Saturday, October 12, 2024

Humanista Feminista United Mexican States’ ERA of “TRANSFORMATION”

Women Leaders
Presidential / Mayoral 
North America South 
(speech excerpts) 

… “Long live the Fourth Transformation!” … its main principles (excerpted): ♦ “For there to be prosperity, it must be shared… for the good of all, the poor must come first”; ♦ “There can be no rich government with poor people…” ♦ “We, the leaders, must be honest”; ♦ “… [G]overnment of by and for the people (means) … ‘With the people everything, without the people nothing’;” ♦ “Fraternity means seeing each other as equals.”



(B.S., M.S., PhD) Mexico City-born author, academic, scientist, public official (positions held) 2000-2006 Mexico City Secretary of the Environment; 2015- 2017 Mayor of Tlalpan; 2018-2023 Mayor of North America’s most populous city and Mexico’s capital and largest city Mexico City; October 1, 2024-present Presidenta of the United Mexican States (Mexico) ♦ (news and general ref sources)


“I will govern for all. … I will place my knowledge, my strength, my history, and my very life at the service of the people and the country. I am certain that together we will consolidate a Mexico that is more prosperous, free, democratic, sovereign, and just. … I will not let you down.… I call on you to continue making history,” Sheinbaum said.
“… [T]he second stage begins, the second floor of the Fourth Transformation of Mexico’s public life…. [A]fter 200 years of the Republic and 300 years of the Colony—because prior to that we have no clear records, that is, after at least 503 years—for the first time, we women have arrived to lead the destinies of our beautiful nation.… [F]or the good of Mexico, for everyone, we will continue with Mexican Humanism, with the Fourth Transformation. … [W]e know that women participated in the great feats of Mexico’s history from different fronts. We also know that women can be Presidents. With that, I respectfully invite everyone to say Presidenta with an ‘a’ at the end, just like abogada [lawyer], científica [scientist], soldada [soldier], bombera [firefighter], doctora [doctor], maestra [teacher], ingeniera [engineer] with an ‘A,’ because as we have been taught, only what is named exists. … [I]t is time for transformation, and it is time for women.…”
“In our government we will guarantee … freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of mobilization.… Human rights will be respected, and we will never use the force of the State to repress the people…. Our foreign policy will follow the constitutional principles of self-determination of peoples, non-intervention and the peaceful settlement of disputes.”

Inaugurated Mayor of Mexico City

“In her first speech as Head of Government of Mexico City, Clara Brugada Molina (sworn in on October 5 as the second popularly-elected female leader of the national capital) “pledged to work with (incumbent Presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo) in ‘building the second story of the transformation.’” 
MEXICO CITY-BORN CLARA MARINA BRUGADA MOLINA economist, activist, public official who, between college graduation (1985) and public office, was advisor to DECA Equipo Pueblo (Desarrollo, Educación Y Cultura Autogestionarios Equipo Pueblo A.C. / Development, Education and Culture Self-Management Equipo Pueblo A.C.) promoting citizen diplomacy and human rights with an emphasis on economic, social, cultural and environmental rights (ESCER) and a rights-based approach to development; encouraging debate, discussion, research and proposals regarding social and economic development, justice; citizen participation; incidents and issues at local, national, regional and international levels.
Public Office:1995 Iztapalapa Borough councilor; 1997-2000 Member of the Congress of the Union for Mexico City’s 22nd district; 2000-2003 Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District for the 29th District; 2003-2006 Member of the Congress of the Union for Mexico City’s 25th district; 2009-2012 Delegational Head of Iztapalapa (Borough); 2016-2017 Member of the Constituent Assembly of Mexico City; 2018-2023 Mayor of Iztapalapa; 2024 (October 5 – present) Incumbent Head of Government of Mexico City

Sources (news and general ref)

American Rhetoric database: Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo “Inauguration Address at the Presidential Swearing-In Ceremony” delivered October 1, 2024, Legislative Palace of San Lázaro, Mexico City, Mexico [Professionally transcribed/interpreted by a human Spanish/English language expert]

Legislative Palace of San Lázaro Mexico City Mexico October 1 2024 Text Note: English interpretation via a professional service. Supplementary work and editorial oversight by Michael E. Eidenmuller. Page Updated: 10/10/24

Mexico City Daily “Clara Brugada sworn in as mayor of Mexico City” MND Staff, October 7, 2024,

Mexico News Daily is Mexico’s English-language newspaper owned by CEO Travis Bembenek, a USA citizen, non native of Mexico (there since 1996)


PROLIFIC SOUTHERN-BORN AMERICAN WRITER DR. CAROLYN LADELLE BENNETT focuses on People, Press, Politics USA; Domestic and Foreign Affairs (no copyright claimed in direct quotes and individual image)
Latest book: Are There No Champions? Yes and No
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Humanista Feminista United Mexican States’ ERA of “TRANSFORMATION”

Women Leaders Presidential / Mayoral  Inaugurations  North America South  (speech excerpts)  … “Long live the Fourth Transformation!” … its ...