Saturday, October 1, 2022

SOVEREIGNTY Loves Homeland without Fear or need to Disparage or Destroy

Lessons denied a Young Nation by Extremists: Arrogantly self-centered, Callous leaders


Very Old Nations


Archaeological site discovered at Shanxi Province (North China region west of the Taihang Mountains) dates back some 1.27 million years.

Evidence of Homo sapiens in China extends back 125,000 or 80,000 years (Fuyan Cave in Dao County, Hunan). Chinese proto-writing is documented in Jiahu (ancient China near the Yellow River) from 6,600 BCE (Before the Common Era or BC: Before Christ)

Proto-Chinese millet agriculture and settlement along the Yangtze River: 8,000 years old; First pre-imperial dynasty: circa 2070 BCE 

WorldAtlas lists Top 5 Oldest Countries according to the year SOVEREIGNTY was acquired as

1.      IRAN                                      3200 BC (Persia) Western Asia


2.      EGYPT                                   3100 BC (“Gift of the Nile”)     Northeastern Africa


3.      VIETNAM                             2879 BC (State of Văn Lang) Southeast Asia


4.      ARMENIA                             2492 BC (Hayastan, Transcaucasia) The Caucasus,                                                    Eastern Europe/Western Asia


5.      NORTH KOREA                   2333 BC (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) Eastern Asia



 elatively Old Nation

                Russia at 1160

Rus’ People, Slavs

Russian History: 862-2022

Beginning with History of East Slavs, most populous subgroup of the largest European ethno linguistic group (Slavs), speaking East Slavic languages; forming the majority population of medieval Kievan Rus’ state: ancestral culture of East Slavic states: Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.


elatively Old Nation’s Lessons (excerpt, emphases, minor edit)

We have learned a hard lesson: that for Russia it is mortally dangerous to relax its SOVEREIGNTY or renounce its interests, even for a limited period of time.

We will not succumb to blackmail or intimidation, and we will never betray or lose our SOVEREIGNTY. In strengthening our sovereignty, we are developing our country.

SOVEREIGNTY guarantees freedom for everyone. Nobody, according to our traditions, can feel truly free if the people, the country, the homeland is not free.

Being part of a diverse civilization means happiness. It also means responsibility and duty. Our civilization is distinct. It has its own path, and there is no arrogance or a feeling of superiority in this. This civilization of ours—this is what’s important to us.

We will fight for … our homeland of which there is only one. We will fight for our independence and SOVEREIGNTY, for our culture and traditions.

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin was speaking at A Gala concert devoted to the 1160th anniversary of Russian statehood, September 21, 2022


To a Young Nation


eople (and their leaders) of character, integrity and true love of country will reflect on the past, learn from it and learn from other people and leaders’ cultures, character, leadership and experiences.

 People (and their leaders) of character and integrity (true patriots in fellowship with one another) will correct their course, mend their ways and mend relations near and far (at home and abroad), improve their performance and stewardship. Repair the brokenness of a young nation and its people.


Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links

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