Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Big 3 Colonialists Force their Will SITLL thru UNSC

Sahel to the Caribbean Sea

Third World Speaks


“Migration will continue as long as the planet has both wealthy areas whilst most of the world’s population lives in poverty—even extreme poverty—without any prospects of a better life” said Prime Minister of Haiti Ariel Henry September 25, 2021, addressing the United Nations General Assembly’s 76th session Debate. 

“[H]uman beings (fathers and mothers), who have children are always going to flee poverty and conflict.”

Prime Minister HENRY

Neurosurgeon Ariel Henry studied with the faculty of medicine at the University of Montpellier (France) and later international health at U.S. universities in Massachusetts and California. In the period 2015 through 2022 Henry held positions in Haiti’s administrative cabinet

(Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities) and at various times Acting President or Acting Prime Minister (the last July 20, 2021) (General reference)


Our United Nations “reform agenda—including UN Security Council reform—demand renewed impetus. … [I]t is evident to all reasonable persons that the stranglehold of ‘the [UNSC] Permanent Five’ [People’s Republic of China, French Republic, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and United States of America 1945-present] … ought to be appropriately loosened or broken in these times so different from in 1945….” said Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph E. Gonsalves, September 25, 2021, addressing the 76th UN General Assembly Debate.
“[O]ur forebears crafted this multilateral institution called the United Nations to provide hope and stability to all of humanity. This labor is incomplete. The pervasive inequalities that defined the pre-COVID political and socioeconomic order must not become tomorrow’s nightmarish reality.… [W]e must reorganize ourselves—locally, regionally, nationally and globally—in a quest to provide in novel ways and with fresh initiatives peace, security, and development to all countries and peoples.… We must rise collectively to address sensibly the requisite fresh imperatives in these our most challenging times.”

Prime Minister GONSALVES

Ralph E. Gonsalves studied economics and government through the doctoral level in Jamaica (University of the West Indies) and England (University of Manchester) and has held several government and regional positions before rising to the premiership in 2001: Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Caribbean Community, and Minister of Finance. (General Reference)

Republic of MALI

In March of 2012, there was a coup d’état in the country followed by the descent of UN “peacekeepers.” However “despite international support and the presence of a UN peace operation (MINUSMA) and other international forces…, the situation has hardly improved” said Republic of Mali Prime Minister (interim) Choguel Kokalla Maïga September 25, 2021, in addressing the 76th UN General Assembly Debate.
The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) was established April 25, 2013, under UN Security Council resolution 2100 with the apparent purpose of occupation: the deployment of an in-country presence, in the words of the agency’s UN website to “support” Mali’s “political processes” and to conduct “a number of security-related tasks.”
Prime Minister Maïga emphasized that the situation had “continued to deteriorate steadily, to the point that entire sections of the national territory are beyond the control of the Government” and Malians were living “under the grip of terrorist and armed groups, and with their most basic rights denied.” Because of the “weakened presence of the State,” citizens’ “access to basic services remains problematical.”

States of the Sahel (Mali and the region) are being “severely affected by the piling up of crises.”

Prime Minister MAIGA

Choguel Kokalla Maiga (real name is Chouaïbou Issoufi Souleymane) Doctor of Telecommunications Engineering (Belarusian State University (in the former USSR) and the Moscow Institute of Telecommunications)

Work: Civil Service exam and soldier in Malian Army; various communications positions in and out of government before premiership: Société des Télécommunications du Mali (SOTELMA) including project manager; Directorate of Studies and Planning; National Coordinator of the National Program for the Implementation of the Telecommunications Master Plan and the Development of the 20-Year Radio and Television Broadcasting Master Plan of the Republic of Mali; Director of the National School of Posts and Telecommunications; Director General of the Malian Telecommunications/ICT and Posts Regulatory Authority (AMRTP). Ministerial positions: Minister of Industry and Trade 2002–2007; Minister of the Digital Economy, Information and Communication 2015–2016; Prime Minister 2021 -

The “Third World”?

Third World countries by and large “were at one time colonial possessions of European powers” whose administrators threw up borders (e.g., in Africa and West/Central Asia), forcefully assembling territorial entities, carelessly disregarding local populations or national aspirations. Thus, when the colonies (dependencies) “gained independence,” they were awash in varieties of ethnic and religious groups all competing for their individual interests—a situation made for perpetual conflict; and impossible movement forward social, essential economic, educational, institutional development.

Third World countries were manipulated during the Cold War, plundered, ravage and callously abused (their native inhabitants held in contempt by colonialists and neocolonialist) before and after the Cold War. These countries (now euphemistically labeled “the Global South”) and their inhabitants are the world’s poorest, most chaotic, and institutionally weakest.

Colonial Imprint

Republic of Haiti part of the Caribbean Sea Island of Hispaniola
  • Colonized by the Spanish and the French
  • Occupied by the United States of America
  • Independence (despite historic interim resolutions) QUESTIONABLE
  • Official language French
  • Dominant religion Christianity

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Caribbean Island
  • Colonized by the French and the British
  • Independence from Britain 1979
  • Official language English
  • Dominant religion Christianity

Republic of Mali (main natural resource gold; reputed home “to the richest man who ever lived”)
  • Colonized by the French
  • Independence from France 1960
  • National Language French
  • Dominant religion Islam
Mali is situated in Africa’s Sahel (Sahara Desert-north to Sudanian savanna-south) comprising (west to east) parts of northern Senegal, southern Mauritania, central Mali, northern Burkina Faso, the extreme south of Algeria, Niger, the extreme north of Nigeria, Cameroon and Central African Republic, central Chad, central and southern Sudan, the extreme north of South Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia

World’s Least-Developed Countries 2019 (UN Data)



Central African Republic




Burundi (tie w/ South Sudan)


South Sudan (tie w/ Burundi)




Burkina Faso (tie w/ Sierra Leone)


Sierra Leone (tie w/ Burkina Faso)



Among Least-Developed Countries 2023


Burkina Faso









This Month’s News out of Mali

Malian officials shout the end of their patience with Big 3 UNSC Colonialists’ Occupation and Disruption

This past week Mali’s Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop addressed the UN Security Council demanding that the MINUSMA (Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali) “stabilization mission” be withdrawn from their country.

The occupying entity “seems to have become a part of the problem in fueling inter-community tensions,” the Malian diplomat said. The UN forces are “begetting mistrust among the Malian population,” and creating a “crisis of confidence” within the government.

Last year and early this year Malian authorities were reportedly forced to expel MINUSMA’s spokesman Olivier Salgado for deploying military units from Mali’s neighbors; and MINUSMA’s human rights office director Guillaume Ngefa Atonodok Andali for in-country “destabilizing and subversive actions.”


UNGA https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/09/1101252
UNGA https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/09/1101262

RT news “Mali demands that UN troops leave: Bamako’s top diplomat said the international peacekeeping mission has become ‘part of the problem” June 17, 2023 https://www.rt.com/africa/578183-mali-un-peacekeepers-leave/


June 18, 2023 “Mali votes on new constitution.” On Sunday Malians “cast ballots on a new draft constitution that the West African country’s military leadership says is a step towards elections for a return to civilian rule in 2024” RT news https://www.rt.com/news/578254-africa-mali-constitution-election/

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links: www.BennettsAmericanEpitaph.com

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