Friday, March 29, 2024

Rights and Duties UNSCRIPTED

The Responsibility of the Citizen to Seat, Preserve and Sustain Good Government. And toward these ends Prepare for and Exercise Independent Choice, Ensuring Governance founded on morally and mentally healthy Qualification.

Republican and Democratic-party belligerence—the same belligerence (inordinate force, physical and verbal violence), violence veiled as “humanitarianism”- “peace”- “democracy” used against peoples, cultures and nations all across the world—has, by means of cash and kickbacks, coercion and corruption, mob-like divide and conquer, redistricting and gerrymandering, all but destroyed any semblance of of-the-people governance and democratic process (“We the People” Union) in the United States of America.

But, with studied examination of a larger pool of registered candidates (beyond the headlines designed or catering to left-right-center-blue-red-purple(s), bookmakers-speculators-gamblers and suckers)—it is possible for the seriously independent-minded American to actualize the self-governing duty of the body politic: Exercise the individual power of the “write-in” VOTE.

There are far more in the 2024 US Presidential Field of Contenders than the one (or two, three or four) touted by the small-minded media and gambling entities.

Ballotpedia has assembled a list of “Registered” 2024 presidential candidates (its latest update March 25, 2024): candidates who filed with the Federal Election Commission of the United States of America ( to contend for the office of the US Presidency (2024). The information, indicating that further study is necessary in preparation for voting, notes that:

Applicants’ candidate names and party affiliations were copied as entered on the FEC website on the date of candidates’ initial filing with the FEC; and

Some candidates used pen names or pseudonyms.



