Saturday, August 12, 2023

Breach from Within Lacking Clean Challenge

Opposition Seems Insufficient to Arrest Disreputable Duo

Far too Few 2024 Presidential Challengers outside the Frame who — 

  • Used their real name (not a pseudonym or anonymity)
  • Designed and posted an official, professional looking campaign website (not mere social media sites)
  • Seemed to express common sense, reflective intelligence in a platform; not merely an ability to recite trending mantra or ideological bullet points
  • Seemed to possess substantive qualification beyond mere arrogance, audacity, and the basic (highly inadequate) constitutional requirement of age, native, residency.

Permissive terms Invite and Sustain Present State of Affairs
Corruption, Corruptible Officials

The Constitution of the United States requires for presidential candidates no tests of skill, experience, intelligence, or character and if elected no in-service testing or upgrading of skills, training, knowledge, character or intelligence.

Anyone who meets these “requirements” is eligible to declare candidacy for the U.S. Presidency
  • Natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Thirty-five years of age
  • Fourteen years of U.S. residency
Spend $5,000 (having named a “committee” conduit), register with a compromised Federal Election Commission, and any man or woman (elected or campaigner) is free collect a whole lot of money pandering to narrow interests (and enriching self), peddling influence, selling public office, moving in and out of public-private, conflicting-interest sectors without check or chastisement. A man or woman in this situation, without proper rules or requirements, is free to be as corrupt as a common criminal and to corrupt the institution of governmentand get away with it.

Because of the highly inadequate constitutional requirement for such a critical position—the most powerful office in the United States and powered by U.S. military might (and permissive systemic conflicts of interest) the most powerful position in the world with authority over life and death, authority to end the world; because of this condition, Americans are made to suffer the tyranny of an entrenched rogue government. 

In light of this, it has become necessary to restudy the United States Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment Section Three.

In my view the study should consider extending the text to cover public official’s acts variously observed, defined or categorized as
  • Treason
  • Betrayal
  • High crimes
  • Bribe Taking 
  • Influence peddling 
  • Public Office Selling
  • Money laundering (direct or indirect) 

Constitution of the United States AMENDMENT XIV [1868] SECTION 3     excerpt minor punctuation edits

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress or elector of President and Vice President or hold any office (civil or military) under the United States (or under any State), who—having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress or as an officer of the United States or as a member of any State legislature or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States—shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
Remedy (unfortunately the framers used the permissive, optional may; instead of the essential, compulsory must or shall)
The Congress of the United States of America “may by a vote of two-thirds of each House remove such disability.”


Far too few men outside (or giving the appearance of being outside) the RepubDem war party

No endorsement intended or suggested.

Listed as Libertarian Party Affiliated

  • Dunham, Keenan - South Carolina (business owner with experience in law and management, and previous campaign experience for public office)
  • Oliver, Chase – Georgia (political activist including opposition to the Bush era war on Iraq, advocacy of Ranked Choice Voting; previous State level candidacy for public office),_2024
  • Maat, Mike ter-Florida (economist, former law enforcement officer, Federal employee and consultant in finance and economics, previous candidacy for State public office)

Listed as Independent

Bills, James Independent – Texas (veteran schoolteacher/multilevel athletic coach)

Candidate’s words on official website
(Excerpt, minor edits)
“Most of us in the middle know that we share more common ground than the media and the two parties give us credit for.” Media organizations “play partisan games to push agendas for votes for their parties. … ‘Common folk’ know that there is still bias amongst different races … (and) we still have a long way to go to make it better. We know also that there is often a double standard … with government officials and people of wealth.…

“I know that in order to strengthen this country …, we must unite even more at the ground level and understand that we are all created equal. Everyone must have a fair shake. All of us must be able to engage in discussion openly, and in a non-partisan way.

“We must not allow Washington, D.C., politicians to create hate amongst as we fight for the scraps and they sit back and laugh at us.” Under a new presidency “‘We the People’ will unite like never before.”

The organization “Unite America” writes: The people of the United States of America “are more divided than ever.”

“Congress is gridlocked. Legislation is at a standstill. Political divisions are tearing our country apart.” 

“Distrust and dysfunction” are marked indelibly (the unacceptable widely accepted) in the political system.… Politicians have ceased representing the people of the United States.

The group concludes that the “incentives” governing the U.S. political system have to be repaired.

My sense runs deeper. 

To me there is a deadly impairment, a severe problem in the character and caliber of men and women seated and allowed to be seated in U.S. elective and appointive positions within Government (as well as among those with whom they partner)
These men and women are destroying our essential institutions, our fabric and Union, our homeland and community, and the trust that must exist between Government and Governed.
Therefore, it is the duty of the citizenry of these United States (declared before the Constitution) to remove this stain, this systemic tyranny and seat clean and incorruptible governance. 

It is our duty together, one nation indivisible, to take civil action—nonviolent action—to cleanse the filth. Remove the disability.

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links:

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