people far and wide, at home and abroad.

The masses and their puppeteers may laud and applaud those who sense the writing on the wall and step aside. Puppets and puppeteers may celebrate (even confer “peace” and “perfection” prizes on) plutocrats and partisans (the cowardice class) whose minds are sealed against the times (the writing on the wall), and carry on with their devastation.

In the spring of 2022 the United Nations reported that conflict, violence, human rights violations, persecution and various disruptions in public order had forced the global displacement of more than100 million people, and the numbers continued to rise.
Global aggression continues to force migration across lands and seas with great loss of lives. Neighboring nations of displaced people are affected far more than US-led NATO nations who scream and holler and blame those whom they have turned into victims.

The self-centered, cowardice class without a conscience refuses to join concerted efforts to solve problems, cure disease and causation and mend preexisting contributive conditions.
Hitting headlines today across the Western world is “UK Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after failed budget and market turmoil” Associated Press October 20, 2022
History records 

21st Century Premiership Resignations in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • 2010 James Gordon Brown resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2016 David William Donald Cameron resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2019 Theresa Mary Brasier May resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2022 (July 7) Alexander Boris Johnson resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 2022 (October 20) Mary Elizabeth Truss resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

But, as always, headline drafters and editors (together with social media posters in search of clicks and followers), and the intellectually lazy missed the important story, the really BIG story—a story not of markets and venture capital; but of unspeakable criminality and impunity, impaired character and relentless carnage (committed by predecessor and successor “leaders”, presidents, prime ministers, commanders in chief) against human beings, against nature, and against nations of the world. 

The Razing of Nations and Removal of Peoples continues. 


Unrelenting Carnage by four most recent United States Commanders in Chief  2001-2022

Some of the Key Figures

  • GEORGE WALKER BUSH (VP Richard Cheney; State and Defense Departments: Victoria Nuland, Powell, Condoleezza Rice; Rumsfeld, Gates; Ambassadors United Nations: Negroponte, John Danforth, John Bolton, Zalmay Khalilzad) 2001-2009

  • BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II (VP Joseph Biden; State and Defense Departments Victoria Nuland, Kerry, Hillary Clinton; Gates, Panetta, Hagel, Ash Carter; Ambassadors to UN: Susan Rice, Samantha Power) 2009-2016

  • DONALD JOHN TRUMP (VP Michael Pence; State and Defense Rex Tillerson, Mike Pompeo; Mattis, Shanahan (nom wd), Esper; Ambassadors to UN Haley, Nauert (nom wd), Craft) 2009-2016
  • JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN JR (VP Kamala Harris; State and Defense Victoria Nuland, Blinken; Austin; Ambassador to UN Thomas-Greenfield) 2017-2022 (continuing)

Some of the Assassinations

  • Bush 2003: President of Iraq Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti
  • Obama 2011: President of Libya Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi
  • Trump 2020: Honorable Iranian General Qasem Soleimani

Some of the
Continuing Carnage, Savagely Violent, unchecked Aggression
Breach of Sovereignty in Asia, Eastern Africa, Eastern Europe

  • 2001–2021 (continuing) in Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
  • 2002 – 2022 (continuing) in Republic of Yemen
  • 2003-2011; 2014-2021 (continuing) in Republic of Iraq
  • 2004-2018 (continuing) Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • 2007-2022 (continuing) Federal Republic of Somalia and Republic of Kenya (Horn of Africa)
  • 2009–2016 Indian Ocean
  • 2011 (failed state, slavery, continuing) State of Libya
  • 2011–2017 Republic of Uganda
  • 2011 – 2022 (continuing) Syrian Arab Republic
  • 2014- 2022 (continuing) Ukraine

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links

Monday, October 17, 2022

Beyond Beltway Chatter: Caribbean to the Adriatic

World News and Context

MONDAY Morning Headlines

  • “Nobody takes Joseph Robinette Biden Jr seriously”
  • “Austria won’t train Ukrainian troops”
  • “India to begin producing upgraded version of iconic Russian weapon – official”
  • US-led NATO foolishly conducts “nuclear exercises”
  • “German health minister warns of hospital closures”
  • British Members of Parliament demand resignation of “Liz Truss”

USA Aggression and Southern European Slavs SUNDAY News and Background:

Serbian interior minister says EU is blackmailing Serbia. Brussels is opposing Serbia’s strengthening relations with Russia

Brief History

Yugoslavia after World War I (under the name the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) became the first union of the South Slavic people as a sovereign state.