Listed Name & Party


1.  Aaron Avouris  Libertarian Party

2.  Aaron Day        Republican Party

3.  Aaron Grotta    Nonpartisan

4.  Aaron M. He     Democratic Party

5.  Aaron Taylor    Nonpartisan

6.  Abilio Soares    Nonpartisan

7.  Abraham Carrasco Garay         Independent

8.  A.C. Toulme     Jewish/Christian National Party

9.  Adam Charles Lewis    Nonpartisan

10.              Adam D. Cottillion       Independent

11.              Adam Dever     Independent

12.              Adam Halfhill   Independent

13.              Adam Hennessey         Independent

14.              Adam Hollick   Green Party

15.              Adam Louis Estrada    Nonpartisan

16.              Adam McBride Independent

17.              Adam Michael Dunn    Republican Party

18.              Adam Michael Hougland          Republican Party

19.              Adam Nicholas Paul     Independent

20.              Adam Ouariti   Democratic Party

21.              Adam Zane Patsy         Nonpartisan

22.              Ade Oba Olukore          American People's Freedom Party

23.              Adrian Maurice Hall     Democratic Party

24.              Ahmad Saide   Nonpartisan

25.              Ajay Thaliath   Democratic Party

26.              Alander Pulliam           Independent

27.              Alan Huddleston          Democratic Party

28.              Alan Spears     Republican Party

29.              Albert Harshaw            Republican Party

30.              Alec Jude Wilson         Independent

31.              Alexander Chatfield Smith      Republican Party

32.              Alexander David Hooper          Nonpartisan

33.              Alexander Jay Bingham           Freedom Party

34.              Alexander Joseph Sean Heidenreich   Independent

35.              Alexander Jule Nonpartisan

36.              Alexander Lyerrad Roschbach Independent

37.              Alex Barrella    Independent

38.              Alexis Jean Cloute       Nonpartisan

39.              Alfonz Carl McLamb Jr.           American Independent Party

40.              Alice Yancy Teague     Independent

41.              Alida Felton     Democratic Party

42.              Allan Channey Summers          Democratic Party

43.              Allen Bouska    Unaffiliated

44.              Amanda Catherine Eskelson    Democratic Party

45.              Amanda Dunavant       Nonpartisan

46.              Amanda Thompson      American Independent Party

47.              Amber Byers    Independent

48.              Amos Timothee           Republican Party

49.              Amr Metwally  Nonpartisan

50.              Andreas Lerma            Nonpartisan

51.              Andre Nero      Independent

52.              Andre Ramon McNeil   Nonpartisan

53.              Andrew Ashley Independent

54.              Andrew Heartdoc Chung          Independent

55.              Andrew Joseph O'Donnell        Unaffiliated

56.              Andrew J. Punch         Nonpartisan

57.              Andrew Kantor Independent

58.              Andrew L. Everett       Republican Party

59.              Andrew Robert Kwiatkowski    Republican Party

60.              Andrew Smreker          Independent

61.              Andrew Townsend       Independent

62.              Andy Williams Jr.        Nonpartisan

63.              Angad Singh Chera      Nonpartisan

64.              Angela Dwyer   Independent

65.              Angela Glass    Independent

66.              Angela Marie Herring   Republican Party

67.              Angela Marie Walls-Windhauser           Republican Party

68.              Angela Redovian          Republican Party

69.              Angeline Payne            Republican Party

70.              Angel Michael Crockford         Republican Party

71.              Angel Osornio  Independent

72.              Anita Belle       Green Party

73.              Anita Malloy    American Independent Party

74.              Anna Marie Carter       Nonpartisan

75.              Ann Parkinson Democratic Party

76.              Ann Yeager      Nonpartisan

77.              Anthony Hudson          Republican Party

78.              Anthony James Richardson     Republican Party

79.              Anthony Jason Sandoval         Nonpartisan

80.              Anthony Llanes            Republican Party

81.              Anthony Manalakos     Democratic Party

82.              Anthony Primo Darpino           Republican Party

83.              Antonio Gagnon           Libertarian Party

84.              Antonio Marco Pantalo Democratic Party

85.              Antony Handal Unaffiliated

86.              Ari Benjamin Bank       Nonpartisan

87.              Armando Perez-Serrato            Democratic Party

88.              Arse Vincent Cysewski Democratic Party

89.              Arthur Van Houten      Nonpartisan

90.              Asa Hutchinson           Republican Party

91.              Ashaki Noni Nichols     Nonpartisan

92.              Ashley Powell   Democratic Party

93.              Audrey Conrad Republican Party

94.              Austin McBride            Nonpartisan

95.              Azeem Hussein            Democratic Party

96.              Barak Zilberberg          Nonpartisan

97.              Barbara Stone  People's Party

98.              Baruch Margolis           Nonpartisan

99.              Beatrice Ramos           Democratic Party

100.            Beau Lindsey   Libertarian Party

101.            Bella Berg Fonvergne   Democratic Party

102.            Benjamin Garcia          Democratic Party

103.            Benjamin Scott Martinec         Nonpartisan

104.            Benjamin Stewart        Nonpartisan

105.            Beverly Ellen Lamb      Independent

106.            Bob Akers        Independent

107.            Bobby Dean Gibson      Nonpartisan

108.            Boyd Thomas Burner   Nonpartisan

109.            Bradley Allen Weigant Independent

110.            Bradley Arthur Sawyer Nonpartisan

111.            Bradley Scott Hartliep Republican Party

112.            Brandon Chandrasen Lowder   The Human Rights Party

113.            Brandon Gonce            Republican Party

114.            Brandon Hugh Parker  Unaffiliated

115.            Brandon Jamal Shipman         Nonpartisan

116.            Brandon Lee Campbell Republican Party

117.            Brandon L. McIntyre    Constitutional Party

118.            Brandon Victor            Nonpartisan

119.            Brandy Moore  Nonpartisan

120.            Brent Allen Sprague    Nonpartisan

121.            Bret Popp        Unaffiliated

122.            Brett Allen Dillon         Independent

123.            Brian Arenare  Nonpartisan

124.            Brian Cox         Independent

125.            Brian Friend    Independent

126.            Brian Jerral Wesson     Republican Party

127.            Brian Korn       Nonpartisan

128.            Brian Lee Cain II          Nonpartisan

129.            Brian Lee Wilson          Independent

130.            Brian Mannix   Nonpartisan

131.            Brian Matthew Owen   Democratic Party

132.            Brian Patrick Stack     Republican Party

133.            Brittany A. Mckown     Democratic Party

134.            Brittany Nichole Jones            Unaffiliated

135.            Bruce Burbridge          Independent

136.            Bruce John Kenneway Nonpartisan

137.            Bruce Ranson Wilson   Independent

138.            Bryan Daniel Procuk    Nonpartisan

139.            Bryan James    Democratic Party

140.            Bryan Lamont Arrington          Independent

141.            Byron K. Ross  Republican Party

142.            Caleb James Guay       Republican Party

143.            Caleb McKean  Nonpartisan

144.            Carl Arrechea  Independent

145.            Carlos Antonio De Bourbon-Montenegro          Independent

146.            Carmelo Pinnavaria     Nonpartisan

147.            Carmine Marranzino    Republican Party

148.            Carrie Mae Marcy        Republican Party

149.            Carson Loveless           Democratic Party

150.            Casey Hardison            Other

151.            Cassidy Irons   Independence Party

152.            Celina May Charles      Independence Party

153.            Cenk Uygur      Democratic Party

154.            Chad Joseph Clawitter Republican Party

155.            Chad Knight    Independent

156.            Chad Lottenville          Nonpartisan

157.            Chad S. Larkey            Independent

158.            Chance Trahan            Nonpartisan

159.            Charles Allen Strong Jr.          Independent

160.            Charles Ballay  Libertarian Party

161.            Charles Camilleri         Democratic Party

162.            Charles Chun Pang      Nonpartisan

163.            Charles Donald Comer Independent

164.            Charles Griffith Ferry  Libertarian Party

165.            Charles Junior Hodge  Independent

166.            Charles Lee Olson Jr.  Nonpartisan

167.            Charles Moss   Republican Party

168.            Charles Nemo Maridian            Independent

169.            Charles Symonds         Independent

