Friday, August 18, 2023

Through the Fog of Madness

Five Ministers Speaking Sense to the Insensible

Morsels of Wisdom

Biographical Brief

Le Pen, Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen: Graduate Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) Panthéon-Assas University). Public Service: Member of the European Parliament 2004 – 2017 (Constituency Île-de-France 2004 –2009, Constituency North-West France 2009-2017); Chair of the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group 2015- 2017; President of the National Rally 2011 – 2022; Member of the National Assembly (11th Constituency Pas-de-Calais) 2017 – Incumbent; President of the National Rally group in the National Assembly 2022 – Incumbent.

Le Pen in the news
June 2023

“Crimea has nothing to do with the conflict in Ukraine.” “Residents in Crimea decided to join Russia.”

“This position also has been shared by former French Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Valery Giscard d’Estaing. I stand with them… the conflict in Ukraine is related to the Minsk agreements, which do not concern Crimea.” TASS News June 15, 2023 “France’s Le Pen says Crimea ‘has nothing to do’ with conflict in Ukraine: Marine Le Pen underlined that she views Crimea to be a part of Russia”

Biographical Brief

Merkel, Angela Dorothea Kasner Merkel: Graduate BS Leipzig University, PhD German Academy of Sciences). Public Service: Member of the Federal Parliament of Germany 1990 – 2021; Leader of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany/ Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CDU/CSU in the Bundestag) 2002-2005; Leader of the Opposition 2002 – 2005; Leader of the Christian Democratic Union 2000 – 2018; Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany 2005 – 2021.

Merkel in the news
Pre 2021

“We need a clear commitment to multilateralism. Anything else will only end in misery…. “[W]e should understand our national interest in a way that we think about the interests of others; and from that, create win-win situations, preconditioned for multilateralism.”

The West must “counter growing fragmentation” and be willing “to make compromises.” The notion that each should think about oneself exclusive of others is a flawed doctrine. The West must “act against the fragmentation of the international architecture and be ready to reform existing institutions… such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank … to restore confidence in the global financial system.” Reuters January 23, 2019 “Merkel calls for global cooperation….” Reuters staff, DW January 23, 2019 “Merkel laments ‘fragmentation of the multilateral world’— The German chancellor called on attendees of the World Economic Forum in Davos to remain committed to global institutions but to be open to compromise,”

Merkel in the news

“In my opinion, we as the European Union must seek direct contact with Russia and the Russian president,” Chancellor Merkel said in a speech to the German Parliament. “It is not enough for the U.S. president to talk to the Russian president. I very much welcome that. But the EU must also create forums for dialogue.” Reuters “Germany’s Merkel says EU should seek direct contact with Putin,” June 24, 2021,; Al Jazeera June 8, 2022 “‘Nothing to apologise for’: Merkel defends Russia legacy … stresses Russia trade ties, and importance of diplomacy”

Merkel Predecessor in the news 2012, 2022 
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder

Russia’s leading politicians … want to make Russia a country where the rule of law, stability and democracy prevail.” In the Post Cold War era, the initial task of Russian President Vladimir Putin “was to restore statehood and stability.” The President “did this…, (and) it is his historical achievement.” In a 2022 piece, the former chancellor was quoted having cautioned of the impossibility of, either politically or economically, isolating “a country like Russia.” (TASS excerpt from a 2012 interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung); TASS July 26, 2022, news “Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder arrives in Moscow for energy talks, Der Spiegel reported citing sources,”

Biographical Brief

Orbán, Viktor Mihály Orbán: Graduate Hungary’s Eötvös Loránd University (J.D.), England’s Pembroke College-Oxford. Public Service: Member of the National Assembly 1990 – Incumbent; Leader of Hungarian Civil Alliance (Fidesz) Party 1993 –2000, 2003 – Incumbent; Prime Minister of Hungary 1998-2002, 2010 – Incumbent.
Orbán Cabinet member Tamás Menczer: Studied at College of Foreign Trade-Budapest Business School. Public Service: spokesman in 4th Orbán Government, Foreign Ministry State Secretary; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Press Officer 2015- 2017; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Deputy State Secretary for Communication and Parliamentary Coordination 2017-2018; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade State Secretary for Information and International Representation of Hungary 2018-2022; Member of Parliament 2002 – present. Media work: Duna Television Zrt (Duna Media Service) editor-reporter, presenter 2006–2011; MTVA editor-reporter, presenter 2011–2015.

Fourth Orbán Government in the news
Spokesman Tamás Menczer October 22, 2022

“This pro-war stance of Brussels extends the conflict and suffering. This is extremely dangerous and unacceptable.” RT News October 22, 2022 “Hungary criticizes ‘pro-war’ European Union,”

Biographical Brief

Royal, Marie-Ségolène Royal: Graduate Nancy, France Université Nancy 2; Paris Institute of Political Studies; ÉNA: e École Nationale d’dministration or National School of Administration (later Institut national du service public (INSP) or National Institute of Public Service). Public Service: Member of the Deux-Sèvres General Council 1992-1998; Member of the National Assembly for Deux-Sèvres’s 2nd constituency 1998-1992, 1993-1997, 2002-2007; Minister of the Environment 1992 – 1993; Minister delegate for School Teaching 1997 – 2000; Minister delegate for Families, Children and People with Disabilities 2000 –2002; President of France’s Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes 2004 – 2014; Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy 2014 – 2017.

Royal in the news
September 2022

“Fear-mongering propaganda” has the aim of motivating “his army” as it simultaneously obstructs the process of peace. “The United Nations and the journalistic community” should desist in advancing “the manipulative instrument of fear.” TASS September 1, 2022, “Former French Minister Segolene Royal Condemns Kiev’s War Propaganda,”

Biographical Brief

Sarközy, Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa (Nicolas Sarközy) Graduate: MA, DEA Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, Paris Institute of Political Studies). Public Service: City Councilor then Mayor (Neuilly-sur-Seine) 1983-2002; National Assembly deputy 1988; Minister for the Budget 1993-1995; Minister of the Interior 2002–2004; Minister of Finance 2004; Minister of the Interior 2005–2007; President of the French Republic 2007-2012; Leader of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) 2014-2016.

Sarkozy in the news
October 23, 2022

“The only thing the Europeans are hearing now is more and more billions of Euros being spent on the purchase of weapons—more weapons, more deaths, more war.”

The policy of the European Union is driven by “miscalculation, exaltation, anger, superficial reactions.” Because of this, “we’re dancing at the edge of a volcano.” RT October 23 2022, “EU ‘dancing on edge of volcano’ with Ukraine” says former President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy,

Sarkozy in the news
August 2023

“We are not directly present in the war zone, but a constant flow of weapons is coming from us to one of the warring parties. In the short term, this situation may go out of control.”  TASS August 16, 2023, “Weapons supplies to Kiev may soon go out of control — Sarkozy,”

Composition and Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
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