In 1922 the country gained international recognition at the Conference of Ambassadors in Paris; and seven years later changed its official name to Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

INVASION: In 1941, Major Axis powers German Reich, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan invaded Yugoslavia

1945 Yugoslavia was renamed the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia; and in 1963, the country took another official name: the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY).

INVASION 1990s: the William Jefferson Blithe III (Bill Clinton) era commanded - NATO bombing of the capital and environs of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (“Yugoslav Wars” / “Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999”). Kosovo shares borders with Serbia (north and east), North Macedonia (southeast), Albania (southwest), and Montenegro (west).

The USA-NATO “bombing campaign marked the first time that the US-led alliance used military force without the approval of the UN Security Council. The action “is still regarded by much of the world as illegitimate.” After the 1990s carnage, NATO troops moved into Kosovo, where they remain to this day.
Today’s REVELATIONS emerging in a televised address October 15, 2022:

“Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reveals … that American and British leaders including President Bill Clinton, in 1999, urged Hungary to invade Serbia by land.

Vucic said that the US and UK wanted Hungarian forces to push south into Serbia in order to split the Yugoslav military between the front in Kosovo and a new front with Hungary. [However], “with the help of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, (Hungary) pushed back against the ‘pressure from the White House.’ (Emphasis added)

History continues. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbia formed a union with Montenegro; and changes occurred among neighbor in the years following.

  • 2006: Serbia and Montenegro dissolved their union and Serbia resumed its independence (as in 1918) as a sovereign state [Serbia formally adheres to the policy of military neutrality; and domestically, “provides universal health care and free primary and secondary education for its citizens].
  • 2008: representatives of the Assembly of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence; however, Serbia continues to claim Kosovo as part of its own sovereign territory.

Since 2014: Serbia has been negotiating acceptance by the European Union and entry into the bloc by 2025

Western Collective’s relentless Aggression, Pressure, Manipulation - News update

Over the weekend Serbia’s Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin told the press that the European Union is pressuring Serbia to join their eastward aggression in exchange for entry into the European bloc.

“The question is not whether we want to join the EU,” Minister Vulin said, “but, rather, whether the EU wants Serbia.”

“Judging by the insane blackmail they are exposing us to …, they don’t want us;” and “the sooner we accept that they don’t want us and we don’t belong there, the better off we will be.”

“Belgrade should instead turn its attention to “free countries that accept us without blackmail.”
Serbia is a traditional ally of Russia that has come under intense pressure the join the Collective West’s relentless aggression (sanctions) against Moscow.

News sources
World News October 16, 2022 “EU blackmailing Serbia – interior minister
Aleksandar Vulin said that Serbs should accept that Brussels doesn’t want them, and strengthen relations with Russia instead”
World News October 8, 2022 “US asked Hungary to invade Serbia – Vucic: Viktor Orban refused Bill Clinton’s 1999 request to wage war on his neighbor”
Reference source Wikipedia,

News and Background from the Home of Nuremberg

German politician serving as Minister-President of Bavaria Markus Thomas Theodor Söder is reported saying that the “Energy crisis will breed extremism” “Germany’s political parties must show a united front, or risk the ‘destabilization of democracy.’”
Apropos the Moment: Bavaria (Free State of Bavaria in Germany’s southeast) is home to the city of Nuremberg, site of the 1945-1946 Nuremberg trials, an international tribunal sitting in judgment of “German officials involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

October 1946: many prominent German Nazi politicians and military leaders were executed in Nuremberg. The same courtroom in Nuremberg was the venue of the Nuremberg Military Tribunals, organized by the United States as occupying power in the area. Others trials were planned but canceled by the onset of the Cold War.

In the present, Bavaria’s Markus Söder is reportedly demanding a “protective shield” over Germany. Instead of giving them to Ukraine, “Berlin should use IRIS-T systems”—‘InfraRed Imaging System Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled’ medium range infrared homing missile available in air-to-air and ground defense surface-to-air variants—“to protect Germany.”