170.            Charles Todd Sullivan  Nonpartisan

171.            Chase LaPorte Republican Party

172.            Chase Oliver    Libertarian Party

173.            Cherunda Lynn Fox     Independent

174.            Chester Lee Odom       Republican Party

175.            Chez Mann       Nonpartisan

176.            Chris Adam Valentine  Nonpartisan

177.            Chris Christie  Republican Party

178.            Chris Merrill De La Torre         Nonpartisan

179.            Christalynn Felicia Grayson     New Progressive Party

180.            Christen Erika Johnson           Unaffiliated

181.            Christian John DeMarco          Nonpartisan

182.            Christina Greathouse   Nonpartisan

183.            Christina Loren Clement         Nonpartisan

184.            Christine Charyton      Nonpartisan

185.            Christine Maria Chisholm        Independent

186.            Christin Noel Powers    Democratic Party

187.            Christopher Alan Selke            American Independent Party

188.            Christopher Campbell  Democratic Party

189.            Christopher David Portlock     Democratic Party

190.            Christopher Dennis Hull          Unaffiliated

191.            Christopher Ebbe         Independent

192.            Christopher Edward Stubbs     Nonpartisan

193.            Christopher Florquist  Unaffiliated

194.            Christopher Garrity     Nonpartisan

195.            Christopher Gillen       American Independent Party

196.            Christopher Hansen     Independent

197.            Christopher Jerome     Independent American Party

198.            Christopher Johnson   Independent

199.            Christopher J. Olkowski          Republican Party

200.            Christopher Lee Dias   Independent

201.            Christopher Pettenaro Republican Party

202.            Christopher Price Lytle           Nonpartisan

203.            Christopher Robert Jones        People Over Politics Party

204.            Christopher Robert Russell     Republican Party

205.            Christopher Stried       Independent

206.            Christopher Thomas Thorn      Independent

207.            Christopher Tillis         Republican Party

208.            Chris Weiler     Democratic Party

209.            Chris Welton    Republican Party

210.            Chuck J. Vrasich         Nonpartisan

211.            Clarence Williams        American Party

212.            Claudia De La Cruz      Independent

213.            Clayton Ressler           Independent

214.            Clifford Buzard            Independent

215.            Clifford Griffin Independent

216.            Cody Hoover    Republican Party

217.            Colton Hawk    Independent

218.            Constance L. Johnson Democratic Party

219.            Coran De-Andre Smith Democratic Party

220.            Corey Stapleton           Republican Party

221.            Cornel West     Independent

222.            Craig Paxson    Nonpartisan

223.            Crusificio Gambino      Republican Party

224.            Dale Webb        Republican Party

225.            Dalton Ralston Espeut Republican Party

226.            Damon Foster Marrs    Nonpartisan

227.            Dana R. Bradley           Unaffiliated

228.            Daniel Albert Ohlson    Independent

229.            Daniel Behrman           Unaffiliated

230.            Daniel Clark     Independent

231.            Daniel Clifford Brown  Nonpartisan

232.            Daniel Clyde Cummings           Constitution Party

233.            Daniel Imperato           Republican Party

234.            Daniel Isler      Independent

235.            Danielle Delouise Dixon           Independent

236.            Daniel Louis Levine     Nonpartisan

237.            Daniel Michaels           Nonpartisan

238.            Daniel Paul Francis      Nonpartisan

239.            Daniel Robert Larson   Nonpartisan

240.            Daniel R. Schaller        Nonpartisan

241.            Daniel Slack    Independent

242.            Daniel Toby Kuhns      Republican Party

243.            Daniel Travis Ingram   Nonpartisan

244.            Dan Knight      Other

245.            Dannie Bradshaw         Independent

246.            Danny Ray Vasquez     Nonpartisan

247.            Dantwan Samuel Watkins        Democratic Party

248.            Darin Johnson Republican Party

249.            Darrell Mack McKown  Republican Party

250.            Darryl Cedric White     Nonpartisan

251.            Dave Gardner  Independent

252.            David Andrew Saber    Libertarian Party

253.            David A. Puchta           Libertarian Party

254.            David Bardol    Nonpartisan

255.            David Barnard Democratic Party

256.            David Bounds  Independent

257.            David Cash      Democratic Party

258.            David Dunlap   Libertarian Party

259.            David Emerson            Republican Party

260.            David Gibson   American Independent Conservative Party

261.            David Graben   Nonpartisan

262.            David James Stuckenberg       Republican Party

263.            David Jon Sponheim    Nonpartisan

264.            David Kay        Nonpartisan

265.            David Klotzbuecher     Independent

266.            David Lee Shoup          Republican Party

267.            David Michael Darnell Independent

268.            David Michael Olscamp           Democratic Party

269.            David Murdock            Peace and Freedom Party

270.            David Raphael Nonpartisan

271.            David Raphael Herz     Republican Party

272.            David Reed DeSilva     Libertarian Party

273.            David Robbins  Constitution Party

274.            David Simmes  Nonpartisan

275.            David Terpening          Republican Party

276.            David Tuxhorn Nonpartisan

277.            David Wayne Touchet  Republican Party

278.            Dawn Wentworth         Republican Party

279.            DC Jefferson    Democratic Party

280.            Deangelo Turner          Nonpartisan

281.            Dean Phillips   Democratic Party

282.            Debbie Wilson  Independence Party

283.            Deborah Sharpe           Democratic Party

284.            Debra Vanessa White   Nonpartisan

285.            Demetra Wysinger       Nonpartisan

286.            Dennis A. Diaz Independent

287.            Dennis Gildon II           Independent

288.            Dennis James Nabozny            American Independent Party

289.            Dennis Joshua Allen    Independent American Party

290.            Dennis Kevin Cox Jr.   Nonpartisan

291.            Dennis Lory Lane         Independent

292.            Dennis Mulins  Conservative Party

293.            Dennis Torii Jr.           Independent

294.            Dennis Vandusen-Torres          Nonpartisan

295.            Deon Jenkins   Republican Party

296.            Deonna Dieter Republican Party

297.            Derek Chowen Republican Party

298.            Desmond Moore           Republican Party

299.            Destini A. Endress       Nonpartisan

300.            Diana Chika     Independent

301.            Donald Faulknor Jr.     Republican Party

302.            Donald Frayer  Republican Party

303.            Donald Mays Kjornes   Republican Party

304.            Donald Picard  Democratic Party

305.            Donald Trump Republican Party

306.            Donnis Griffin  Independent

307.            Doris Brown     Democratic Party

308.            Dorsey Porter  Democratic Party

309.            Doug Burgum   Republican Party

310.            Doug Jenkins   Nonpartisan

311.            Douglas Bell     Independent

312.            Douglas G. Hayward     American Independent Party

313.            Dustin Arron Monroe   Republican Party

314.            Dustin James Horst     Independent

315.            Dustin James Mahurin Independent

316.            Dustin Rorex   Democratic Party

317.            Dykeba Lecole Rogers Democratic Party

318.            Dylan Valenti   Nonpartisan

319.            Dyron Marcus Wash     American Independent Party

320.            Earl Davis        Democratic Party

321.            Eban Cambridge          Democratic Party

322.            Eddie Monarch American Party

323.            Eduardo Uvalle            Nonpartisan

324.            Edward Allan Gonzales            Independent

325.            Edward Carlton Jewell Sr.       Independent

326.            Edward Lee Brinkley   Republican Party

327.            Edward Lee Nash         Independent

328.            Edward Nathaniel Grimes        Democratic Party

329.            Elbert Bartell   Independent

330.            Eliud Resendez            Other

331.            Elizabeth Buelow         Independent

332.            Ellen Marie Griesi        Nonpartisan

333.            Ellis W. Drewery          Independent

334.            Emanuel Yi Pastreich  Green Party

335.            Emmanuel Antoine Hemphill   Independent

336.            Emory Vaughn Independent

337.            Eric Atkinson   Independent

338.            Eric Bolin         Nonpartisan

