Thursday, August 24, 2023

The World Moves On, The USA struts, self-destructs—

Cooperative Advancement bypasses Impenetrable Arrogance, Relentless Backwardness

U S A!

The United States of America is disintegrating because its contemporary leaders and influencers (at least in the period of the 1980s onward) —are seriously impaired by their competence and dishonor. They have neglected the basic needs of America, abused, breached, displaced and undermined vital institutions and the practice of essential principles in law and ethics. They have willfully weakened and dangerously dividied the citizenry.

At least one candidate for the U.S. presidency (2024) has pointed to the USA’s dangerous, self-inflicted harm. 
“American decline is not inevitable—it is a choice.” 
The words appear in the presidential campaign announcement of Florida native U.S. military veteran (U.S. Navy Active and Reserve Lt. Com., Judge Advocate General Corps 2004-2010, 2010-2019) New England Ivy Leaguer Member of the U.S Congress (Florida, 2013-2018) Governor of the State of Florida (incumbent 2019 -) Ronald Dion “Ron” DeSantis, author of Dreams from Our Founding Fathers: First Principles in the Age of Obama (2011) and The Courage to Be Free (2023)
“We should choose a new direction,” the words continue— “a path that will lead to American revitalization.”

T H E R S!

World News today shows the world moving on peacefully and cooperatively as the United States' influencers and politicians persisting in grave hostilities in U.S. domestic affairs and foreign affairs contribute, deliberately, to America’s decline, disconnect, disintegration.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announces today that six additional nations are joining the estimated 3-Billion strong BRICS group of nations — 
Federative Republic of Brazil-President Lula da Silva 
Russian Federation-President Vladimir Putin
Republic of India-Prime Minister Narendra Modi
People’s Republic of China-President Xi Jinping
Republic of South Africa- President Cyril Ramaphosa and BRICS’ 2023 host)

THE SIX bringing Multi-million People and MORE Black Gold! 

  • On the Nile and the Horn touching the Red Sea in Africa (Egypt-est. pop. 109.26 million; Ethiopia-est. pop.120.28 million)
  • On the South Atlantic Ocean in Southern South America (Argentina-est. pop 45.81 million) 
  • Touching eight major waterways (the Aegean, Black, Caspian, Arabian, Red and Mediterranean seas, and the Gulf of Aden and Persian Gulf) in West (Southwest) Asia (Islamic Republic of Iran-est. pop. 86.76 million; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-est. pop. 33 million; United Arab Emirates-est. pop. 9.89 million).

From the Summit of BRICS’s advancement

The 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, “brought together leaders of more than 50 countries from around the world, and senior executives of regional organizations”
“All of us here are proponents of a new multipolar world order with a genuine balance of interests; taking into consideration the sovereign interests of as many countries as possible— while enabling them to follow their own development models, and helping them preserve their diverse national cultures and traditions,” were words from the message of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin.

“… The global majority that the countries attending the summit belong to has become increasingly tired of the (colonial-neocolonial-neocon) pressure and manipulation.” Nevertheless, this majority “is open to honest, equal and mutually respectful cooperation.
“This is the approach that the BRICS countries take to developing their multidimensional relations with the countries present at the summit and other interested states; as well as regional integration bodies including the CIS, the EAEU, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN, the Caribbean Community, and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.”
BRICS leaders made media statements August 24, 2023, at the 15th BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg, heads of state from this interstate association made statements for the media; BRICS countries adopted the Second Johannesburg Declaration following their summit. Media statement by the President of Russia at the BRICS Summit Meeting in the BRICS Plus/Outreach format August 24, 2023, Vladimir Putin took part, via videoconference, in the BRICS Plus/Outreach format meeting held as part of the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, the meeting brought together the leaders of more than 50 countries from around the world and senior executives of regional organizations.

From Ron DeSantis’ Presidential Campaign Announcement
Excerpted (minor edits)

“We must reestablish integrity in our institutions.”

