Monday, June 26, 2023

Uniparty Malevolence, Criminal Wrongheadedness a Global Death Knell

The Biden-Graham Imprint

At public expense, these men sit in chambers or hold forth on this or that telecommunications instrument. 

They take leisurely flights around the globe orchestrating chaos, crime and suffering.

These men bring the same orchestration of chaos, crime and suffering to the homeland.

Killing Russians and Ukrainians

Lindsey Graham hangs out with Comedian among Nazis head of Ukraine declaring “Free or Death … the best money ‘we’ve’ ever spent.” Albawaba May 28, 2023 “Lindsey Graham praises spending money to ‘kill Russians’” (also
“An outrageous remark by US Senator Lindsey Graham during a meeting with head of the Kiev regime Zelensky— ‘And the Russians are dying. The best money we’ve ever spent stunned the international public not just with its Neanderthal Russophobia, but with its truly human-hating underlying message.” Press Service Rebuttals “Anti-Fake of the Day: A cynical attempt to justify US Senator Lindsey Graham and his cannibalistic remarks” May 29, 2023

Killing Americans

WARS OF TERROR, The Homeland Plundered and Deserted

US leaders and their partnering mercenaries, NGO and War industrialists for more than 20 years have hemorrhaged the US treasury of some “$8 trillion,” sucked down “the sinkhole of disastrous wars.” (June 11, 2023 Andrea Mazzarino at Tomgram “The Wound of the War on Terror Up Close and Personal”

BLEEDING in the cause of Inbred tribal Malevolence

United States D/R Uniparty officials’ 2022 (Ukraine proxy anti-Russia) waste/fraud/abuse log showed approvals of 
  • $13.6 billion in March
  • $40.1 billion in May
  • $12.3 billion in September
  • $45 billion in December— totaling (as shown in non-secret files) 
$111 billion
(Politifact article posted at Costs of War Project

The Nation’s Capital (where Joseph Biden and Lindsey Graham live high and mighty) June 26, 2023 — McPherson Square — 
Authorities forcibly removed “scores of homeless (people)… then kept evicting them.” In this one area where the number of homeless people rises toward 100, the street dwellers lack permanent shelter. (Source: Washington Post, Marissa J. Lang,
Callously Criminal Neglect creates and perpetuates Needless Suffering. In the June 26, Lang article, one American without permanent shelter was quoted saying: 
“They just came out here yesterday and told me I had to leave. I didn’t even know who was ordering me out.”… “Where do they expect people to go?” “I have no help, nowhere to go…. Please, help me.”
Another fellow American without proper housing was quoted saying: 
“We’re … just sitting ducks. … “It’s dangerous … out here. I’m scared every day, especially for my girl.”

Coast to Coast Overt Suffering

Well over half a million people (582,462 estimated) are homeless (without permanent shelter) in the United States of America (72 percent individual adults, 28 percent in families with children).
  • Chronically homeless individuals (or people with disabilities who have experienced long-term or repeated incidents of homelessness): 22 percent. 
  • Veterans (people who have served in some capacity in U.S. military forces): 6 percent. 
  • Unaccompanied Young People (particularly vulnerable) under the age of twenty-five: 5 percent. National Alliance to End Homelessness “The State of Homelessness: 2023 Edition” NAEH Data sources: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): 2022 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count, and Housing Inventory Count

Longevity, Entrenchment
Neither fitness for purpose
Nor reason for celebration
let alone reelection.

Long overdue for Pasture

Lindsey Olin Graham has had 35 years of living at the Public’s Expense: South Carolina public offices 1988-1994; Washington, D.C.: U.S. House of Representatives 1995-2003; U.S. Senate 2002 term ending 2027.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has had 53 years of living at the Public’s Expense: Delaware public office New Castle County Council 1970-1972; Washington, D.C.: U.S. Senate 1972-2009; U.S. Vice Presidency 2009-2016; U.S. Presidency 2021 – present

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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