339.            Eric Dowling    Nonpartisan

340.            Eric Jatod Edmond      American Independent Conservative Party

341.            Eric Jon Boerner         Republican Party

342.            Erick Cid         Republican Party

343.            Eric Kryzenske            Nonpartisan

344.            Erick Toks Ekundayo  Independent

345.            Eric L. Mortimore        Republican Party

346.            Eric Meiring     Independent

347.            Eric Scott Cavanagh    Republican Party

348.            Eric Walleck    Republican Party

349.            Erik Leckner    Democratic Party

350.            Ernest Deering Nonpartisan

351.            Ethan R. Richards       Nonpartisan

352.            Ethan Witzling Hamby Democratic Party

353.            Eugene Hunt Jr.          Republican Party

354.            Evette Rechelle Tippett          Democratic Party

355.            E.W. Jackson   Republican Party

356.            Fareed Anderson         Republican Party

357.            Felipe Rios       Republican Party

358.            Flory Louis Seidel        Republican Party

359.            Floyd Neal Petri           Republican Party

360.            Francis John Marzano Republican Party

361.            Francis Lorenz Nonpartisan

362.            Francis Suarez Republican Party

363.            Frank Castellucci III    Nonpartisan

364.            Frank J. Lozada           Democratic Party

365.            Franklin Deleno Rutherford III            Nonpartisan

366.            Frederick David Rudnick         Republican Party

367.            Frederick James Clegg            Libertarian Party

368.            Frederick Santiago      Independence Party

369.            Frederick Taylor Patterson      Independent

370.            Frederic Schultz          Unaffiliated

371.            Fuad Abdullahi American Independent Party

372.            Gabriel Cornejo            Democratic Party

373.            Gaetano Rocco Patrizio De Luca          Nonpartisan

374.            Gary Davis       Democratic Party

375.            Gary J. Brown  Democratic Party

376.            Gary Lambert Jr.         Nonpartisan

377.            Gary Robert Cantrell   Nonpartisan

378.            Gavin Bonney  Independent

379.            George Brucato            Democratic Party

380.            George Gollaher           Republican Party

381.            George Wilson  American Independent Party

382.            Georgia Juliette Bartylla-Bernard        Independent

383.            Gerald Defelice            Republican Party

384.            Gerald H. Oloff Republican Party

385.            Gerald John Jennings  Republican Party

386.            Gerry Coleman Democratic Party

387.            Gibran Nicholas           Democratic Party

388.            Glenda Jo Woodward   Nonpartisan

389.            Glenn Scott Allistair Simpson  Independent

390.            Glynndeavin von Fox   Independent

391.            Golda D. Harris            Democratic Party

392.            Gott Lally        Independent

393.            Grant McCracken        Republican Party

394.            Greg Litman Sembower           Republican Party

395.            Gregory Litzenberg      Independent

396.            Gregory Marcus Carter            Independent

397.            Gregory Marquis Thomas         Democratic Party

398.            Gregory Scott Van Huisen       Republican Party

399.            Greg Walton     Republican Party

400.            Halloran Leonard Yeah            Nonpartisan

401.            Harlan Mark Sanford   Republican Party

402.            Harold Demby  Independence Party

403.            Harrison Reinbeck       Republican Party

404.            Harvey Brown  Nonpartisan

405.            Harvey Wizard Democratic Party

406.            Heather Alexandra Nunn         Nonpartisan

407.            Heather Lynn Stone     Independent

408.            Heather Munoz            Democratic Party

409.            Heath R. Gorney          Nonpartisan

410.            Heath Vincent Fulkerson         Independent

411.            Herbert Ezekiel Zeke Smyth    Democratic Party

412.            Hirsh Singh      Republican Party

413.            Hope Dir          American People's Freedom Party

414.            Howard Dotson            Democratic Party

415.            Howard Russell Cohen Independent

416.            Howie Hawkins Other

417.            Hubert Sean Francisco Independent

418.            Hudson Theodore Zoller          Democratic Party

419.            Hugo Valdez Garcia     Libertarian Party

420.            Huhnkie Lee    Independent

421.            Hung Huynh Chan        Democratic Party

422.            Ian Medina       Nonpartisan

423.            Ian Netupsky   Independent

424.            Insley Evans    Nonpartisan

425.            Irina D'Amato  Independent

426.            Isaac Alston     Republican Party

427.            Isaac Riley       Independent

428.            Isaiah Reid      Democratic Party

429.            Islam Karam Mossaad  Republican Party

430.            Ivory Patton     Nonpartisan

431.            Jackie Knight  Nonpartisan

432.            Jackie Tate     Green Party

433.            Jackson Stewart          Peace and Freedom Party

434.            Jack Sparks     Republican Party

435.            Jacob Hornberger        Libertarian Party

436.            Jacob Matthew Parker Independent

437.            Jacob Meiers   Republican Party

438.            Jacob Stephen Levine Moderate Party

439.            Jacob Suarez   Independent

440.            Jacob Taiwo Familoni  Republican Party

441.            Jacob Thomas Redmond         Republican Party

442.            Jacob William McKenzie          Republican Party

443.            Jacques Bartelkin        Republican Party

444.            Jade Velarde   Nonpartisan

445.            Jaha Hughes    Nonpartisan

446.            Jamall Ali Chestnut     Republican Party

447.            Jamarion Walker         Democratic Party

448.            James Altucher           Nonpartisan

449.            James Arthur Shoup III           Independent

450.            James B. Bouton         Republican Party

451.            James Bills      Independent

452.            James Boswell Nonpartisan

453.            James Brandon Garretson       Independent American Party

454.            James Earle Fudge      Nonpartisan

455.            James Everett Aguilar Republican Party

456.            James Goodale            Independent

457.            James J. Dunn Republican Party

458.            James Mark Merts       Nonpartisan

459.            James Martinez           Nonpartisan

460.            James McCay  Independent

461.            James Meroney           Republican Party

462.            James Nixon    Democratic Party

463.            James Orlando Ogle III            Democratic Party

464.            James Paris Firmani    Republican Party

465.            James P. Bradley         Independent

466.            James Peterson           Republican Party

467.            James Shelden Hartford          Nonpartisan

468.            Janet Parker    Nonpartisan

469.            Janett Oliveri  Nonpartisan

470.            Jaquan Curry   Independent

471.            Jared Huffman Republican Party

472.            Jaret Gold       Independent

473.            Jasen Lemar Edwards Nonpartisan

474.            Jasmine Sherman        Green Party

475.            Jason Alaniz    American People's Freedom Party

476.            Jason C. Hardy            Independent

477.            Jason Hershey Nonpartisan

478.            Jason John Juarez      Nonpartisan

479.            Jason Karroll   Libertarian Party

480.            Jason Michael Kidd     Nonpartisan

481.            Jason Palmer   Democratic Party

482.            Jason Waldram            Nonpartisan

483.            Jawad Hashem Hakeem           Nonpartisan

484.            Jay Arbuckel   Republican Party

485.            Jay P. Pridmore           Republican Party

486.            Jay Reeves      Veterans Party of America Party

487.            Jease Gladden Concerned Citizens Party of Connecticut

488.            Jeff A. Iwerks  Independent

489.            Jeff Miles         Democratic Party

490.            Jeffory Heath  Republican Party

491.            Jeff Paul          Unaffiliated

492.            Jeffrey Brian Downard Independent

493.            Jeffrey Magner            Nonpartisan

494.            Jeffrey Wiebens           Republican Party

495.            Jennifer Alameda        Republican Party

496.            Jennifer Astello           Independent

497.            Jennifer Gillis  Nonpartisan

498.            Jennifer Hidrogo          Republican Party

499.            Jennifer Lee Ann Ney  Democratic Party

500.            Jennifer McMurray      Democratic Party

501.            Jeremiah Marciniak     Nonpartisan

502.            Jeremiah Newman       Republican Party

503.            Jeremy Bonham          Independence Party

504.            Jeremy J. Kluesner     Republican Party

505.            Jeremy Kelly   Republican Party