“Reestablishing integrity to our institutions means we must reinvigorate our constitutional system by returning the institution of governance to its rightful owners—the people: ‘We the people.’”

Law and order ensuring safe communities must be maintained. “The public deserves safe communities.”

True constitutional governance, sound decision making regarding significant matters is not and cannot be determined by fashion or fad, whim or caprice.

“Truth must be our foundation—
Common sense no longer uncommon virtue.”

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Monday, August 21, 2023

Between Bouts of Weeping and Moaning, Blaming and Bullying Migrants

Consider Prior Harm and Impunity: Successive Leaders, Entities’ Relentless Ruin of Wherewithal

Unchecked Crimes against World Peoples

The Congressional Research Service, billing itself as a “nonpartisan” voice, makes an astonishing set of statements suggesting that officials in Federal Washington and their associates have the godly right to judge the fate of nations: the right to decide what is right and wrong, to determine the means and ends of other cultures and countries; to determine the form and to mete out punishment—while themselves remaining unchecked and unchastened by the proper processes of law and justice.

“In U.S. foreign policy” (subjectively defined) “‘national security’ sanctions can include (without higher authority or consultation with nations) such measures as
  • · Trade embargoes;
  • · Restrictions on particular exports or imports;
  • · Denial of foreign assistance, loans, and investments;
  • · Blocking of foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction;
  • · Prohibition on economic transactions that involve U.S. citizens or businesses; and
  • · Denial of entry into the United States”
Additionally, U.S. individuals and entities reserve to themselves the godly “right” to increase the scope of harm. Acting as judge, jury, executioner, the Americans can attack any and all relations with their targeted nations and peoples.

The CRS article suggests that United States individuals or entities “can” impose “secondary” penalizing “sanctions” on any “third parties” who disobey the masters—by engaging in what hard evidence has often shown to be essential security, economic, trade, financial, or developmental activities with nations and peoples originally “targeted” by the Americans and their partners. (Source CRS Reports April 27, 2023 “U.S. Sanctions: Overview for the 118th Congress,”

Categories of US Sanctions against nations

Part of the United States Treasury Department is the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) which “manages the United States government’s sanctions and embargo programs” against world nations and peoples. In addition to countries as a whole, U.S. Department and agency targets “Specially Designated Nationals” (SDNs) and “Blocked Persons” lists.

“Comprehensively Sanctioned Countries” 

  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • Donetsk People’s Republic (Russian Federation)
  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Lugansk People’s Republic (Russian Federation)


  • Republic of Crimea (Russian Federation)
  • Republic of Cuba
  • Russian Federation
  • Syrian Arab Republic



“Countries Subject to OFAC Sanctions”

  • Balkans:


(Geographically, the Balkans Countries are)


Republic of Albania




Republic of Bulgaria


Republic of Croatia


Hellenic Republic (Greece continental)


Republic of Kosovo


Republic of North Macedonia




Romania (southeastern)


Republic of Serbia


Republic of Slovenia


Republic of Türkiye (European side)


[General Reference and World atlas sources]



  • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)
  • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
  • Republic of Belarus
  • Republic of Iraq
  • Republic of Lebanon
  • Republic of Sudan
  • Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar, Burma)
  • Republic of Yemen
  • Republic of Zimbabwe
  • State of Libya


“Countries Subject to Prohibition on Military Exports” 

  • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Central African Republic
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)
  • Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
  • Federal Republic of Somalia
  • Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • People’s Republic of China


  • Republic of Belarus
  • Republic of Côte d’Ivoire
  • Republic of Cuba
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Republic of Haiti
  • Republic of Iraq
  • Republic of Lebanon
  • Republic of Liberia
  • Republic of South Sudan
  • Republic of Sudan


  • Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar, Burma)
  • Republic of Zimbabwe
  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • State of Eritrea
  • State of Libya



Composition, Compilation, Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Friday, August 18, 2023

Through the Fog of Madness

Five Ministers Speaking Sense to the Insensible

Morsels of Wisdom

Biographical Brief

Le Pen, Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen: Graduate Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) Panthéon-Assas University). Public Service: Member of the European Parliament 2004 – 2017 (Constituency Île-de-France 2004 –2009, Constituency North-West France 2009-2017); Chair of the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group 2015- 2017; President of the National Rally 2011 – 2022; Member of the National Assembly (11th Constituency Pas-de-Calais) 2017 – Incumbent; President of the National Rally group in the National Assembly 2022 – Incumbent.

