Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ignored Worth Mentioning Platform Planks of Contenders

Published Concerns of Four Libertarian Candidates
2024 US Presidential Platform excerpts


End Wars, Support Peace

My entire adult life our nation has been at war somewhere in the world. I have friends and loved ones who have served, and come home with the visible and invisible scars of combat.

I’ve seen them mourn their brothers and sisters who didn’t come home. I meet more and more anti-war veterans every day, and they know more than anyone about the cost of war.

It is time we focus our foreign policy on Peace.

We should end our policy of sending drones around the world; and instead, foster international goodwill by defending free trade and free markets. Our nation has long had the moniker ‘leader of the free world.’ It is time we earn that distinction by insisting that Peace is the way forward.

End the wars. End the drones. End the policy of constant intervention. It’s easy to drop a bomb; it is much harder to serve as a beacon of Peace. We must take the more difficult but necessary path.

Close all overseas bases and immediately return active-duty personnel to domestic bases. The cost savings of doing so will be used as a one-time contribution to discharge the interest on currently outstanding Federally guaranteed student loans.

End aid being directed to nation-states currently at war. This includes Israel and Ukraine. While we offer moral support to our friends currently engaged with the enemy, we should not be contributing to extending the fight.

With this said, I recognize that there are aggressors and victims in war. I would allow private parties, including defense contractors, to voluntarily contribute funds and sell weapons to our friends without fear of violating any Federal laws.

If asked to act as a mediator, I would more than happily allow America to act as a mediator in negotiating a peace that ends the conflict without rewarding aggressing parties for bad behavior.

CHASE OLIVER: Tennessee native, Georgia resident. Former Fundraising Director, Outright USA; Chair, Libertarian Party of Atlanta, 2016-2017

Vote Smart
Candidate’s website

Also listed on this FEC-Registered Candidate’s Platform

  • Create a thriving economy
  • Respect individual choice on tough issues
  • Empower parents and students in education
  • End the student debt crisis to assist in individual financial and retirement security
  • Champion gun rights for all
  • Lower the cost of healthcare through market and innovation
  • Restore prosperity by reducing inflation


… [M]y stance is one of cautious pragmatism.

It emphasizes diplomacy, multilateral cooperation, and the support of international institutions as the primary means of promoting democratic values and human rights, globally.

I advocate for a foreign policy that is not only informed by past lessons but also guided by a commitment to international peace, stability and respect for the sovereignty of nations.

Our goal should always be to support the conditions in which democracy can flourish, organically, rather than through imposed solutions, military action, and endless financial aid. However, these views… do not abdicate our responsibility to protect our homeland—the priority of our military efforts.

CHARLES BALLAY MD, Otolaryngologist, West Jefferson Medical Center (2007-present): Louisiana native Statement #2 on Military and Foreign Interventions updated: March 2024


Further notes on issues listed (excerpt)

DEBT: Implement a determined, multi-year initiative to drastically cut the National debt. For the economic future of coming generations, this action is non-negotiable; Fiscal Responsibility Amendment: Champion a Constitutional Amendment mandating fiscal responsibility, ensuring sustained economic health, and preventing irresponsible financial practices in the future. Expenditure Accountability: Take swift action to terminate inefficiencies and waste in federal spending. Dispense with duplicity, redundancy, and unnecessary outlays. The government’s duty is to serve and protect its citizens, not to engage in social engineering.

EDUCATION: Refocus the Department of Education on essential skills. Our youth should be prepared for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Endorse a variety of educational paths. Encourage international educational experiences to produce citizens familiar with global cultures. Promote understanding through immersion.

HEALTH AND WELLBEING: Eliminate fraud: Encourage whistleblower protections and incentivize private-sector solutions to detect and eliminate fraud; Promote transparency in pricing, allowing consumers to make informed decisions; Shift focus to preventative health and wellness, recognizing the long-term benefits of a healthy population; Streamline FDA processes to ensure safety while promoting rapid innovation and patient access.

IMMIGRATION: Harmonized Immigration advocating … an efficient, streamlined, and merit-based immigration system, while ensuring national security; simplify visa procedures, focusing on economic benefits and cultural exchanges. Offer a clear, streamlined path to citizenship for immigrants who contribute positively to the nation.

DEMOCRACY Reaffirmed: Restoration of Public Faith: Advocate for term limits at all levels of federal governance, reducing career politicians and promoting fresh perspectives. https://www.ballay2024.com/issues


NATO is a Cold War dinosaur that should have been dismantled at the end of the Cold War.