506.            Jeremy Kinman           Republican Party

507.            Jeremy Lee Edom        Nonpartisan

508.            Jeremy Shane Bernheisel        Independent

509.            Jeremy Siedzik            Conservative Party

510.            Jeremy Vance Holloman          Nonpartisan

511.            Jerry Lee Alkire           Republican Party

512.            Jerry Leon Carroll       Nonpartisan

513.            Jesse Corson   Independent

514.            Jesse Dwight Gladden Nonpartisan

515.            Jesse Streeter Republican Party

516.            Jessica Brown  Republican Party

517.            Jessica L. Abel Republican Party

518.            Jessie Jay LeMaire      Nonpartisan

519.            Jesus B. Torres            Republican Party

520.            Jill Stein          Green Party

521.            Jim Alexander Norris   Republican Party

522.            Jimmy Cooper Independent

523.            Jimmy Edward Harvey Nonpartisan

524.            Jimmyrico Pigram       Republican Party

525.            Jim Rundberg  Republican Party

526.            Joan Farr         Republican Party

527.            Joanne Noto    Independent

528.            Jodie Smithson            Democratic Party

529.            Jody Daniel King         Republican Party

530.            Joe Biden        Democratic Party

531.            Joe D. Shepard            Republican Party

532.            Joe Exotic       Democratic Party

533.            JoeLarry Hunter          Independent

534.            Joel Larson      Republican Party

535.            Joe Schaufele  Nonpartisan

536.            John Allen Prince        Republican Party

537.            Johnathan Merkwan    Communist Party

538.            John Brubaker Independent

539.            John Castro     Republican Party

540.            John Coyne      Democratic Party

541.            John Daly        American Independent Party

542.            John Damms   Independent

543.            John Edward Diaz        Independent

544.            John Fischer    Republican Party

545.            John Franklin Wadley  Republican Party

546.            John Gabriel Dvorak    Republican Party

547.            John Gagliardi Democratic Party

548.            John Gwin Jr.  Independent

549.            John Keehner  Independent

550.            John Klein       Republican Party

551.            John McGlover Independent

552.            John Michael Schulmeister     Independent

553.            Johnnie Campbell        Nonpartisan

554.            Johnny Hatten Buss    Independent

555.            Johnny Henry  American Independent Party

556.            John Philip Lograsso   Nonpartisan

557.            John Roco       Republican Party

558.            John Roy Brooks         Independent

559.            John Schiess   Republican Party

560.            John Thomas Reinhold            Libertarian Party

561.            John Vassar     Nonpartisan

562.            John Washington III    Democratic Party

563.            Jojo Camp       Independent

564.            Jonathan Fitzpatrick   Independent

565.            Jonathan Hardin          Nonpartisan

566.            Jonathan Mitchell       Republican Party

567.            Jonathan Rosen           Republican Party

568.            Jonathan Thomas Bailey         Nonpartisan

569.            Jonathan Tuan Tran    Democratic Party

570.            Jonathan Wesberry      Republican Party

571.            Jonathon Ramos          Federalist Party

572.            Jon Castenada Independent

573.            Jon Edward Stasevich Independent

574.            Jon Stewart     Libertarian Party

575.            Jorge Zavala    Green Party

576.            Jose Font         Democratic Party

577.            Joselito Santiago-Matias          Republican Party

578.            Joseph Angus McCusker          Nonpartisan

579.            Joseph Anthony Gervasio        Republican Party

580.            Joseph Anthony Nigro IV         Independent

581.            Joseph Arthur Stetson Republican Party

582.            Joseph Collins Republican Party

583.            Joseph Edward Anderson        Republican Party

584.            Joseph Firmage           Democratic Party

585.            Joseph Foreman          Independent

586.            Joseph Hoinski            Republican Party

587.            Joseph Jay Manger      Democratic Party

588.            Joseph Kishore            Socialist Equality Party

589.            Joseph Luis Gonzaga III          Nonpartisan

590.            Joseph Martin Unaffiliated

591.            Joseph M. Ashton        Independence Party

592.            Joseph Michael Wiegand         Republican Party

593.            Joseph Timothy Lynch            Independent

594.            Joseph Zedan  Independent

595.            Jose Santos Cortes      Republican Party

596.            Joshua Anderson         Libertarian Party

597.            Joshua Aron Fritz        Nonpartisan

598.            Joshua Chiartas           Independent

599.            Joshua Coulter            Independent

600.            Joshua David Horwitz  Democratic Party

601.            Joshua David Usera     Other

602.            Joshua D. Smith          Libertarian Party

603.            Joshua Gray    Independent

604.            Joshua Rodriguez        Libertarian Party

605.            Joshua R. Schmitz       Republican Party

606.            Joshua Ryan Robinson Nonpartisan

607.            Juan Rullan     Nonpartisan

608.            Judah B. Wilson           Unaffiliated

609.            Judah Valentine Christ            Republican Party

610.            Julian Bishop Lewis     Independent

611.            Julie Jones      Democratic Party

612.            Julie Meyer      Republican Party

613.            June La'Gay Lloyd       Independent

614.            Justin Byrd      Republican Party

615.            Justin C. Robbins        Republican Party

616.            Justin Don Phillips      American Independent Party

617.            Justin Edward Hamilton          Independent

618.            Justin Thompson         Republican Party

619.            Kacey Nicole Samples  Democratic Party

620.            Kai Severino    Nonpartisan

621.            Kaleb Garibaldi            Nonpartisan

622.            Kandy Kaye Horn         Republican Party

623.            Karen Elaine Shafford Republican Party

624.            Katie Roedersheimer   D.C. Statehood Green Party

625.            Keira Anne Walker       Democratic Party

626.            Keith Charles Shaffer  Republican Party

627.            Keith S. Jacobs            Nonpartisan

628.            Keith Smith     Democratic Party

629.            Kelan Farrell-Smith     Democratic Party

630.            Kelvin Brewton            Independent

631.            Kelvin Gerad Davis      Independent

632.            Kenny Taylor   Democratic Party

633.            Ken Patterson  Republican Party

634.            Kerry Simmons            Nonpartisan

635.            Kevin Alexander Davies           Nonpartisan

636.            Kevin Babicz    Libertarian Party

637.            Kevin Eugene St John Republican Party

638.            Kevin Gilroy     Democratic Party

639.            Kevin John Carney      Democratic Party

640.            Kevin Palmer Smith     Independent

641.            Kevin Simon    Republican Party

642.            Kevin Tucker   Libertarian Party

643.            Kevin West      Independent

644.            Khaled Edward Miller  Independent

645.            Khistina Dejean           Independent

646.            Kier Hansen     Nonpartisan

647.            Kimbery Januel Branch           Independence Party

648.            Kina Shamier Kerry     Democratic Party

649.            Kristie Shaver  Nonpartisan

650.            Kristin Marina Independent

651.            Kristopher Lee Davis   Democratic Party

652.            Krystal Khali   Nonpartisan

653.            Kurios I            Independent

654.            Kurry John Seymour   Republican Party

655.            Kwame Khary Boyd     Republican Party

656.            Kyle Alexander Sherman         Independent

657.            Kyle DeWick    Independent

658.            Kyle Kenley Kopitke    Independent

659.            Kyle Kennedy  Republican Party

660.            Kyle Wood        Nonpartisan

661.            Lance Brookins            Unaffiliated

662.            Landrus Steven Clark  Nonpartisan

663.            Lanormaya Williams    People Over Politics Party

664.            La'Rasha Washington   Independent

665.            Larry D. Azevedo         Democratic Party

666.            Larry Elder      Republican Party

667.            Larry Johnson Nonpartisan

668.            Larry Vanpool  Nonpartisan

669.            Lars Mapstead Libertarian Party

670.            Lashondra Dionne Winters       Nonpartisan

671.            Laurah Guillen Nonpartisan

672.            Leah Smallwood           Republican Party

673.            Lee Mercer Jr. Democratic Party

674.            Lee Rhodes      Democratic Party

675.            Leslie Ann Mayes         Nonpartisan