Le Pen in the news
June 2023

“Crimea has nothing to do with the conflict in Ukraine.” “Residents in Crimea decided to join Russia.”

“This position also has been shared by former French Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Valery Giscard d’Estaing. I stand with them… the conflict in Ukraine is related to the Minsk agreements, which do not concern Crimea.” TASS News June 15, 2023 “France’s Le Pen says Crimea ‘has nothing to do’ with conflict in Ukraine: Marine Le Pen underlined that she views Crimea to be a part of Russia”

Biographical Brief

Merkel, Angela Dorothea Kasner Merkel: Graduate BS Leipzig University, PhD German Academy of Sciences). Public Service: Member of the Federal Parliament of Germany 1990 – 2021; Leader of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany/ Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CDU/CSU in the Bundestag) 2002-2005; Leader of the Opposition 2002 – 2005; Leader of the Christian Democratic Union 2000 – 2018; Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany 2005 – 2021.

Merkel in the news
Pre 2021

“We need a clear commitment to multilateralism. Anything else will only end in misery…. “[W]e should understand our national interest in a way that we think about the interests of others; and from that, create win-win situations, preconditioned for multilateralism.”

The West must “counter growing fragmentation” and be willing “to make compromises.” The notion that each should think about oneself exclusive of others is a flawed doctrine. The West must “act against the fragmentation of the international architecture and be ready to reform existing institutions… such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank … to restore confidence in the global financial system.” Reuters January 23, 2019 “Merkel calls for global cooperation….” Reuters staff, DW January 23, 2019 “Merkel laments ‘fragmentation of the multilateral world’— The German chancellor called on attendees of the World Economic Forum in Davos to remain committed to global institutions but to be open to compromise,”

Merkel in the news

“In my opinion, we as the European Union must seek direct contact with Russia and the Russian president,” Chancellor Merkel said in a speech to the German Parliament. “It is not enough for the U.S. president to talk to the Russian president. I very much welcome that. But the EU must also create forums for dialogue.” Reuters “Germany’s Merkel says EU should seek direct contact with Putin,” June 24, 2021,; Al Jazeera June 8, 2022 “‘Nothing to apologise for’: Merkel defends Russia legacy … stresses Russia trade ties, and importance of diplomacy”

Merkel Predecessor in the news 2012, 2022 
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder

Russia’s leading politicians … want to make Russia a country where the rule of law, stability and democracy prevail.” In the Post Cold War era, the initial task of Russian President Vladimir Putin “was to restore statehood and stability.” The President “did this…, (and) it is his historical achievement.” In a 2022 piece, the former chancellor was quoted having cautioned of the impossibility of, either politically or economically, isolating “a country like Russia.” (TASS excerpt from a 2012 interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung); TASS July 26, 2022, news “Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder arrives in Moscow for energy talks, Der Spiegel reported citing sources,”

Biographical Brief

Orbán, Viktor Mihály Orbán: Graduate Hungary’s Eötvös Loránd University (J.D.), England’s Pembroke College-Oxford. Public Service: Member of the National Assembly 1990 – Incumbent; Leader of Hungarian Civil Alliance (Fidesz) Party 1993 –2000, 2003 – Incumbent; Prime Minister of Hungary 1998-2002, 2010 – Incumbent.
Orbán Cabinet member Tamás Menczer: Studied at College of Foreign Trade-Budapest Business School. Public Service: spokesman in 4th Orbán Government, Foreign Ministry State Secretary; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Press Officer 2015- 2017; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Deputy State Secretary for Communication and Parliamentary Coordination 2017-2018; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade State Secretary for Information and International Representation of Hungary 2018-2022; Member of Parliament 2002 – present. Media work: Duna Television Zrt (Duna Media Service) editor-reporter, presenter 2006–2011; MTVA editor-reporter, presenter 2011–2015.