Instead, the Pentagon has used NATO to reignite its Cold War against Russia, to ensure ever-increasing budgets for the national-security establishment and its army of voracious ‘defense’ contractors who feed at the public trough.

We need to immediately withdraw from NATO and terminate all foreign aid to Ukraine (and every other regime). Our lives, liberty, and well-being depend on it.

The sixty-year-old economic embargo against the Cuban people is another good example of this evil and immoral Republican-Democratic policy.

JACOB GEORGE HORNBERGER, JR.: Texas native, resident of Virginia; veteran US military; practicing attorney, college professor, author, foundation founding president; authorship: Economic Liberty and the Constitution; My Passion for Liberty; The CIA, Terrorism, and the Cold War: The Evil of the National Security State (https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/biography/50952/jacob-hornberger-jr)

Further notes on issues listed (excerpt)

Restore the Republic: Our limited-government republic entailed a relatively small, basic military force and no Pentagon, military-industrial complex, CIA, or NSA. Our American ancestors were fiercely opposed to standing armies because they knew that standing armies, not foreign regimes, were the greatest threat to their freedom and well-being.…

Republicans and Democrats …, [b]y converting the federal government into a national-security state (and) vesting the federal government with omnipotent, totalitarian-like powers— including powers of assassination, torture, mass secret surveillance, and indefinite detention for both foreign and US nationals— … have destroyed (Americans’) rights and liberties.

Democrats and Republicans did not seek or secure a constitutional amendment that authorized the abandonment of a limited-government republic and the conversion to a national-security state. That means that the national-security state is illegitimate under our form of constitutional government.

Democrats and Republican say that the national-security state keeps us safe (when) it is actually the exact opposite.

Through its foreign policy of interventionism, invasions, wars of aggression, occupations, foreign aid, alliances with dictatorial regimes, crises, and coups, the national-security state makes us less safe, especially through terrorist blowback and retaliation.

As our American ancestors clearly understood, a national-security state is the biggest threat to our freedom and well-being.

The restoration of our rights and liberties necessarily depends on the dismantling of the national-security state form of government and the restoration of our founding governmental system of a limited government republic and a small, basic military force. https://www.jacobforliberty.com/positions/
  • No nuclear war
  • End all sanctions and embargoes
  • Repeal drug laws
  • Abolish income taxation and the irs
  • Abolish the CIA
  • Abolish the FBI
  • Abolish the NSA
  • End foreign interventionism
  • End the war on terrorism
  • Issue pardons
  • Protect the environment
  • End economic regulations https://www.jacobforlierty.com/positions/



UNRIG OUR ELECTIONS: the two-party dominance means the same old politicians, year after year, and an election system rigged in their favor. The Voters Bill of Rights empowers anyone to run for office, removes barriers to access, and secures our nation’s elections.

“UNRIG THE ECONOMY: Corporations and banks get bailed out while the price of … basic needs goes up.”

UNRIG HEALTHCARE: Insurance companies and politicians take money, while the quality of human care goes down. It’s time to empower everyone to choose their own healthcare, enforce existing transparency laws, and remove regulations hampering the next generation of doctors.

UNRIG CRIMINAL JUSTICE: We have a two-tier justice system that targets victimless crimes while the wealthy get away with (crime). Let’s end the failed federal drug war, eliminate qualified immunity, and bring fairness back to federal courts.

UNRIG GOVERNMENT: (American) politicians have forgotten who they serve. It is time to pass term limits, enforce insider trading bans, and empower (the citizenry) to fight back against corporate money in politics. https://www.lars24.com/unrig

LARS MAPSTEAD: California native, technology entrepreneur and marketing executive


MY Nagging Thought

The qualifications for the Presidency of the United States of America (Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution) are in effect far fewer than would be required of a house plumber, maid, painter, or construction worker.
  • Natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Age 35 or older
  • US residency of no fewer than 14 years
For such a seriously demanding position open to easy abuse by unprincipled men and women—a position with such enormous reach affecting so many lives, entities and provinces (domestic and global)—more in strict qualifications should be required for fielding, candidacy, election, and seating in the position of US Presidency. The current three invite abuse and as such are themselves almost criminal.

Politics and Election Databases
Politics1 “P2024: The 2024 Presidential Candidates,” https://www.politics1.com/p2024.htm
Ballotpedia “List of registered 2024 presidential candidates,” https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_candidates,_2024

Composition, Compilation Commentary excluding quoted material and individual images
Copyright © Carolyn LaDelle Bennett
Author’s links: https://www.xlibris.com/en/search?query=Carolyn+LaDelle+Bennett


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