676.            Liam Sutman   Republican Party

677.            Liam Thomas Walker   American Independent Party

678.            Lincoln Chambers Adams        Republican Party

679.            Lindsay Kelch  Democratic Party

680.            Lisa Miel Matejka        Independent

681.            Logan Keener  Unaffiliated

682.            Lonnie Wills     Republican Party

683.            Loreal Richey  Nonpartisan

684.            Loren Charles Janosky            American Party

685.            Lori Ann Henriques      Democratic Party

686.            Louis Hook       Federalist Party

687.            Lucy Liao Master         Republican Party

688.            Luis Alberto Lavin       Unaffiliated

689.            Luis Jimenez   Republican Party

690.            Malcolm Alexander-Neal          U.S. Taxpayers Party

691.            Malcolm Tanner           Nonpartisan

692.            Marc Anthony Ramirez            Nonpartisan

693.            Marcia Karen Smith Abrams Almasi    Republican Party

694.            Marc Rosenkrans         People Over Politics Party

695.            Marcus Alexander Branch        Democratic Party

696.            Marcus Eric Byrd         Nonpartisan

697.            Marianne Williamson   Democratic Party

698.            Mario A. Perales           Libertarian Party

699.            Mark Alan Eberwine     Nonpartisan

700.            Mark Bamundo            Unaffiliated

701.            Mark Charles Fitzgerald          Independent

702.            Mark Duane Jacobs     Republican Party

703.            Mark Grauwelman       Republican Party

704.            Mark Plonka    Nonpartisan

705.            Mark Richard Prascak Democratic Party

706.            Mark Robert Marcellini            Nonpartisan

707.            Mark Stewart Greenstein         Democratic Party

708.            Marlaina Whitney Gedes          Nonpartisan

709.            Marte Cooksey Republican Party

710.            Martin Blake    Independent

711.            Martin Foster Robbins Democratic Party

712.            Marty Errin Snider       Nonpartisan

713.            Marty Moss      Republican Party

714.            Mary Clement  Democratic Party

715.            Mary Jo Walters           Independent

716.            Mary Maxwell   Republican Party

717.            Mary Tadeshe  Independent Conservative Democratic Party

718.            Mary Villaverde Morse Republican Party

719.            Mason Vicent Cysewski           Green Party

720.            Mathew Lee Tyler        Independent

721.            Matt Guilland  Unaffiliated

722.            Matthew Austin Imholte          Nonpartisan

723.            Matthew Coe Buchanan           Nonpartisan

724.            Matthew Dolan Independent

725.            Matthew D. Pinnavaia  Nonpartisan

726.            Matthew Duane Rasey Republican Party

727.            Matthew Edward Taylor           Nonpartisan

728.            Matthew Harding         Independent

729.            Matthew Jackson        Unaffiliated

730.            Matthew Joseph Murphy         Republican Party

731.            Matthew Lichtenberger           Independent

732.            Matthew Madsen         Republican Party

733.            Matthew Russell Lanham        Republican Party

734.            Matthew Walter Chandler        Jewish/Christian National Party

735.            Mattie Joy Johnson     Republican Party

736.            Mattie Preston Democratic Party

737.            Maximillian Hill           Independence Party

738.            May Alice Catherine Wells       Independent

739.            Melica Leigh Thayer    American People's Freedom Party

740.            Melinda Daugherty      Nonpartisan

741.            Melissa Biondi Libertarian Party

742.            Melissa Milhorn           Independent

743.            Menelik Dawson           Independent

744.            Michael Alan Vivroux   Republican Party

745.            Michael Anderson        Nonpartisan

746.            Michael Banks Veterans Party of America Party

747.            Michael Bannon           Republican Party

748.            Michael Beirne Nonpartisan

749.            Michael Bickelmeyer   Republican Party

750.            Michael Busa   Unaffiliated

751.            Michael Calabrese        Democratic Party

752.            Michael Carr    Progressive Party

753.            Michael Chad Lemere  Democratic Party

754.            Michael Charles Stoll   Republican Party

755.            Michael Clark  American Independent Conservative Party

756.            Michael Curtis Republican Party

757.            Michael David Anthony            Independent

758.            Michael DeName          American Party

759.            Michael D'Ottavio        Democratic Party

760.            Michael D. Rectenwald            Libertarian Party

761.            Michael D. Swing         Democratic Party

762.            Michael Edward Jorgensen      Independent

763.            Michael Floyd  Other

764.            Michael Gaul    Conservative Party

765.            Michael Harbour          Nonpartisan

766.            Michael Hood   Independent

767.            Michael Huckabee       Republican Party

768.            Michael Ian Vargo        Nonpartisan

769.            Michael Jeffrey Ruoho Republican Party

770.            Michael Jenkins          Nonpartisan

771.            Michael Joseph Pnacek           Independent Conservative Democratic Party

772.            Michael Landingham   Democratic Party

773.            Michael Lemon            Conservative Party

774.            Michael Matthew Gibbons        Republican Party

775.            Michael Morini Nonpartisan

776.            Michael Noonan           Democratic Party

777.            Michael Palmer            Republican Party

778.            Michael Peyto  Republican Party

779.            Michael Pratt   Nonpartisan

780.            Michael Robert Fusco  Nonpartisan

781.            Michael Sigmon           Progressive Party

782.            Michael Snyder            Republican Party

783.            Michael Soetaert         Democratic Party

784.            Michael Steinberg        Democratic Party

785.            Michael Tillinghast      Democratic Party

786.            Michael W. Barbine      Nonpartisan

787.            Michael Wood  Prohibition Party

788.            Michael Zayas  Independent

789.            Michele Lynn Jakubowski        Republican Party

790.            Michelle A. Miser         Independent

791.            Miguel A. Gutierrez      Nonpartisan

792.            Miguel Rosales Nonpartisan

793.            Mike Ledbetter            Republican Party

794.            Mike Martisko  Other

795.            Mike Pence      Republican Party

796.            Mike ter Maat  Libertarian Party

797.            Mikey Lane      Democratic Party

798.            Mitchell Ebata Nonpartisan

799.            Mitch Taebel    The Human Rights Party

800.            Mohammad Kabir        Other

801.            Monica Evette Brinson Republican Party

802.            Monique Laurette Spalding      Republican Party

803.            Morris Thompson         Unaffiliated

804.            Myishola Matthews      Nonpartisan

805.            Mykal Anstrom            Independent

806.            Nada Mawri      Nonpartisan

807.            Nader Akhlaghy           Peace and Freedom Party

808.            Nancy Elizabeth Rodriguez      Democratic Party

809.            Naresh Vissa    Freedom Party

810.            Natasha Jones Nonpartisan

811.            Nathan Douglas Kelly  Republican Party

812.            Nathan J. Vaught Jr.   Libertarian Party

813.            Natia Langston-Valenzuela      Independent

814.            Neil Gillespie   Nonpartisan

815.            Nicholas Biller Nonpartisan

816.            Nicholas Cramer          Nonpartisan

817.            Nicholas Gray  Nonpartisan

818.            Nicholas Joseph Rains Anoai   Republican Party

819.            Nicholas Lance Independent

820.            Nicholas Luppino         Independent

821.            Nicholas Mantanona    Other

822.            Nicholas Parham          Independent

823.            Nicholas Samuel Gonzales       Republican Party

824.            Nick Marks      Nonpartisan

825.            Nicolae Bunea  Democratic Party

826.            Nikki Haley      Republican Party

827.            Nikki Pino        Independent

828.            Nikolette Hastings       Independent

829.            Nita Mildred Rice         Democratic Party

830.            Nnaetoo Chukwu          Independent

831.            Norman Arevalo           Independent

832.            Obioku Bassey Obotette          Republican Party

833.            Omar Jamil Boulos      Nonpartisan

834.            Paij Boring       Republican Party

835.            Pamela M. Pinkney Butts         Other

836.            Pamela Rocker Independent American Party

837.            Patricia Nicklaus         Republican Party

838.            Patrick Beck    Nonpartisan

839.            Patrick Chapman         Nonpartisan

840.            Patrick Darnell Anderson        Nonpartisan

841.            Patrick Dean Johnson Independence Party