Fourth Orbán Government in the news
Spokesman Tamás Menczer October 22, 2022

“This pro-war stance of Brussels extends the conflict and suffering. This is extremely dangerous and unacceptable.” RT News October 22, 2022 “Hungary criticizes ‘pro-war’ European Union,”

Biographical Brief

Royal, Marie-Ségolène Royal: Graduate Nancy, France Université Nancy 2; Paris Institute of Political Studies; ÉNA: e École Nationale d’dministration or National School of Administration (later Institut national du service public (INSP) or National Institute of Public Service). Public Service: Member of the Deux-Sèvres General Council 1992-1998; Member of the National Assembly for Deux-Sèvres’s 2nd constituency 1998-1992, 1993-1997, 2002-2007; Minister of the Environment 1992 – 1993; Minister delegate for School Teaching 1997 – 2000; Minister delegate for Families, Children and People with Disabilities 2000 –2002; President of France’s Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes 2004 – 2014; Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy 2014 – 2017.

Royal in the news
September 2022

“Fear-mongering propaganda” has the aim of motivating “his army” as it simultaneously obstructs the process of peace. “The United Nations and the journalistic community” should desist in advancing “the manipulative instrument of fear.” TASS September 1, 2022, “Former French Minister Segolene Royal Condemns Kiev’s War Propaganda,”

Biographical Brief

Sarközy, Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa (Nicolas Sarközy) Graduate: MA, DEA Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, Paris Institute of Political Studies). Public Service: City Councilor then Mayor (Neuilly-sur-Seine) 1983-2002; National Assembly deputy 1988; Minister for the Budget 1993-1995; Minister of the Interior 2002–2004; Minister of Finance 2004; Minister of the Interior 2005–2007; President of the French Republic 2007-2012; Leader of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) 2014-2016.

Sarkozy in the news
October 23, 2022

“The only thing the Europeans are hearing now is more and more billions of Euros being spent on the purchase of weapons—more weapons, more deaths, more war.”

The policy of the European Union is driven by “miscalculation, exaltation, anger, superficial reactions.” Because of this, “we’re dancing at the edge of a volcano.” RT October 23 2022, “EU ‘dancing on edge of volcano’ with Ukraine” says former President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy,

Sarkozy in the news
August 2023

“We are not directly present in the war zone, but a constant flow of weapons is coming from us to one of the warring parties. In the short term, this situation may go out of control.”  TASS August 16, 2023, “Weapons supplies to Kiev may soon go out of control — Sarkozy,”

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Breach from Within Lacking Clean Challenge

Opposition Seems Insufficient to Arrest Disreputable Duo

Far too Few 2024 Presidential Challengers outside the Frame who — 

  • Used their real name (not a pseudonym or anonymity)
  • Designed and posted an official, professional looking campaign website (not mere social media sites)
  • Seemed to express common sense, reflective intelligence in a platform; not merely an ability to recite trending mantra or ideological bullet points
  • Seemed to possess substantive qualification beyond mere arrogance, audacity, and the basic (highly inadequate) constitutional requirement of age, native, residency.

Permissive terms Invite and Sustain Present State of Affairs
Corruption, Corruptible Officials

The Constitution of the United States requires for presidential candidates no tests of skill, experience, intelligence, or character and if elected no in-service testing or upgrading of skills, training, knowledge, character or intelligence.

Anyone who meets these “requirements” is eligible to declare candidacy for the U.S. Presidency
  • Natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Thirty-five years of age
  • Fourteen years of U.S. residency
Spend $5,000 (having named a “committee” conduit), register with a compromised Federal Election Commission, and any man or woman (elected or campaigner) is free collect a whole lot of money pandering to narrow interests (and enriching self), peddling influence, selling public office, moving in and out of public-private, conflicting-interest sectors without check or chastisement. A man or woman in this situation, without proper rules or requirements, is free to be as corrupt as a common criminal and to corrupt the institution of governmentand get away with it.