BRAND USA: Yugoslavia to the Caribbean 1990s-2022

Republic of Haiti: third largest country in the Caribbean by area, estimated population 11.4 million; dominant language French, dominant religion Christianity, capital city Port-au-Prince
The current US president while a member of the US Senate “was among the most aggressive proponents of U.S. militarism in the former Yugoslavia, while arguing that intervening to reverse a right-wing coup in Haiti was not in the interest of the United States of America,” investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill wrote in 2021.

“From 1993 to 1994, Scahill reports, “Joe Biden’s foreign policy agenda was almost solely focused on agitating for more U.S. military involvement in Bosnia. Meanwhile, the Caribbean island-nation of Haiti was experiencing a brutal campaign of mass killings at the hands of a murderous military regime that had overthrown the democratically elected government of leftist Catholic priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide.”

Scahill noted one of the Honorable Senator’s infamous quips:

“If Haiti, a God-awful thing to say, if Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn’t matter a whole lot in terms of our interest.”

“A Half-Century of Joe Biden’s Stances on War, Militarism, and the CIA” Empire Politician (1994 U.S. Invasion of Haiti): A project by Jeremy Scahill, The Intercept, April 27, 2021,

The 2010 Clintons-Bush-Obama Haiti Affair

At the request of President Barack Obama, the "Clinton Bush Haiti Fund," a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was established on January 16, 2010, for former US presidents George W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton to lead aid efforts for victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The fund closed shop (formal operations) on December 31, 2012. Subsequent to that, Rastafari TV published an article titled “The Clintons' Blood Money Criminal Enterprise and Rape of Haiti, stealing billions of dollars” The authors reported that

“On January 12, 2010, a massive 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, devastating the island and killing over 300,000 people. … The devastation created new opportunities for predators to take full advantage of the situation and use the tragedy to prey upon the victims for personal gain and profit. The country was declared open for business; and while the Haitian people suffered, the Clintons cashed in."

“On January 2015, a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation … chanting slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of ‘billions of dollars.’"
The Haitian demonstrators kept up the actions in the following months “accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft;” and asking 

  • “‘Clinton, where’s the money?’”
  • “‘In whose pockets?’”

“We are telling the world of the crimes for which Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible in Haiti.’”

Twenty-eight years from Biden's 1994 denunciation of the people of Haiti: October 4-17, 2022

“Police fire tear gas at protesters in Haiti amid fuel crisis: Haitian police have fired tear gas at demonstrators, who have taken to the streets in the capital, Port-au-Prince to protest against the government’s handling of crippling fuel shortages and soaring prices.” Press TV news October 4, 2022,

“Haiti asks for foreign troops to end unrest… The Caribbean nation has seen severe fuel and water shortages amid chaotic protests and a new cholera outbreak. The island’s electric grid is notoriously unreliable, leaving many to rely on diesel generators for power.” RT news October 8, 2022,
“The United States has drafted a United Nations Security Council resolution that will encourage the “immediate deployment of a multinational rapid action force” to Haiti to address the nation’s worst security and health crisis in decades, according to a copy of the resolution obtained by McClatchy and the Miami Herald.” Miami Herald “Exclusive: U.S. will support sending ‘multinational rapid action force’ to Haiti,” by Michael Wilner, Jacqueline Charles October 14-17, 2022

World and National Sources
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Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links

Sunday, October 16, 2022

USA Media Underreported …

Consequences of Collective West’s anti-Russia Sanctions: Protests across Western Europe


NATO countries and affiliates
Republic of Italy since 1949
French Republic since 1949
Federal Republic of Germany since 1955
Czech Republic since 1999
Austria has cooperated with the aggression alliance since 1995 (  via its affiliation with the 
 “Partnership for Peace (PfP)” and  “Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council”

Protests Underreported


Italy’s Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) led protesters who “burned energy bills in Italy’s capital city;” and on the streets, demonstrated “their anger at the ongoing cost of living crisis."
“The protestors also demanded an end to the Ukraine war, and an end to Italy’s involvement in NATO.”
OneIndia reporting October 16, 2022, “Italy: Massive protests due to cost of living crisis, opposition to NATO,”  


  • Czech Republic: Prague: “Thousands of people gathered in Prague’s Wenceslas Square protesting their government’s incapacity to address crushing costs of living,” and the “downgrade” in their standards of living.
  • Federal Republic of Germany: Berlin: “Protesters march across the city” and accuse the government of “waging a war against the German people by causing an energy crisis through the sanctioning of Russia.”
  • Republic of Austria: Vienna: A series of protesters on the streets of this capital city express the citizenry’s “dissatisfaction with their government’s incapacity to deal with the current economic crisis …, government’s ‘inactivity’ in addressing rising energy costs.”