842.            Patrick Henry Fourroux           Republican Party

843.            Patrick Riley    Republican Party

844.            Paula Jean Kant          Nonpartisan

845.            Paul Alexander Bravo  Republican Party

846.            Paul Auger       Independent

847.            Paul B. Collingwood     Nonpartisan

848.            Paul Catanese  Independent

849.            Paul Manion     Independent

850.            Paul Manning   Citizens' Party

851.            Paul Matthew Brough  Independence Party

852.            Paul Robert Miller        Republican Party

853.            Pedro J. Velez  Democratic Party

854.            Perry Johnson Republican Party

855.            Perry Jones     Democratic Party

856.            Peter Quaglia   Nonpartisan

857.            Peter Sharma   Nonpartisan

858.            Peter Sonski    Nonpartisan

859.            Philip Cortese  Democratic Party

860.            Phillip Bryan Kleski     Democratic Party

861.            Phillip Drake    Independent

862.            Phillip Emerson           Independent

863.            Pogo Mochello Allen-Reese      Republican Party

864.            President Boddie         Democratic Party

865.            Preston Tyler Struve   Republican Party

866.            Princess Khadijah Maryam Jacob-Fambro       Independent

867.            Quartterrio Morgan      American People's Freedom Party

868.            Rachel Adams Edwards           Nonpartisan

869.            Rachel Hannah Swift   Republican Party

870.            Rafael Jones    Republican Party

871.            Raistlin Osmon            Independent

872.            Ralph Anthony Pelusi  Republican Party

873.            Ralph Robbie Hoffman Democratic Party

874.            Ralph Tingle    Resource Party

875.            Ramon Fernando Ferrer Roig  American Independent Party

876.            Ramon Navarro            Nonpartisan

877.            Ramon William Tripp   Nonpartisan

878.            Randall Terry  Unaffiliated

879.            Randall Wick   Democratic Party

880.            Randy Gerber  Republican Party

881.            Randy Toler     Green Party

882.            Raoul Kennedy            Nonpartisan

883.            Raul Cortina    Independent

884.            Raylon Waits    Republican Party

885.            Raymond Dude Wagner           Libertarian Party

886.            Raymond Fogg Independent

887.            Raymond Lynn Stahle Nonpartisan

888.            Rebecca Anne Knighting         Independent

889.            Rebecca Gail Abair      Republican Party

890.            Reece Wright-McDonald          Republican Party

891.            Regina D. DiSilvestro   Independent

892.            Renzell Givens Nonpartisan

893.            Reponsal Perkins         Democratic Party

894.            Reshard Durdley          Republican Party

895.            Richard Allen Kent      Independent

896.            Richard Blake Rogers  Republican Party

897.            Richard Charles Moncada        Independent

898.            Richard C. Hoefer        Republican Party

899.            Richard C. Mcsorley    Republican Party

900.            Richard Curtiss           Republican Party

901.            Richard Hale Nelson    Democratic Party

902.            Richard James Casey  Nonpartisan

903.            Richard John Walters  Independent

904.            Richard Kale Fitzgerald           Nonpartisan

905.            Richard Lee Matheson Nonpartisan

906.            Richard Montgomery   Nonpartisan

907.            Richard Pennington     Unaffiliated

908.            Richard Todd Lancaster          Republican Party

909.            Rick Chavez     Democratic Party

910.            Rico Cortez Dukes       American Independent Party

911.            Riki Prado        Democratic Party

912.            Rita Feline Williams     Independent

913.            Robert Allen Quigley    Nonpartisan

914.            Robert Allen Weeks Jr.            New Alliance Party

915.            Robert Carlos Ayala     Democratic Party

916.            Robert Chapman          Nonpartisan

917.            Robert Christopher Lester       Independent

918.            Robert Cooke IV          Green Party

919.            Robert Dean Burlison II           Nonpartisan

920.            Robert E. Sansone       Libertarian Party

921.            Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Independent

922.            Robert Francis Lungo  Independent

923.            Robert Humphrey        Independent

924.            Robert Ion Moldafsky  Democratic Party

925.            Robert James Walker  Communist Party

926.            Robert Jordan Democratic Party

927.            Robert Lee       Independent

928.            Robert Lewis Ward       Republican Party

929.            Robert Malone Republican Party

930.            Robert McGee  Republican Party

931.            Robert McMurrer         Independence Party

932.            Robert Michael Becker            Democratic Party

933.            Robert Michael Duncan           Republican Party

934.            Robert Sherwood         Republican Party

935.            Robert Wells    Independent

936.            Robert Wendell Smith  Independent

937.            Robin Mitchell Independent

938.            Rob Thomas Wolterbeek          Independent

939.            Rocky Dean Crawford  Nonpartisan

940.            Rodger Lee Roose        Democratic Party

941.            Rod Mack        Independent

942.            Rodney Eugene Suggs Nonpartisan

943.            Rodney Lee Lammers  Republican Party

944.            Rodolfo Pina Jr.           Nonpartisan

945.            Roelin Lee Davis          Nonpartisan

946.            Roger Lee Hughes        Republican Party

947.            Roger W. Charles         Independent

948.            Roger Welton   American Independent Conservative Party

949.            Roland Kwadwo Dela Agorkle  Democratic Party

950.            Rollan Roberts Republican Party

951.            Romero Awtro Crawford          Independent

952.            Ronald Harrell Independence Party

953.            Ronald Pryce Smith Young      Republican Party

954.            Ronaliseya Renea Stoudemire Independent

955.            Ron DeSantis   Republican Party

956.            Ron S. Bull       Democratic Party

957.            Royce Marie Patton     Nonpartisan

958.            Roy Giessen     Nonpartisan

959.            Russell DeLeon            Libertarian Party

960.            Russell Henry  Republican Party

961.            Russell Smethers         Nonpartisan

962.            Ryan Binkley   Republican Party

963.            Ryan David Novak       Republican Party

964.            Ryan Kocak     Nonpartisan

965.            Ryan Kraft       Democratic Party

966.            Ryan McCarty  Democratic Party

967.            Ryan P. Kirkpatrick     Democratic Party

968.            Ryan Stephen Ehrenreich        Republican Party

969.            Sae Hoon Park Democratic Party

970.            Sahmon Mustafa          Democratic Party

971.            Saint Jermaine Endeley          Democratic Party

972.            Samantha Hendrick     Independent

973.            Sam Dependahl           Unaffiliated

974.            Sammy Garret Independent

975.            Samuel Albert Brown   Independent

976.            Samuel B. Hoff Independent

977.            Samuel D'Amico          Democratic Party

978.            Samuel Levi Hurt         Republican Party

979.            Samuel Lyndell Powell Independent

980.            Sarah Ellen Thompson Republican Party

981.            Sarah Jo Benge            Libertarian Party

982.            Saul Remi Hernandez  Republican Party

983.            Saundra Lou Edgell     Independent

984.            Scott Aiden Gardner    Independent

985.            Scott Alan Ayers          Republican Party

986.            Scott Alan Stratman    Republican Party

987.            Scott Allen Himrod      Nonpartisan

988.            Scott Conroy Palmer    Nonpartisan

989.            Scott Earnest Saunders           American Independent Conservative Party

990.            Scott James Kafka      Nonpartisan

991.            Scott Merrell   Republican Party

992.            Scott Milam Townsend            Republican Party

993.            Scott M. Kaiser            Nonpartisan

994.            Scott Preston Schafer  Republican Party

995.            Scott Wayne Nelson     Independent

996.            Scott Wesley Stauffer  Republican Party

997.            Sean Lyons      Republican Party

998.            Sean McGuire  Democratic Party

999.            Sebastian Stewart        Republican Party

1000.         Selma M. Adamczyk    Independent

1001.         Serrice Holman            Republican Party

1002.         Seth Schechinger        Unaffiliated

1003.         Sexy Vegan      Nonpartisan

1004.         Seymour Art Lee          Libertarian Party

1005.         Shabadjot Bharara       Democratic Party

1006.         Shakeba Lacole Dennis            Nonpartisan

1007.         Shane Aleksander Mohammad Democratic Party