Because of the highly inadequate constitutional requirement for such a critical position—the most powerful office in the United States and powered by U.S. military might (and permissive systemic conflicts of interest) the most powerful position in the world with authority over life and death, authority to end the world; because of this condition, Americans are made to suffer the tyranny of an entrenched rogue government. 

In light of this, it has become necessary to restudy the United States Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment Section Three.

In my view the study should consider extending the text to cover public official’s acts variously observed, defined or categorized as
  • Treason
  • Betrayal
  • High crimes
  • Bribe Taking 
  • Influence peddling 
  • Public Office Selling
  • Money laundering (direct or indirect) 

Constitution of the United States AMENDMENT XIV [1868] SECTION 3     excerpt minor punctuation edits

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress or elector of President and Vice President or hold any office (civil or military) under the United States (or under any State), who—having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress or as an officer of the United States or as a member of any State legislature or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States—shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
Remedy (unfortunately the framers used the permissive, optional may; instead of the essential, compulsory must or shall)
The Congress of the United States of America “may by a vote of two-thirds of each House remove such disability.”


Far too few men outside (or giving the appearance of being outside) the RepubDem war party

No endorsement intended or suggested.

Listed as Libertarian Party Affiliated

  • Dunham, Keenan - South Carolina (business owner with experience in law and management, and previous campaign experience for public office)
  • Oliver, Chase – Georgia (political activist including opposition to the Bush era war on Iraq, advocacy of Ranked Choice Voting; previous State level candidacy for public office),_2024
  • Maat, Mike ter-Florida (economist, former law enforcement officer, Federal employee and consultant in finance and economics, previous candidacy for State public office)

Listed as Independent

Bills, James Independent – Texas (veteran schoolteacher/multilevel athletic coach)

Candidate’s words on official website
(Excerpt, minor edits)
“Most of us in the middle know that we share more common ground than the media and the two parties give us credit for.” Media organizations “play partisan games to push agendas for votes for their parties. … ‘Common folk’ know that there is still bias amongst different races … (and) we still have a long way to go to make it better. We know also that there is often a double standard … with government officials and people of wealth.…

“I know that in order to strengthen this country …, we must unite even more at the ground level and understand that we are all created equal. Everyone must have a fair shake. All of us must be able to engage in discussion openly, and in a non-partisan way.

“We must not allow Washington, D.C., politicians to create hate amongst as we fight for the scraps and they sit back and laugh at us.” Under a new presidency “‘We the People’ will unite like never before.”

The organization “Unite America” writes: The people of the United States of America “are more divided than ever.”

“Congress is gridlocked. Legislation is at a standstill. Political divisions are tearing our country apart.” 

“Distrust and dysfunction” are marked indelibly (the unacceptable widely accepted) in the political system.… Politicians have ceased representing the people of the United States.

The group concludes that the “incentives” governing the U.S. political system have to be repaired.

My sense runs deeper. 

To me there is a deadly impairment, a severe problem in the character and caliber of men and women seated and allowed to be seated in U.S. elective and appointive positions within Government (as well as among those with whom they partner)
These men and women are destroying our essential institutions, our fabric and Union, our homeland and community, and the trust that must exist between Government and Governed.
Therefore, it is the duty of the citizenry of these United States (declared before the Constitution) to remove this stain, this systemic tyranny and seat clean and incorruptible governance. 

It is our duty together, one nation indivisible, to take civil action—nonviolent action—to cleanse the filth. Remove the disability.

