Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Unconscionable Impunity Conveniently Forgotten Dons High-handed Disingenuousness

Long-term, Indelibly Dire Consequences of handing Global Leadership to Weakness  

The Manipulatable and corruptible, unprincipled, unlearned, inept unfit for purpose.

The Obama administration's reign of global terror exceeded past administrations.

Specifically, against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, the rage of 44 set the pattern and permission for 45 and all succeeding United States Federal Washington administrations of mentally, morally and experientially weak men and women.

Barack Hussein Obama II is a Pacific Island-born son of East African (Somalia-bordering Kenya) and USA Midwestern (Kansas) parentage-turned Ivy Leaguer who never offered his service to the United States of America in volunteer or conscript civilian or military work. When seated as U.S. Head of State, he issued orders for the 

Devastating, Unprovoked Bombing of
Syrian Arabic Republic and 
Islamic countries: Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.

Over the period of occupancy in the presidential palace in Washington, D.C., the Obama Group ordered the unleashing on the world of an estimated “26,171 bombs.”

At least since 2014 a United States-led active military operation in Western Asia reportedly has involved (without specifying regular or mercenary) militaries of three of five permanent UN Security Council Members (USA, UK and France) plus non-UNSC-5: Jordan, Turkey, Canada, and Australia.

Of “30,743 bombs” (2016 U.S. report) dropped by a U.S.-led “coalition”— 79 percent (or 24,287 bombs) were dispatched by USA agents or entities.

By the end of an eight-year tenure, this president’s “U.S. ‘special operators’ (aggressors) could be found in 
138 countries—70 percent of the world’s nations.”

Viewed in comparative terms with the 193 Member States composing the United Nations, the percentage reaches 72 percent of the world’s sovereign nations.

A partial list of U.S. Targeted countries (all in proximity to major waterways) include 
  • in East Africa Somalia (Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean); 
  • in West Asia Syria, Iraq, and Yemen (Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean); 
  • in South Asia Afghanistan and Pakistan (Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea).

High-handedness Meets Criminal Impunity

Why would anyone listen to those who order massacres of thousands of Muslims?

Former U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II 
CNN interviewer Christiane Amanpour

Editorialized questions by AMANPOUR: “The prime minister of India, Modi, who is considered autocratic …, how should a (U.S.) president engage with those kinds of leaders…You want to name names?” [Emphasis added]

Disingenuous answers by OBAMA “… [I]f the President (of the United States) meets with Prime Minister Modi (of India) …, the protection of the Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India (would be) something worth mentioning…. 
“[I]f I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, who I know well, part of my argument would be…: if you do not protect the rights of ethnic minorities in India, there’s a strong possibility that India, at some point, (would) start pulling apart.
“We’ve seen what happens when you start getting those kinds of large internal conflicts. [Says the creator of global and regional conflicts, chaos, slaughter from Ukraine to Yemen!]
“[T]hat would be contrary to the interests not just of Muslim India but also Hindu India.” Source CNN Rush Transcript of Video clip: Christiane Amanpour Interview with former U.S. President Barack Obama aired June 23, 2023 https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/ampr/date/2023-06-23/segment/01

The Honorable Nirmala Sitharaman of India

“He [former U.S. President Obama] was commenting on Indian Muslims … (when his administration) bombed Muslim-majority countries from Syria to Yemen …

“Why would anyone listen to any allegations from such people?”
Nirmala Sitharaman is an economist, cabinet official, and lawmaker; educated at Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College (BA) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (MA, MPhil) with post graduate studies in Economics focusing on Indo-Europe trade; recipient of Jawaharlal Nehru University’s “Distinguished Alumni Award,” and Forbes Magazine’s 34th ranking among “100 most powerful women in the world.”

Government Service of Nirmala Sitharaman
  • Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs May – November 2014
  • Member of Rajya Sabha (Council of States: India’s Upper House of Parliament) 2016 – (Incumbent)
  • Minister of State for Ministry of Commerce and Industry 2014 – 2017
  • Minister of Defense 2017 – 2019
  • Minister of Corporate Affairs 2019 – (Incumbent)
  • Minister of Finance 2019 – (Incumbent)

Further Noted in Beyond the Beltway Press


Around the world on June 28, Muslims celebrate Eid Ul Adha, a festival of sacrifice highlighting “Shared values of compassion, sacrifice, service to others”
“A light guiding toward unity, empathy and understanding”
A powerful expression uniting people “across religious, cultural and ideological differences”
“A reminder of the world’s “common humanity”

Logically: a group self-described as a group having been established in 2017 to work “with governments and organizations around the globe to proactively limit the harms associated with mis- and disinformation.” The website lists “Research Partners” as HT Delhi, The University of Sheffield, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, University of Waterloo, and Council for Strategic and Defense Research; and locations: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of India, United States of America (Washington, DC Metro: Northern Virginia)

Encyclopedic Sources

News peg

Al Jazeera News June 26, 2023, “‘Bombed Muslim nations’: BJP ministers to Obama over Modi remark Former US President Barack Obama last week said Indian PM Narendra Modi’s government should do more to protect Muslims.”
“Prominent ministers from India’s ruling party have derided comments by former US President Barack Obama that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government should protect the rights of minority Muslims, accusing him of being hypocritical.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/26/indian-minister-mocks-obama-comment-on-protecting-muslims
The Guardian (Reuters in Delhi), June 26, 2023 “Obama remarks on India’s treatment of Muslims ‘hypocritical’ – minister: Indian finance minister hits out after former US president said Modi government should protect rights of Muslims,” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/26/obama-remarks-on-indias-treatment-of-muslims-hypocritical-minister

RT News (excerpt from headlines) June 27, 2023, “India’s finance minister calls out Barack Obama over his criticism of minority issues in India, reminding the former US president of the trail of destruction that he left in the Middle East during his term in office” https://www.rt.com/shows/news/578731-rtnews-june-27-20msk/

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links: www.BennettsAmericanEpitaph.com

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