1008.         Shantell Newman         Democratic Party

1009.         Sharon E. Brooks         Independent

1010.         Shaun Savage  Republican Party

1011.         Shawna Lyn Mccallister           Republican Party

1012.         Shawn Asberry Republican Party

1013.         Shawn Waltz    Independent

1014.         Shayne Matthew Robinson       Nonpartisan

1015.         Shear'Ree Shear'Ree   Independent

1016.         Sheila Robinson           Independent

1017.         Sheila Tittle     Independent

1018.         Shelley Faye Holy        Republican Party

1019.         Shiloh Shiloh   American Independent Party

1020.         Shinae Ahn      Democratic Party

1021.         Shiva Ayyadurai           Independent

1022.         Shmuel Goldstein        Republican Party

1023.         Shondra Y. Irving         Independent

1024.         Shontrell Johnson       Republican Party

1025.         Simone Dickson           Nonpartisan

1026.         Skyles Fitzgerald McAuley       Democratic Party

1027.         Sorinne Ardeleanu       Independent

1028.         Souraya Faas   Democratic Party

1029.         Spencer Brandkamp    Nonpartisan

1030.         Stacey Allen Williams  Independent

1031.         Stanley Clint Beatty    Republican Party

1032.         Stanley Waff    Republican Party

1033.         Stefan Lowe     Republican Party

1034.         Steffane Marie Celia Rodriguez           Nonpartisan

1035.         Stephanie Noelle Denny           Republican Party

1036.         Stephen Bradley Comley Sr.    Republican Party

1037.         Stephen Glass  Republican Party

1038.         Stephen Leon  Democratic Party

1039.         Stephen Lukas Barrett            Unaffiliated

1040.         Stephen Lyons Sr.       Democratic Party

1041.         Stephen Paul Murphy  Democratic Party

1042.         Steve Laffey    Republican Party

1043.         Steven D. Kelley          Nonpartisan

1044.         Steven Fleck    Democratic Party

1045.         Steven Hudson Democratic Socialists of America

1046.         Steven Kross   Republican Party

1047.         Steven McIntire Allen  Republican Party

1048.         Steven Roy Parrish      Independent

1049.         Steve St. Peter Nonpartisan

1050.         Stuart Farber   Democratic Party

1051.         Susan Buchser-Lochocki          Republican Party

1052.         Susan Resch    Republican Party

1053.         Susan Smith Harmon   People's Party

1054.         Suzzanna V. Tanner     Independent

1055.         Sykema Powell Democratic Party

1056.         Sylvania Thompson     Independent

1057.         Talalupe Fonzie Vavao Republican Party

1058.         Tamerlane Bey Independence Party

1059.         Tamiko Powell Independent

1060.         Tanya Pearson Independent

1061.         Tara Frost        Nonpartisan

1062.         Taylor Sullivan Unaffiliated

1063.         Ted Snider       Republican Party

1064.         Temperance Lance-Council     Nonpartisan

1065.         Terrance Abraham       Independent

1066.         Terrance James Harvey           Republican Party

1067.         Terrisa Lin Bukovinac Democratic Party

1068.         Terry Wilkerson           Nonpartisan

1069.         Tevin Handford            Liberal Party

1070.         Theodore Milton Earth Fagin   Democratic Party

1071.         Theresa Johnson         Republican Party

1072.         Thomas A. Bentley      Republican Party

1073.         Thomas Coats  Nonpartisan

1074.         Thomas Daly    Democratic Party

1075.         Thomas Edward Burton           Independent

1076.         Thomas Erickson         Nonpartisan

1077.         Thomas Ernest Ross Jr.          Independent

1078.         Thomas Francis Winterbottom Democratic Party

1079.         Thomas Fuller Nonpartisan

1080.         Thomas James Kidd    Independent

1081.         Thomas Salzillo James            Nonpartisan

1082.         Thomas Sheppard        Republican Party

1083.         Tiffany Gayle Keller     Democratic Party

1084.         Tiffany Shawn Ford     Independent

1085.         Timothy Bax    Nonpartisan

1086.         Timothy Charles Kalemkarian Republican Party

1087.         Timothy Harrington Nordyke   Nonpartisan

1088.         Timothy Joseph Cyr    Independent

1089.         Timothy Michael Villari           Republican Party

1090.         Timothy Neil Rushing  Constitutional Party

1091.         Timothy Paul Jackson Jr.        American Independent Conservative Party

1092.         Timothy Rachal           Republican Party

1093.         Timothy R. Millus        Independent

1094.         Timothy St. Clair         Nonpartisan

1095.         Tim Scott        Republican Party

1096.         Tina Jayne Hahn         Republican Party

1097.         Tina Rose        Independent

1098.         TJ Elgin           Independent

1099.         TJ Wallace       Republican Party

1100.         Toby Martini    Independent

1101.         Todd J. Ashcraft          Democratic Party

1102.         Tommie Lee Allen IV   Nonpartisan

1103.         Tonya Michelle Jennings         Nonpartisan

1104.         Tony Jones      Reform Party

1105.         Tony Zorc        Independent

1106.         Traci Ann Sandrick      Republican Party

1107.         Travis Keith Lang        Republican Party

1108.         Trenita Walker Democratic Party

1109.         Trime Clover Taveler   Libertarian Party

1110.         Trista di Genova          Democratic Party

1111.         Troy Lamont    Independent

1112.         Turok Jones    Unaffiliated

1113.         Tyler Gray       Green Party

1114.         Tyler J. Little  American Independent Party

1115.         Tyler Rathbun Unaffiliated

1116.         Tyrone Jamison           Republican Party

1117.         Ulrich Neujahr Democratic Party

1118.         Valentine Vidal            Democratic Party

1119.         Valerie Coleman          Republican Party

1120.         Valerie Liane Carlton   American Independent Party

1121.         Valma Kitt Paul           Republican Party

1122.         Vanderelmo James Acevedo Diaz        Nonpartisan

1123.         Vanessa S. McCarron   Nonpartisan

1124.         Van Kent         Independent

1125.         Victoria Dawn Zieg      Democratic Party

1126.         Victor Oswald Robinson Jr.     Republican Party

1127.         Vincent Cordova          Independent

1128.         Vincent Wallace           American Independent Conservative Party

1129.         Vinny Randazzo           Unaffiliated

1130.         Vivek Ramaswamy       Republican Party

1131.         Wallace James Littrell Republican Party

1132.         Walter Douglas Clapp  Republican Party

1133.         Wanda Odom   Republican Party

1134.         Washington Blask        Republican Party

1135.         Wayne J. Villines         Democratic Party

1136.         Wayne Pope     Democratic Party

1137.         Wenona Gardner          Independent

1138.         Wesley Todd Inselman Independent

1139.         Whitney Medearis        Democratic Party

1140.         William Anderson Beauford     Republican Party

1141.         William Anthony Fera  Communist Party

1142.         William Anthony Masone         Republican Party

1143.         William Ashburn          Nonpartisan

1144.         William Cody Nalbach  Nonpartisan

1145.         William Farms  Republican Party

1146.         William Gailey  Democratic Party

1147.         William G. Jackson      Independent

1148.         William Hurd    Republican Party

1149.         William Lambert          Nonpartisan

1150.         William Marsters          Independent

1151.         William P. Stodden      Socialist Party

1152.         William Robert Connors           Nonpartisan

1153.         William Wallace           Independent

1154.         Willie Carter    Democratic Party

1155.         Willita Bush-Boyd        Independent

1156.         Wilson Jack     Nonpartisan

1157.         Wisdom Zerit Teklay    Nonpartisan

1158.         Wyatt Endres   Independent

1159.         Yehanna Joan Malone  Republican Party

1160.         Zachariah Bertrom Mountain   Nonpartisan

1161.         Zachary Krueger          Nonpartisan

1162.         Zachary Michael Burell            Unaffiliated

1163.         Zachary Parker            American Independent Party

1164.         Zane Baize       Unaffiliated



Ballotpedia “List of registered 2024 presidential candidates”,_2024

About the Source

The official website of this organization describes Ballotpedia as nonprofit educational entity unaffiliated with “any campaigns or candidates for office”; a “digital encyclopedia of American politics” and a “resource for unbiased information on elections, politics, and policy.” Ballotpedia has an office in the State of Wisconsin most of its staff working “from home offices across the United States.”

Its database contains “452,341 encyclopedic articles,” “curated content on all levels of U.S. politics that is relevant, reliable, and available for all.” Ballotpedia “offers daily, weekly, and monthly email newsletters on a variety of specialized topics.”

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
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