Tasnim News Agency reports “Massive Rallies Held across Europe over Soaring Prices, Living Costs”

 OCTOBER 11 REPORTING on protests

Business Daily October 11, 2022 France24: Long lines, shortages at fuel stations, “Frustration mounts as French drivers continue to face fuel shortages’

OCTOBER 13 REPORTING on protests

Rfi October 13, 2022 FUEL CRISIS “Police order striking French petrol staff back to work,”

France24 October 13, 2022 “French strikes spread as government orders fuel depot staff back to work”

“French railway workers and civil servants voted to join striking oil refinery staff with a walkout (planned for the week of October 16) after the French government resorted to emergency powers to compel some fuel depot workers to return to their jobs in a bid to ease petrol shortages.”

Government officials had pressed companies to negotiate “fearing an escalation of tensions” heading into an October 16 planned “nationwide march against inflation…. Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told RTL radio that, given TotalEnergies’ huge profits this year, it had ‘the capacity… and therefore an obligation’ to raise workers’ pay.”
Rfi FUEL CRISIS October 13, 2022 “French media divided over who’s to blame for crippling fuel strike”

  • “Libération accuses President Macron of trade union bashing …, (refusing to) … comment on the huge profits being made by the energy companies and their share-holders.”
  • “Le Figaro (looks) the other way, saying that the government is running scared, having failed to see this disaster on the horizon.”
  • “Le Monde strives for impartiality, reporting the latest offer from the petrol companies, 6 percent for all petrol workers, next year (strikers want at least 7.5 percent, retroactive to 12 months).

OCTOBER 14 REPORTING on protests

Rfi France October 14, 2022 “French strike fever spreads as Macron’s opponents push for confrontation,”

OCTOBER 15 REPORTING on protests

France24 “Strikes persist at France’s TotalEnergies refineries, fuel depot,” October 15, 2022

[TotalEnergies “runs about a third” of France’s “service stations”]

Wikipedia report: TotalEnergies
Revenue (Increase) US$184.678 billion (2021)
Operating income (Increase) US$30.5 billion (2021)
Net income (Increase) US$15.5 billion (2021)
Total assets (Increase) US$320.5 billion (2021)

Forbes report on Total SA
Revenue: $185.1 billion
Assets: $293.5 billion
Profits: $16.1 billion

USA Connection

Total Petrochemicals USA Inc. is a subsidiary of Total SA (aka “TotalEnergies SE,” a French multinational integrated energy and petroleum company founded in 1924, its businesses covering the entire oil and gas chain, from crude oil and natural gas exploration and production to power generation, transportation, refining, petroleum product marketing, and international crude oil and product trading; and large-scale chemicals manufacturing) 

“Total Petrochemicals USA Inc.” was incorporated in1956 as “American Petrofina Inc.,” headquartered in Dallas, Texas, under the Belgian parent company, “Petrofina,” with the latter owning the majority of its stock. Today Total Petrochemicals USA is headquartered in Houston, Texas

Reference source Wikipedia
“Total Petrochemicals USA,”

OCTOBER 16 REPORTING on protests

Republic of Italy, Rome: “Republic of High school students took to the streets of Rome to stage a protest that converged on the Education Ministry. Pupils were demanding more investment in education after what they call two decades of budget cuts and the country recording the highest school dropout levels in the EU.”

Heralding “a hot autumn of protests and strikes,” Italy in recent days has experienced many protests: Genoa airport operations were suspended for 24 hours earlier in the week “following a demonstration called by an energy plant’s employees against plans to close their factory;” in Rome, the largest trade union in Italy “staged a big demonstration… demanding more protection for workers.”
Press TV News October 16, 2022, “Italians take to streets for anti-government protests

  • French Republic: Paris: “Tens of thousands of protesters” demonstrated “against the rising cost of living,” “inflation,” and against “the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron…, plunging France into ‘chaos.’”

