Saturday, October 8, 2022

Nobel Con sits atop the Stack of Speakers in Opposites

Humanitarianism means robbing, bombing, massacring, maiming, starving, and displacing people. Peace means unending global aggression and lauding the same. Nobel Peace means Nobel War Prize

One writer, putting it mildly, says the Nobel Prize for Peace “has of late been losing its shine.” A little stronger, though indirectly, the writer continues:“When globally recognized awards are seen to be handed out on political considerations, they raise a good number of legitimate questions.” 

And “the respect associated with such awards takes a slide downward to a point where” (like beauty contests and other nonsensical exercises) “they are no longer taken seriously.”

The writer notes some of the Nobel Cons’ Admissions and Prohibitions.


rohibited Individuals and Leaders of Peace and Progress

Four statesmen of Asia, Africa, Southeastern Europe “who developed the theory of non-alignment” originating in conference in 1961 at Belgrade, Yugoslavia (the Conference of Heads  of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries). Remember: America’s 42nd President, William Jefferson Blythe III (aka William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton) of the later Haiti "humanitarian relief" ("do-gooding") notorious Clinton Foundation, destroyed Yugoslavia.

  • Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru, India)
  • Sukarno (b. Koesno Sosrodihardjo, Indonesia)
  • Nasser (Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein, Egypt)
  • Tito (Josip Broz known as Tito, Yugoslavia)

Mao Zedong and Zhou En-lai
Chinese statesmen and leaders who “went forth in inaugurating a brave new enterprise with the United States in 1972”

Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani leaders who worked to build “a structure of peace in South Asia through the tripartite agreement of April 1974” (Bangladesh-India-Pakistan Agreement signed in New Delhi April 9, 1974; and Agreement on the Repatriation of Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees, at New Delhi, April 9, 1974)

(Cuban) leader Fidel Castro (Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz)

For more than sixty years until Castro’s death (and continuing), governments (leaders, politicians, allies) of the United States tried, repeatedly, to assassinate Cuba’s leader; and they “have invaded, sanctioned, and embargoed the island country of some 11 million people.

Yet under Castro’s leadership, “Cuba has demonstrated that a poor country can dramatically improve the health of its population through long-term, consistent investments in primary care and public health.”
The infant mortality rate, since Cuba’s 1959 revolution, fell from “37.3 to 4.3 per 1000 live births.” The rate is lower than the USA’s 5.8 rate; Cuba’s literacy rate is 99.8 percent. (Source: The Commonwealth Fund, November 28, 2016, “Fidel Castro’s Health Care Legacy, To the Point”

By contrast the literacy rate in the United States is 2022 was reported at a level more than 20 points lower: 43.0 million United States adults suffer “low literacy”: one in five U.S. adults (21 percent) have low literacy skills; 79 percent “have medium to high English literacy skills.” (Source: World Population Review)

“Cuba has trained a surplus of physicians in its 13 medical schools; and, annually, sends 50,000 health professionals (among them “25,000 physicians”) to other countries “to provide care in developing countries.”

The Nobel Committee failed to consider Fidel Castro’s achievements “in building a strong health system in Cuba” and helping Cubans reestablish their self-confidence

Africa (South Central), Asia
Hakainde Hichilema (politician, farmer, businessman, head of state (2011- ))
President of Zambia “who has inaugurated a fresh new beginning in ensuring democracy and human rights in his country”

Atal Behari Vajpayee
In the 1990s, undertook “bus diplomacy in his search for peace with Pakistan

[“Atal Bihari Vajpayee was one of the most respected politicians in India,” credited as an “excellent administrator” and for “good governance.” He was India’s Prime Minister in 1996, and from 1998 to 2004.]

Organizations, Consortiums, Governments

Edhi Foundation of Pakistan
Founded by legendary Pakistani philanthropist and humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi, the foundation operates hospitals, orphanages, homeless shelters and rehab centers throughout Pakistan; and has for decades brought “relief assistance to millions of people in distress”

Governments of Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia in recent times have been working to establish programs focused on ending poverty and creating welfare-oriented societies.

The Andean Community (Spanish: Comunidad Andina, CAN) made up of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru “is a leading international organization in integration within the continent that works to improve the quality of life of 111 million Andean citizens.” It promotes “the balanced and harmonious development of the Member Countries in conditions of equity, through integration and economic and social cooperation.” Consortium: Member Countries Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru; Partner Countries Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay; Observer Countries Spain, Morocco, Türkiye.



dmitted Russiaphobes

War-Propaganda Nobel Peace Prize 2022: Politically-Motivated Nobel Committee

Awarded to Belarusian Ales Bialiatski

  • Belarus is one of nine core members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, a regional intergovernmental organization in Eastern Europe and Asia. The core members are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan
  • The recipient of the “peace” award is a Russian born of Belarusian parents who, in recent times, became a felon jailed in 2021 for tax evasion, and is still serving a seven-year prison sentence. In their anti-Slav politics, the prize awarders lauded (or used) Ales Viktaravich Bialiatski as their tireless champion of the West’s favorite delusional and contradictory, misused and abused mantras “democracy” and “human rights.”

Awarded to anti Russia Ukrainian, and Interloper 

  • Kyiv (US-conveniently allied) Ukraine-founded (2007) Center for Civil Liberties (enough said)
  • An Anti-Russian (Memorial) group lauded for being “against” Russian “militarism” (while applauding US militarism); lauded for promoting the International Criminal Court while applauding U.S. officials’ repeated, unbridled attacks on the ICC (of which the US is not a member), including issuing threats against the lead prosecutor of the Court. So much for protectors and advocates of “human rights”, “the rule of law,” and in particular “international law.”

It is an open secret that organizations masquerading as nongovernmental organizations are often destabilizing cells that burrow into countries (like the Soros cell in the United States and Central Europe, and CIA pawns everywhere) to indoctrinate and radicalize the young, undermine seated officials, overthrow governments, and generally violate the sovereignty of sovereign nations.

  • The Nobel awarded Memorial organization is a group long situated in Moscow and supported by the Collective West. It was charged by the Russian justice system with violating the Russian “foreign agent law,” a charge often made by US officials against “foreigners.”
  • At court, the Prosecution accused the group of “creating an image of the Soviet Union as a ‘terrorist’ state” and making contemporary Russians “repent for the Soviet past….” The Supreme Court of Russia on December 28, 2021 “ordered the International Memorial Society and its regional branches to close (for having) violated the 2012 foreign agent law.”



ainfully Ignored by Nobel is WikiLeaks founder and journalist Julian Assange who committed no crime, no injustice, not abuse of human rights; but who languishes (by US command) in her or his majesty’s hardened criminals container at Belmarsh.

Silent is the almighty Nobel Committee and friends about scores of individuals tormented in countless and unspeakable ways by US and US-allied officials and governments. 

Perhaps the Nobel Peace fraudsters prefer 

handing out tosh to tormenters.



General Reference

Article: “Devaluing the Nobel Prize for Peace,” The Business Standard, 


Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links


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