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

Friday, August 11, 2023

Rising South Fells Empire

Francophone Africa Makes News in the West

Global South 

As of 2022, seventy-eight countries (Afghanistan to Zimbabwe) made the World Population Review (and United Nations’) list of “Global South” countries

Francophone Africa Alphabetically

1.   Benin

2.   Burkina Faso

3.   Burundi

4.   Cameroon

5.   Central African Republic


6.   Chad

7.   Comoros

8.   Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

9.   Congo (Republic of the)

10.            Djibouti


11.            Equatorial Guinea

12.            Gabon

13.            Guinea

14.            Ivory Coast (Republic of Côte d’Ivoire)

15.            Madagascar


16.            Mali

17.            Niger

18.            Rwanda

19.            Senegal

20.            Seychelles

21.            Togo


WeAfrique “List Of (21) Francophone Countries in Africa,” by Tim Dajin, September 29, 2022,

“Economic dependence has contributed to perpetuating a system wherein African states remain weak, pliant, and reliant on resource exports. Primary beneficiaries are French companies and French interests. And African states— their national sovereignty further eroded —are obliged to “ally” with France [DITTO Empire USA, UK,] in any major conflict….” Columnist Brad Pearce writes in an August 8, 2023, posting at The Cradle.
The Continent of Africa “suffers many ailments…, perhaps the most persistent and nefarious (of these) are the lack of sovereignty and access to capital” — while much of Europe’s prosperity, for centuries, has derived from Europeans’ looting of countries of the Global South.
The linguistic maneuver “Global South” is a relatively contemporary, post-World War II, euphemism for widely-used historic terms colonial (today’s neocolonial) 
“possessions” or “territories;” “less developed,” “developing” “non-Western,” “poor,” “third” (or fourth), “undeveloped,” “undeveloped” countries or world.

Included in the Global South construct coined by forceful nuclear powers are these. 

  • The entire Continent of Africa
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • The Continent of Asia particularly countries conveniently mapped or remapped, divided, redrawn, grouped and regrouped, defined or redefined, often war-ravaged by Western powers and their “allies” and termed “Near East,” “Middle East,” “West/Southwest Asia;” “developing” countries. (Further reference)

Countries Developing 

Among them though not usually considered 

Global South Countries

Labeled “Developing Economies” 

International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database (Update April 2023)




Cape Verde


Central African Republic



Antigua and Barbuda









Democratic Republic of the Congo


Republic of the Congo


Costa Rica


Côte d'Ivoire






Dominican Republic





Bosnia and Herzegovina

El Salvador


Equatorial Guinea




Eswatini (Swaziland)



Burkina Faso





The Gambia
































Marshall Islands




Federated States of Micronesia













North Macedonia







Papua New Guinea









Saudi Arabia

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


São Tomé and Príncipe




Sierra Leone

Solomon Islands


South Africa

South Sudan


Sri Lanka










Trinidad and Tobago







United Arab Emirates










The columnist resumes.

“France never stopped looting Africa (but) now the tables are turning.”

Developments in West Africa demonstrate that “the francophone countries are no longer willing to accept French neo-colonialism.” The fear factor has been removed and “Africa’s quest for genuine independence is steadily coming to fruition.”

Pearce, Brad, “The 26 July coup in the West African nation of Niger…, threatening to undermine French and US military presence in the region, has shed light on the historical exploitation and continued practices of Françafrique—the term used to describe the persistent exploitation by the former French Empire in Africa.”

France’s neocolonialism

“France-Afrique” was coined in 1955 by the President of Côte d’Ivoire to convey his country’s “close ties with France.”

La “Françafrique” was coined in 1998 by French economist and historian François-Xavier Verschave as a parody of the West African leader’s usage and to reflect “a specific type of neocolonialism” imposed by France on former colonies of the French Empire. His was a “criticism of alleged corrupt and clandestine activities of various Franco-African political, economic and military networks” (reference source).

“France never stopped looting Africa,” Pearce wrote.
Brad Pearce is creator and principal columnist of “The Wayward Rabbler.”

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

“Golden” Evokes Dark Side: FLASHBACK to 1940s Golden, 1800s Gilded

Gilded Age or Golden Era or  Both In US history, the former was a period (1870s) of gross materialism and blatant political corruption .  ...