  • Al Jazeera News and agencies October 16, 2022 “Massive protest in Paris against inflation and climate crisis,”


Rfi PARIS – PROTESTS: “Tens of thousands take to the streets of Paris in protest over cost of living, climate inaction,” issued on October 16, 2022,

France24 “Protesters march in Paris as fuel shortages add to anger over inflation…: Our lives are worth more than your profits’: Demonstrators take part in a protest by New Ecologic and Social People’s Union (NUPES), a coalition of left and green parties, against soaring inflation and what they call a lack of government action to fight climate change, in Paris, France, October 16, 2022, France24 October 16, 2022,

“French refinery and fuel depot workers at five sites owned by oil giant TotalEnergies have extended their strike, union leaders said Saturday, compounding concern over petrol supply ahead of wider protests early next week.”

World and National Sources
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Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links





Friday, October 14, 2022

Three Cs, like three Rs in schooling, Crucial to Good Governance

Vacuousness Destroys Possibility

Like the tried-and-true (sorely lacking today) four R (or three-R sounding) essentials (reading, writing, reasoning and arithmetic (budding responsibility) in the formative years (child and adolescent learning and development years) — four Cs (not churlishness, contemptuousness, color or creed) are essential in adult positions of leadership and public service, particularly positions affording inordinate power and influence.
The four fundamental Cs (sorely lacking today) are Character, Courage, Competence, and Civility.


’ve been concerned with the quality of public service leadership for a long time and these thoughts came to mind as I was reading a piece by Australian journalist and lawyer Graham Hryce appraising the caliber and consequences of Western leadership and one particular reflection of it.

Individuals aspiring to public service or finding themselves in leadership positions are too often hungry for power, hollow, and susceptible to being handled.

The seeming “madness” of Britain’s Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Truss who holds a position gifted to her by “Thatcher-worshipping members of the Tory Party” is, according to journalist Graham Hryce, “a product of a crude neo-liberal economic ideology”; and true to the code, she “persists in robotically touting the benefits of ‘trickle-down economics’;” and “(unsuccessfully) trying to blame (Britain’s and more generally the West’s) economic crisis entirely on Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin and the conflict in Ukraine.”

Like the US factions, the Truss regime has attempted “to remedy deep-seated problems … in the economy—including decades of wage stagnation, ongoing working class and middle-class impoverishment, the ever-widening gap between rich and poor, dramatically rising energy and food prices, and the crisis in housing affordability”—by squaring a round hole or vice versa: doubling down with certifiably unworkable “neo-liberal economic policies.”

Systemically Weakened Economic systems Death knell of Western democracies

“Global elites” ruling Western “democracies,” Hryce observes, adhere obstinately to “greed-based, crude neo-liberal economic theories” and pledge their allegiance “to overturning the social democratic consensus” that prevailed, for example, before the UK’s (senile former plastics company worker boasting contempt for government service) Baroness Margaret Hilda Thatcher, and before the US’s (senile B-movie actor boasting contempt for government service) Hon. Knight Grand Cross Ronald Wilson Reagan. Thirty-two years later, another senile entrenched gerontocratic bencher followed Sir Reagan.

Britain’s current head of state as the United States’ current head of state preside over layered economic and political crises.

Some of Hryce’s insights (with added commentary) are these.

Any political system that seats a demonstrably incompetent person “is irretrievably broken.”

Any political system that encourages a long train of nepotistic, incestuously ideological incompetents perpetuates political instability.

 A system that allows insider, gerrymandered selection (or pre-public balloting) of leaders degrades the quality of candidates and policies, weakens “democratic” processes, destabilizes institutions of governance, and deliberately forfeits the essential trust of the body politic (general public). 


eakness of character, competence, courage, communication invites malleability. An incompetent in public office (public service or any position), a person mindlessly harnessed to hardened ideology, open to the puppeteer, opens to any manipulation by any element of influence.

Such weakness weakens a nation, and is a threat to the larger world.

Sources in addition to general references

An original article by Graham Hryce, October 3, 2022, “Truss exposes the current instability of Western democracies” “The turmoil in British politics can lead to disastrous consequences. It also mirrors the current state of the wider West.”

Author: “Graham Hryce is an Australian journalist and former media lawyer, whose work has been published in The Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, the Sunday Mail, the Spectator and Quadrant.”


Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links

“Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...